Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Torn

I read today that Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds are set to star together in a new movie. I think they would be great together in a movie and so I read on wondering what the plot would be. Then I saw it. It is a switch movie. I hate those kinds of movies. From Vice-Versa to Freaky Friday to anything that involves any kind of switch like that, I am not a fan. The plot is that one is a responsible family man and the other is a lazy man child. I might, might be willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for $1 on DVD, but no matter how much I like the two of them I am scared that if I even give my one dollar that this will produce what I like to call the Switch orgasm. At about the time Vice-Versa was made there were five or six movies made at the same time that basically dealt with the same issue. From Big to the one that had Dudley Moore and Kirk Cameron to actors who played twins and then concluded with Multiplicity where Micheal Keaton played 16 versions of himself. It was just never ending. The Switch orgasm wasn't as bad as the volcano and meteor hitting the world movies that followed a few years later but it was close.


  1. I am guessing Bateman is the family man?

  2. Hey, Multiplicity is an awesome comedy and Michael Keaton was fanfreakingtastic! "She touched my pepe." The hubby and I usually watch it every couple of years.

    However, I don't think I would pay money to see anything starring Ryan Reynolds or Jason Bateman. Just sayin'.

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Weren't we done with these switcheroo plots back in the 80s with dreck like 18 Again? Apparently Lost Highway wasn't that bad enough of an eyesore, and bad David Lynch for me is still watchable.

  4. I'm with Tara, Enty... Multiplicity doesn't belong on that list

  5. I really liked the Steve Martin one where he had a woman sharing his body - god why can't I remember the name??

  6. I think Switch movies can be really good, depending on the actors and how well they can pick up on the other actor's mannerisms, etc. Face/Off anyone? John Travolta and Nicholas Cage were so good at playing the other it was freaky. And speaking of Freaky...Freaky Friday - Lindsay Lohan was meh as always but Jamie Lee Curtis was awesome playing Lindsay Lohan *L*

    With these two, I'm not sure. They're both kind of twitchy, aren't they?

  7. Rocket Queen -- wasn't that All of Me?

  8. Oh...don't think Big should be on that list.

  9. Yes Cindy! Thank you :). Loved that movie and most vintage Steve Martin, for that matter

  10. Multiplicity is an awesome movie!

  11. Who cares...Ryan Reynolds is hot...hopefully he will be topless or make even naked...that would be awesome.

  12. I loved Deep Impact. I have to watch it every time it comes on TBS!

  13. agreed. multiplicity was a GREAT movie (we even quote it at times!) and of course all of me-- wasn't that lily tomlin? sorry, but you can't beat that pairing.
    and big won awards didn't it?
    but enty is right, this happens every few years. most are harmless, but that dudley moore/kirk cameron thing was just horrible!
    geez, i watched an "8 simple rules..." re-run last night where the entire family did a whole switch. it was actually kind of cute.
    sure i'll see this when it comes out on cable or netflix. i like both of them.

  14. Just Kick Ryan Reynolds off & put his ole buddy Nathan Fillion in his place problem solved-FACE!

  15. @B626 you, my friend are a genius! Fillion and Bateman. I'm totally in. I am confused by the "ole buddy Nathan Fillion" comment though. Did I miss Nathan/Ryan issues?

  16. I mostly hate Switch movies, but I loved 'Switch.' Ellen Barkin was so beautiful before she was replaced by that plastic robot thing.
