Friday, March 19, 2010

The Horrible Jesse James Apology

Jesse James kind of apologized to Sandra Bullock and his three kids. Apparently Jesse says the vast majority of the allegations made are untrue. Uh huh. The only allegation I remember seeing is that he was having sex with that stripper. Which part is untrue? He doesn't say. All he says is, "The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment. There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way. This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."

It kind of sounds like he is the martyr here and that woe is me for having sex with the white supremacist stripper.


  1. Maybe he was referring to his size? Wasn't that mentioned during one of the many interviews already?

    What a dumbarse.

  2. LOL West End Girl.

    I keep hoping Sandra will divorce him but then I remember that she is probably the only maternal presence in that little girl's life.

    Geez, dude. You had it made.

  3. congratulations, mr. douchebag. you have managed to humiliate your wife in the most public way possible, less than 2 weeks after her greatest professional triumph. you have COMPLETELY dragged her through a mire of shit because you couldn't keep your hands off of a person who sold you out at the exact moment she could make the most cash.

    you also fucked over your daughter who finally seems to have found someone who actually made her a priority.

    you are an IDIOT. if your wife manages to forgive you, she is a much better person than I am.

  4. Ha, ha! That's funny, WestEnd.

    Men who cheat on their wonderful wives with skanks are not truly remorseful they did it, just sorry that they're caught.

    People ask why guys cheat with much uglier women? So they don't have to worry about falling in love with them. JJ wanted to wet his dick, and fucked up his life. I have NO sympathy, and pray that Sandy whacks him in the nuts on her way out the door for good.

  5. Its a horrible situation all the way around. Here is Sandra scaling back her workload to support Jesse in his child custody battle and this is how he repays her efforts. What is suposed to be the best time in her life personally and professionally has been demolished. I dont understand how famous husbands (in this day and age of the internet and smut rags) think their infidelities wont come to lite. I too blame the magazine that would put a story out like that so soon after Sandra's win. I hope she knows the most people take her side and hope that brings her some comfort and reduce the sting of the embarrassment Jesse caused her.

  6. Exactly Libby, he is only sorry because he got caught. You don't carry on an affair for 11 months and then all of a sudden realize you are sorry for cheating on your WIFE. You are "sorry" because you got busted and the whole world now knows you are one big schmuck. F-ing loser.

  7. Women can't be stupid enough to marry this type of man and not realize that many of these types of men need a dirty little whore in their lives.

  8. That's my girl Sandra!!!
    Come on home to Austin...Im sure anyone of us here would be glad to keep him away from you.
    Man, I know how she feels and sucks royally, but I never had to face the scrutiny of the entire world.
    I hope she bounces back like I know she can. It will definitely hurt, but no one should put up with crap like that.


  10. I have nothing more to add to this subject except to say poor Kate Winslet. She's like the Farrah Fawcet of celeb bust ups. No one will ever remember that her and her husband broke up cause of this much jucier story.

    I'll keep the tale alive Kate! Don't you worry.

  11. Thanks Marcy, JJ screwed around on 'America's Sweetheart' with that swastika-wearing SKANK for almost a YEAR. And it seems like it was still going on until the MINUTE he was outed. And the next minute---boo hoo, he so sorry.

    Sandy was not only the best parent JJ's daughter had had, Sandy said in an interview that the issues with JJ's ex and her step-daughter are the reason they didn't try to have a baby of their own.
    That's what makes me sadder for Sandy. She may have lost her chance to have a child of her own because she's been mired with this jackass until she might be too old.
    Thankfully she has the money if she wants to try and have a baby at her age.

  12. Sue Ellen, I bet Kate Winslet is happy not to be on the receiving end of a divorce shitstorm.

  13. I really hope I'm wrong, but I'm betting she forgives him.

  14. i hope Cinabun bites him in his White Gorilla

  15. She - Sandra - had better not EVER take this M*ther F*cker back.

    He repeatedly f*cked that skank *ssed bitch without using a condom. THAT alone should end this marriage and any delusions she had about how he felt about her.

    I don't know why .. but today for some reason I was just thinking about that and that just seems like he doesn't give a flying f*ck about Sandra at all. Can you imagine all the d*ck this chick has seen? GOD!! I would be scared to death if I was her - Sandra - about what he had exposed me to by screwing this whore.

    In a related thought .. HOLY CRAP!!! I didn't know this skank was a White Supremacist to boot!! Jesus .. he is lucky as a MF that he isn't my husband. He would be mouldering by degrees and pieces by now if he were.

  16. @kathryn

    Of course she is. However, look at all the free publicity they are both getting. Kate Winslet isn't getting nearly the sympathy and publicity Sandra Bullock is getting. I'm sure that will translate into $$$$

  17. I second what libby said. he's only sorry he got caught.

    I love how Sandra Bullock is everyones BFF! We're all in our pj's with her on the couch, eating a pint of ice cream while telling her that "HE'S AN ASSHOLE" AND "HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!".

