Monday, March 15, 2010

" I Love Johnny" - Rielle Hunter Speaks

I don't know what I expected when I read this interview from GQ. I guess I expected some kind of hippie shrew. What I got instead was someone, well, I am not sure what to say other than odd. She seems strange. Like maybe she has not grown up. I'm not sure.

The interviewer is obviously someone who is on Rielle's side so it comes from there. The reporter spent the night at the house with Rielle and her daughter Quinn. I thought everything was fine until I saw her start calling John Edwards "Johnny." That seemed a little off. Then she said she didn't speak before John spoke because she didn't want to emasculate him which is what is wrong with all relationships today.
"I feel comfortable talking now, because Johnny went public and made a statement admitting paternity. I didn't feel like I could ever speak until he did that. Because had I spoken, I would have emasculated him. And I could not emasculate him. Also, it is not my desire to teach my daughter that when Mommy's upset with Daddy, you take matters into your own hands and fix Daddy's mistakes. Which I view as one of the biggest problems in all female-and-male relationships."It goes on for ten pages, so you need to set aside some time, but after reading it, maybe you will come to a different conclusion and think she is fine, but to me, she seems odd. Oh, and why is she posing on her kid's bed like that? All kinds of wrong. And if it isn't her kids bed, then posing with all her daughter's stuffed animals like that is still wrong.


  1. Um, OK. I'll take relationship advice from someone who had an affair with a married man and knew he was married, not.

  2. No thanks. Don't care to read the article. Snippets I saw already make her sound stupid, thoughtless and bizarre. That pantless picture with Dora, Barney, Kermit and a unicorn seal it. She appeared much smarter before she opened her mouth.

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Call me a prude, but I'm a little bothered by the baby girl in the photo with Mom's shirt pulled up to show her navel and the strings on her sweats untied. If you're going for sexy, the baby really doesn't belong in the shot.

  4. whore in sheep's clothing.

  5. Above posts say it all.
    I will add -
    She's just dickmatized.

  6. Yeah, something is just not right with these pictures. I cringed at the one where she is on the kid's bed with no pants on. That is just all kinds of wrong *L*

  7. These are the most unflattering, unsexy "suggestive" photos I've ever seen. Yes, "odd" is the right word.

  8. The vibe I get from her is a predator on the hunt for a rich and powerful man. She probably feels like she won the lottery by getting pregnant and having his kid.

  9. Creepy, creepy woman.

  10. These are creepy pictures. You can't make yourself sexy and include your child and their toys. Ick.


  12. Should've kept your mouth shut, Rielle...'cause you're a Rielle idiot...

  13. Totally inappropriate photos with her child and in her child's room. I suppose a reality show is next.

  14. Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it. Dumb whore.

  15. I agree with all of the above posts. Just have to add ick, nast, to them.

  16. Ohhhh, I forgot about the ick, nast!

  17. Everything I have ever read about her or heard quoted from her makes her sound 'off,' weird, and disconnected from reality.

    In a strange way, I suspect that she and JE are uniquely well-suited for each other.

    It still disturbs me that both women seem to work so hard to shield Johnny from the consequences of what little Johnny has done.

  18. A woman, a woman; your (political) career for that woman. And it wasn't even worth it...was she, Edwards?

  19. I had forgotten about it too, but shes brining ick nast back!

  20. Wow. Living in her own head, I guess.

    "In a strange way, I suspect that she and JE are uniquely well-suited for each other." -couldn't have said it better myself, Dianne.

  21. All I can think of is:



  22. She also shows how classy she is by taking shots at Elizabeth Edwards-his WIFE, and blaming her. Pathetic. Her and JOHNNY deserve each other.

  23. Wow! 2 words - delusional doormat

  24. She's obviously a very strange woman - why the hell is her first interview in GQ?!?! GQ?!? Who does that? She doesn't look very attractive - for the reasons eloquently written by my fellow postees...these pictures have a very sick vibe to them.

    What is screaming out to me is WTF John Edwards! This is the woman you're cheating on your wife and throwing your whole career over for? She sounds like an idiot, and he's obviously an idiot too. I just don't get it - these men don't seem to see that your other woman should be a STEP UP, not several notches DOWN. Not that I advocate adultery.

  25. I may not make any friends with this post, and I don't like the photo shoot, but... I had an affair with a married man and felt the same unexplainable energy and magnetic attraction that she describes. Actually, I never liked her, but after reading the article, it makes me remember that you can't judge unless you have walked in their shoes. FYI - the married man is now divorced and we are together.

  26. Yes, instead let's teach our daughters it is perfectly okay to sleep with married men. Excellent parenting.

  27. Actually, his given name is Johnny. Shortened to John to sound like a grown up.

  28. Audrey, great, I'm happy for you. I do hope your man doesn't cheat again. But, if he does, I'm sure you will understand the "magnetic attraction" between him and his new mistress. Right?

  29. I think the whole bunch is whacked. I watched the interviews with the man and wife who kept the secrets and IMO they're strange too.

    Married or not, gay or not, politics makes for some strange bedfellows.

    If these two nuts love each other, let 'em have at it, but she needs to leave the baby and baby toys out of it. Those pictures are horrible.

  30. I hate when women past their prime still want to look like sexy little girls.

    I think that little girl is going to be emotionally abused down the road when she starts to develop into a young women. The ond "nobody can be prettier than mommy" mind fuck. And "Johnny" will be way out of the picture by then. Other then a check that is.

    Other articles have commented how slightly off mentally Rielle is. Hell Rielle isn't even her real name!

  31. I don't understand what she is going for with these photos. Like everyone else said, they are wrong on so many levels. Pantsless with Kermit??? Why?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. very well said Jax.

