Thursday, March 25, 2010

Houston TV Anchor Falls During News

This is great. A Houston anchorwoman decides she is going to pinch one of her fellow anchors. I guess he didn't wear green or something. Well, considering there is about six feet separating the two, I think anyone could see this coming. I love how she keeps it together while sitting on the floor and out of sight. Hilarious.


  1. I LOVE MELANIE LAWSON! She is that funny. Definitively different than most anchors, and why all of Houston loves her!

  2. Serves her right-- she shouldn't be pinching, touching or squeezing her co-workers!

  3. hahahaha! dumbass

  4. HI-larious! I have often wished that the "wacky banter" between newcasters would be banned, but then we'd miss lots of humor gems like this, and the king of them all - "Just keep fucking that chicken!"

  5. Melanie Lawson is great, she's not nearly as annoying as other anchors (Love Don Nelson too-the guy she was trying to pinch_) . Love the "oh well" you hear her say after she hits the ground! :)

  6. God, I miss living in Houston. I find most of the Tulsa anchors bleh. LOL RJ, that chicken tops 'em all.

  7. Melanie Lawson & her co-workers have a wonderfully friendly relationship. Don Nelson is a is a funny guy. I'd pinch him, too!

    I miss Marvin Zindler, though (RIP).

  8. Caydian: Me too! Miss Marvin's "Slime in the ice machine!", and "Good golf, good tennis, or whatever makes you happy". Channel 13 definitely has one of the better teams of anchors/newscasters

  9. Lol, I love the WHOA she makes as she falls, I keep replaying that little section

  10. that. was. awesome.

    they seem to have a great dynamic among them...good for them and great save.

  11. I laughed out loud remembering "keep fuckin that chicken"

  12. Bwahahahaha. Bless her heart.

  13. the only thing that would've made it better would have been if she had farted on impact.

  14. Long time reader here, first time poster. Melanie Lawson is a lovely person and great news anchor. She handled that gracefully. No matter what posters sling at her over this mishap, Houston loves Melanie! Maybe even more now. :)