    If someone makes one mistake, I can sort of understand how it can be worked out. But an ongoing affair like this is unforgivable if you ask me. "YOU GO GIRL!!!"

  18. Don't get me wrong, I love Sandra, too. But Jesse wasn't the only one who used poor judgement. Didn't he and Sandra get together when his (ex) wife was pregnant?? A tiger doesn't change his stripes.

  19. Hi Harriet! I actually have always been kinda 'meh' about Sandy's movies, but the last few years watching her in interviews 'n' such, you can really tell she's a nice genuine person. Classy but self-deprecating.

    I feel for her b/c I've been cheated on, and I've also been the girl who briefly dated an affectionate, enthusiastic guy who I discovered had a long-term girlfriend. I know JJ's type, b/c I've been on both sides.

  20. I still don't understand what he means by "vast majority untrue". Was it UNTRUE that u were fucking her? Or was it UNTRUE that u weren't using a condom? If YOU have to apologize, then YOU obviously did something wrong MR. JAMES. No one wants to hear your apologies, just pack your SHIT and get out.

  21. I am obviously in the minority here but I am not 100% sure that he cheated.

    It was said on local radio here in SD (where the nasty skank lives) that she is acquaintances with the ex who is currently enthralled in the custody battle(they have worked together on sex stuff) SHE is the one who encouraged skanky ho to go public.

    Maybe the ex paid this chick to contact Jesse and they became involved in an innapropriate flirting/sexting type relationship but nothing ever went further than that.

    I am hoping

  22. Somehow I get the feeling that JJ's "sources" are going to spin this by saying he had a webcam and/or BDSM "addiction" that brought him into contact with her and that the texts were just him being friendly outside the computer and/or dungeon. She's a sometime domme who does webcam work professionally, so it would make sense, would validate the "almost everything's untrue but it's my fault for bringing this upon us," and could also make the argument that he didn't have sex with her.

  23. The man's ex-wife is a PORN STAR.

    So what part of this is a surprise?

  24. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Shot in the dark here, but perhaps they had some sort of arrangement with regards to monogamy. Sandra is the sweetheart of Hollywood, so a quiet prenup might have given him permission to sneak around as long as it doesn't get public. Sandra doesn't strike me as a fool and she knows what she's getting into dating someone from "the industry." CZJ and Michael Douglas have a clause in their prenup which says that if he cheats on her, he has to pay her something like $10k or $100k. I'm just saying just because she might be the nicest person is Hollywood, doesn't mean she's a d@mn fool or doesn't have an agreement that allows for private dalliances as long as they remain PRIVATE.

    Just my two cents.

  25. Kathryn, you took the words right out of my mouth. Couldn't have said it better.

    I hope Sandra files the divorce papers soon so we can stop hearing about JJ and his used up famewhore. The sooner they both fade into the world of "Who cares?", the better.

  26. During her most recent Barbara Walters interview they showed clips from her fist interview and focused on how she wasn't ready for marriage. So she waits until she's mature and in a good place to settle down and is nothing but by his side (does anyone remember the accident he was in not too long after they were married? How scared she said she was and how she rushed to his side??), fight for HIS family and then sing his praises. And this is how he repays her.

    Not to mention that TRASH who I'm sure purposefully waited until Sandra was on high from having won her award and decided that now was the time to make it all come crashing down. She didn't even have time to enjoy her moment in the sun before Nazi Forehead Tattoo got so jealous that she couldn't handle this in a more discreet manner. Of course I don't know why I should expect decency from someone like her.

    Sandra even went and accepted her own Razzie and is known for her niceness and generosity in an industry where most people are some of the worst excuses for human beings on the planet. I truly feel for her, she absolutely did not deserve this. The only comfort I can take is that he's probably the most hated man in America right now. As Bernie Madoff heaves a sigh of relief.

    *sorry for the long post, this whole thing just really irks me*

  27. This is one of the things I love about the CDAN community: Yes, we all love gossip and the messes celebrities get themselves into but when it comes to something like this or yesterday's blind about something truly atrocious, all the posts are about the wrongness of the situation for the PEOPLE involved. This seems to be a community of people who, while they like gossip, does not want real harm or sadness to come to anyone. When something crosses the line, this community really seems to rally around what matters and not the scintillating bits.

  28. @ sassyyankee, I agree, this is one of the most civilzed communities. Most people are respectful of each other. I love how people apologize for bad spelling and other mistakes. I love eyou guys!

  29. This clown is certainly NOT sorry. But, I'll be honest, I'm not surprised that his side piece is some low down trash. You don't attract class when you're ass yourself. It just doesn't happen. He has a taste for the seedy, and so that it where he remains. I don't think that Sandra has some kind of arrangement with him, or else she wouldn't have canceled the premiere and moved out so suddenly. I think she heard about it via her publicists and is reeling. But she's a together person so she'll do away with him soon enough.

