Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Can Feel My Brain Cells Returning - The Hills Is Ending

After what seems like 15 years, but is probably closer to 40, The Hills is ending. It is the last shred of what was Laguna Beach. Oh wait. Is that damn Whitney Port show still on the air? OK, well as soon as that show is over then the last shred of Laguna Beach will be gone. Removed from our lives forever. The 6th season of The Hills which premieres at the end of April will be the last. The end. May they all go back to doing nothing and just making club appearances for cash. No more television. Perhaps MTV will choose to fill the void with some kind of weekly music documentary like Behind The Music or something which gives tribute to it's musical roots.

Oh, who am I kidding. The space formerly allotted to The Hills will be more of I'm 16 And Pregnant, followed by the sequel, I'm 17 And Pregnant Again, followed by a very special, I'm 14, But My Sister Got On Television For Being Pregnant, So Now I Am.

That is all a few months off though. Today the air smells a little fresher and the birds are singing a little louder. The Hills is over.


  1. LC looks FIERCE in that pic. Can't stand her, but I WANT that outfit. Badly.

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Do we dare hope that Heidi and Spencer will fade into oblivion?

  3. I can proudly say I have never watch an episode of this 'reality' show

  4. Look how awkward Heidi looks in that picture - her feet positioning is so unpolished. She's come a long, plastic way, baby.

  5. 6TH season?! I didn't know that it had gone that far...

  6. now we can forget about ceiling eyes!

  7. Count me in as someone who can honestly say that she hasn't watched a single episode. And this is from someone who is a self-professed reality show junky (heck I'm even watching RuPaul's Drag Show).

  8. Other than watching all three seasons of Laguna Beach when I had the flu, I've never watched any of the Hills and I am probbaly better off for it.

  9. chucky-baby i'm with you...never watched, never will

  10. HA! this coming from a guy who posts about all that Real Housewives nonsense and Bachelor BS? nice try, Enty. lol.

  11. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I am not happy about this. My Kiddo is one of the MTV After Show friends. This might mean less time on the couch dissing Spencer.

  12. who's your kid ,kelly?? i so hope it's the gay dude that reminds me of MK from

  13. I've never seen an episode of any reality show, unless you count American Idol which I have watched sporadically. But I think that's a variety show, isn't it?

    Anyway I agree with Enty, those "I'm Pregnant" tv shows are probably only encouraging idiotic teens to get pregnant. MTV and VH1 are as to the collective mentality of today's youth as coal-fired energy plants are to air quality.

  14. i'm not calling you a liar, RJ, but i find it hard to believe you haven't seen any reality shows in 2010. virtually impossible unless you only watch cartoons or are a JW.

  15. I swear I haven't. Not a single episode of even one of them. I DVR lots of movies and Craig Ferguson, and I'm not home much on Thursday nights so I DVR the NBC comedies. I watch all the stuff I record while all that reality crap is on. I just let Joel McHale keep me informed via "The Soup." I really don't feel I'm missing anything.

  16. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hey Jax, Nope.Kiddo is a she. They're coming off hiatus in April, so I'll give you a nudge over on your blog when she is on and you can guess which one.

    Which of the gay guys reminds you of MK? There are about 5 of them. David Robert, maybe? He co-hosted when Dan was away. He's a hoot.

    There are quite a few After Show friends in total and they shuffle them around. They had auditions in late February for new ones, so we'll see some new faces soon.

    Kiddo is doing her bit for another reality show alumni soon. On April 6th Jessica Biffy, finalist of Project Runway Season 2, is launching a new line here in Canada. Kiddo isn't into the whole modeling thing, but she's agreed to walk for this one, as she likes how Jessica handled herself when that one biatch was so bitchy during Season 2.

  17. we so need a black choir and several choruses of thank you jesus...thought i'd never see the day this crap was history.

  18. I'm embarassed to say I watched this crap and I liked it! I'm not too terribly sad to see it go though, it's way past it's prime. Last year just wasn't the same.

  19. It'll be interesting to see how Speidi tries to stay relevant. I wonder if he'll kick her to the curb once the show ends. For a while there his twitters made him sound like he was on hallucinogens.
