Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Christopher Walken

67 years young today for one of the greatest actors of all time.


  1. Our greatest crazy actor. But Nic Cage is waiting in the wings.

  2. He needs more cow bell.

  3. i'm not sure which movies/ shows these are all from. can anybody help? i will never, ever forget THAT scene in deerhunter. happy birthday, mr. walken!

  4. I can never quite put my finger on just what about his face makes him look SO odd.

  5. I LUV him! Happy Birthday Mr. Walken!!

  6. I'd love to know the name of the movie for the second clip. (Walken at his best)

    Any movie that has him in it I'll watch, he's awesome. Happy birthday Mr. Walken

  7. One of my favorites for years. Love him crazy, love him funny, love him serious, love him dancing.

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I think it's the eyes, Gretchen, combined with that carved, chiseled face.

    Happy birthday to him!

  9. LOVE you, Mr. Walken!
    You have so many great movie moments I couldn't possibly name them all, but off the top of my head, the one that is making me laugh at this moment is the scene in Pulp Fiction. And the watch. That you wore. In your ass. For three long years.
    Oh, and "The Continental" on SNL.
    Happy birthday :)

  10. The Fat Boy Slim video is one of my all-time favorites.

  11. If he was on Dancing with the Stars, then I'd watch the show. But - maybe I just want to watch a show called "Dancing with Walken"

  12. So brilliant! Love him!

    And nobody can do an impression of him either. His voice and speech pattern can not be duplicated!

  13. LOVE HIM! Never a dull performance, the watch scene in Pulp Fiction is classic and any SNL hosted by Walken is good. Not just cowbell, but what about The Continental?

  14. that video always brings tears of happiness to my eyes. Lurv him!

  15. I will forever love "The Continental." Happy Birthday!

  16. godDAMN I lurvs the Walken!!!!I would hump him DRY like a dog with a bone...

    And yes, this post needs more cowbell.

  17. Wooouuuwww!! This birthday celebration calls for more cow bell and some of "the finest champagne" :) Happy Birthday Mr. Walken!

  18. I think we all agree: Christopher Walken is The Man! Part of the appeal of...his acting is...the pauses in...the delivery of...whatever he says...or does. And HH is right about the impressionists--he's often imitated, never duplicated. There is no other actor like him--a truly unique talent.

  19. Lord...that man was hot when he was young. And THAT scene from Deerhunter. It was amazing. I remember being open mouthed in theater.

  20. Just wanted to chime in my birthday wishes and absolute love for The Man! Even when being "normal" (as in The Wedding Crashers), he still steals the scene! Many many more to you, Sir - I friggin' love you!

    BTW - Great idea Kimberly Kay. I'd watch that one too!

  21. Also love him in "The Continental". There's something so unique about him. As he ages, his face still seems to stay young--even when he is playing a cold-blooded skiller. He must be a riot to have for a friend. Happy Birthday, Christopher Walken. Best wishes for many, many more years and movies to come!

  22. The pauses are good because they make they make the other party in the conversation uncomfortable.

  23. Think about the Cowbell sketch on SNL, and how much more effective it is when he says, "Guess what?!...I got a fever...and the only more cowbell!" than just straight delivery. Genius!

  24. Man..I really really like him!! he's got this weird yet amazing characteristics and it's interesting to look at

  25. Mazel Tov and more Cow Bell, Chris!! Stay around for another 67 .. will ya??

  26. Thank you thank you thank you!!! He has one of the most sexy presence of any actor around!

  27. I always thought that Christopher Walken was a handsome BUT strange looking man. He is a brilliant actor. Love him!

  28. When he played the bad guy in 'Balls of Fury' and is doing air drums to his favorite music at the pingpong tourney-PRICELESS!

  29. Happy Birthday Frank White!

  30. He will always be The Continental to me.

  31. @Just Another Blonde - it seems like every time I stop at a post to laugh, it's almost always yours. I thank you. :-)

    The Walken is awesome-sauce, laced with X on a popsicle stick. LOVE.

    @Elizabeth - I could not agree more. Never a dull performance.

  32. I love you Enty for loving Mr. Walken!

  33. The second movie clip is from Homeboy, made in 1988.

    I'm sure most of you have seen this hilarious reading by Walken of the Lady Gaga song Poker Face, when he was a guest on a BBC talk show.

  34. I have always remembered that scene from Annie as screamingly funny, but never realized it was a young Chris Walken. He is really brilliant - so many good parts. And an unsung comic actor as well.