  34. Can anyone say plastic surgery? She looks 100 times better than she did when she first burst on the scene. `Elizabeth may not be a saint, but she doesn't deserve this.

    I wonder if Johnny will marry her before the body is cold?

  35. I absolutely LOVE it that John Edwards will be paying, literally and figuratively, for this bit of idiocy for the rest of his life. This delicate flower has only just begun with the crazy, guaranteed.

    Karma bites another one in the ass! Ha!

  36. i also agree with what everyone is saying. Doesn't she look like Debbie Gibson in the stuffed animal pic? weird is letting this woman off easy. Heartless is what I think. To know someone is married, to know his wife has cancer...yet sleep with him? Let alone not use birth control? I wouldn't say "whore" I would say PIG

  37. Audrey, just remember: when a man marries his mistress, he creates a job opening.

    And why does she feel it necessary to pose with no pants on? Yuck.

  38. what's wrong with calling him johnny she did have a sexual relationship with him....
    I don't see anything wierd with posing with toys....

    The photos seem chaste.

  39. Audrey, I am going to say this the nicest way possible, because your pride is a little disgusting.

    Old Dogs always need new tricks.

    At the age of 16 I caught my Dad having an affair. Mom and Dad went to counseling and stayed together. At 21, I caught him again. More counseling, and they stayed together. At 24, I caught him again having an affair, and I never told my Mom. They will be married 40 years in December.

    You might want to reconsider.

  40. I never thought I'd say this, but compared with Rielle Hunter, Sienna Miller seems pristine, tasteful and extremely bright.

  41. This woman seems like a straight up nut and she kind of does a piss poor job at clearing her name. Also, I mean, I don't presume to know what makes someone else's marriage tick but, even if Elizabeth knew and even if she is a shrew, at least show respect to the mother of your Johnny's (ick) children by keeping your trap shut. Now I need to read Story of My Life to see how McInerney saw her in the 80s.

  42. Andrew Young certainly made a lot of outrageously stupid decisions, but I'll take his word over Rielle Hunter and John Edwards' any day. "The Politician" was fascinating in a I-can't-look-away-from-this-trainwreck sort of way.
    This woman is nuts, and John Edwards is an idiot.

  43. Definitely ick, nast!

  44. Rielle is delusional - in the interview she claims she never stalked/acted as a predator/hit on John and then in her own recall of the story, confirms every detail of the first meeting given by others (she made the approach; she flirted via his advance men, and then directly with 'Johnny' - first words out of her mouth were 'you are so hot.') I'm indifferent to two people screwing or having affairs, but she's just such a liar - to herself - that it's a little startling. She also maintains that essentially women should be subservient to men, and that Johnny is not a flirt but rather one who has women stepping to him because he makes eye contact. I hope that keeps her warm at night - there are stories all over Gawker and every North Carolina paper or blog of record showing him hitting on everything in a skirt in the bars of Charlotte, Bald Island, etc.

    Elizabeth Edwards may be no saint - she may be a deeply nasty woman, I don't know - but goddamn, Rielle is cruel. She may be nuts, but she's seriously evil-nuts. No way was she not trying to get pregnant - coke 'ho from the '80s by her own admission has never had a pregnancy, thought she couldn't get pregnant but voila, baby at 42? No way, no day.

    Love that she's apparently now crying about how she didn't know the photos would look...posing sans pants, in a men's shirt and wearing a PEARL NECKLACE. Most elegant, Lisa Jo Druck!

  45. Lauren: you poor thing. Sounds awful. But what on earth was happening that your father's cheating kept getting caught by you? Was he flaunting it in front of you? Very odd and upsetting for you.

    Audrey: I can't better what the other posters have said, but I agree with them all. I think their restraint has been admirable.

  46. Lollydarling-

    I was always just a nosey kid. Now, I am a nosey adult. Oh, and my dad always leaves his email open.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Lol @ cupcakewalker! I hadn't even noticed that pearl necklace. It really says it all, doesn't it?

  49. bits of moxy said:

    I will add -
    She's just dickmatized.

    Ha haaaa, that cracked me up!

    *gotta remember to use the word "dickmatized" more frequently*

  50. All I can think is that there's some Mean Girl-ish type of reasoning in her sick, twisted mind for posing among the child's stuffed animals. Like, they have some sentimental value or secret value between her and John and are meant to send him a message -- maybe they're the only things John bought directly himself, put his hands on? Same with the pearl necklace? Something tells me it has nothing to do with the child. It's something sick and weird and totally wrapped up in Rielle and John (and maybe even in Elizabeth somehow, who the hell knows).

  51. Again, the whore is made out to be the victim and to be in "love with Johnny". Bitch please. Hope you put that money you are making from these photos and the photos you will be eventually doing for Playboy-oh honey, do not clutch your pearls, we all know where you are headed-into a nice safe place because the clock is ticking on your pathetic fame game. To attack the wife, the mother of his children and the breast cancer sufferer, girl, your mama must not have raised you right and reminded you that God does not like ugly.
    As for the come hither look with the toys, just shows how sad you are-even Dora is giving you a bitch please side eye.

  52. @Apple - "past her prime"? WHO the Hell are *YOU* to determine what her prime is, you unwashed piece of dick cheese? YOU are what is wrong with female/male relations today - casting ALL the blame on the woman. May you rot in Hades.

  53. Nothing says class like a pearl necklace. Hopefully it wasn't compliments of Johnny.

  54. Now she's crying to Barbara Walters about how disgusting the pictures are and she trusted the photographer and didn't know how the pictures were going to look. After reading what she has to say I think maybe the bitch was too stupid to realize she didn't have any pants on.

  55. Fuck you John Edwards. I agree with all the above posts and frankly, she's too good for him.