    On a side note, that trash only got $30K for her story - I just would have thought it would be worth more. Although I'd love $30K myself.

  30. I'm on board with kathryn too. Agree as well that one doesn't apologize at that intensity if he didn't do anything wrong.

    With that said, he's totally a douche and is just sorry he got caught.

  31. I have to admit that JJ has always done "it" for me. *hangs head* I like my men on the trashy side and I've always thought he's the hottest thing EVER. Yes, this has led to me having a lifetime of drama and shit like this happening to me.

    However I don't condone his shitty arrogant behavior, especially when he has CHILDREN and a WIFE to frickin think about. What a- actually I'm at a loss for words. Asshat doesn't seem strong enough. All I can say is karma is a bitch and people definitely DO reap what they sow.

  32. Jesse James is an assclown. End.

  33. Is it wrong of me to want an angry mob to form outside his home with torches and a pitchfork?

  34. @ellie - JJ didn't leave his ex for Sandra. He filed for divorce in October and met Sandra in December. I think when you file for divorce, it's pretty much over, so I wouldn't consider Sandra the 'other woman'. She doesn't deserve this. It's hard enough being humiliated in private, but now she has to see pictures of that hideous creature (you're no Kat von D, honey) connected with her husband. Sandra is such a sweetheart, and does not deserve this. No woman (or man) does.

  35. I am relieved to hear he had already filed for divorce before he met Sandra. I thought she was too classy to mess around with a married man, and I appreciate the clarification!

    I can't imagine her staying with him. I don't think they had an arrangement where he was given permission to fool around, he would have explained that to the skank as a way to justify their affair.

    Nathan Fillion posted a cute (tho probably "too soon") tweet today: "Dear Sandra Bulloch, I am currently single, and terribly loyal. When you're ready. Nathan" (OK, first he needs to learn how to spell her name, heh)

  36. Someone said this earlier, but how sure is anyone that sex actually took place. All we have is her word and what she told her friends. And the text messages really don't prove much unless they can confrim they were form his number and that they discussed actually having sex.

    Also, if you go to Perez's posts on this debacle. Once of "Bombshells" former photographers emailed Perez said she has told this story before, only with a differnet leading man. He said she told his friends they were having an affair, but that she "never would have had she known he was married". He days they never had sex, but that she kept telling people she was his girlfriend. WHich is the EXACT same thing she's said about JJ.

    My guess is there was inapporiate fliritng, MAYBE he had sex with her, but I don't buy a year long affair. Not saying its not bad enough to warrant having his butt kicked to the curb, amd Sandra clearly doesn't trust him any further than she can throw him, but given that the skank's sang this song before and it was a lie, I'm not wanting to jump on the lynch mob bandwagon just yet.

  37. Oh Nathan....that is so sweet. She needs someone like you.

  38. is $30,000 really enough money for all of this? i mean, to announce to the world that you're a skeevy whore, with no self worth and severe jealousy issues toward other women, yadda yadda yadda... wouldn't that at least call for a bigger paycheck? i mean if you're going to ruin numerous lives here, at least get paid. dang.

  39. Ewwwww, was there really a swastika on her FOREHEAD?

    Lets ring Charles Manson up and tell him we have found the perfect girl for him...

  40. What really surprised me is when Sandra let her good name be associated with a guy who was once married to a porn star. I figured that could hurt her clean image. It didn't, and she went on to earn an Oscar. She is a very likeable person. I am not, however, surprised that Jesse James has screwed around with another tattooed horn-bag (like Janine) because this is obviously his sleazy fantasy that he needs to satisfy. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Move on Sandy, you deserve a whole lot better. Or stay single, at least you will have your dignity.

    PS. I agree with many on here, that he is only apologising because he was caught. You dont have an 11 month affair and then apologise for it. WHAT A TOSS!

  41. So while his wife is away filming "The Blindside"-a movie about a young black teenager and a white family- J.J. decides to take up (in whatever way) with a white supremacist, swastika sporting, Mein Kamph promoting woman. This man has serious issues with his wife's success as he just has flipped her a major fuck-off with this gross behaviour. An affair or "friendship" is one thing--his relationship with this particular woman says so much more than just common infidelity.

  42. I am late for this but still...

    to those who think he might not have done it: If it had just been an innocent (more or less) flirtation, there is no way he would have released that apology!

    and to those who were gushing about CDAN in situations like these - i couldnt be more with you.

  43. I hate to raise this question - but as they were writing over at Gawker - how many white supremasict people can you know before you become one yourself? This girl lists Mein Kampf as her favorite book on facebook, and his ex-wife current partner is openly a white supremasict.

    Id say its pretty likely that he actually believes these things too. And if so, what are the chances that Sandra was completely unaware of it?

  44. I'm not very crazy about her being married to this piece of work, but I think she Truly loves him!! That's what makes him so low for doing this. And as far as this girl, she obviously an attention whore and this affair is like finding a golden ticket for her!!! He's an idiot!!@
