Thursday, March 25, 2010

GOOP Sucks This Week So Lets Talk About Globe

Gwyneth basically took a vacation this week. On her site she just says Nashville Part 2 and calls it a wrap. She did find time today to deny the In Touch report that she and Chris Martin have separated. Anyway, since GOOP was a let down, I thought we would look at one of my favorite tabloids. Globe. I love them. They were the UFO kings back in the day and big Elvis spotters too. As you can see by their cover they are having a great week. I have decided they can print anything they want and not get sued because no one takes them seriously. Then, when they finally do get something right it kind of bites them in the ass.

According to them they say Elin hasn't left Tiger because she is pregnant. I wonder if she is pregnant with Tiger's baby or got back at him by sleeping with some other golfer. Notice how they put the words "pals fear." That is how they don't get sued. You can;t tell if it refers to pals fear she is pregnant or pals fear its the reason. Nice. Publicists should take notes.

Camilla is dying. Well, that is tragic. They also say she won't see any of her $50M divorce deal if she dies. Well, yeah, she also won't see anything else.

Marie Osmond is going to marry her first husband. He has been a rock during the suicide of her son so she wants to thank him by marrying him.

I don't have the issue in front of me so I wonder what the American Idol scandal is. Anyone know?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Camilla was looking quite well this morning. That pesky failing liver must have had a miraculous recovery.

  3. I want to know the sad secret that Fess Parker took to his grave.

  4. I've been googling the "Idol scandal" and I can find nothing. I assume The Globe made it up. I like to think they're all frakkin' like bunnies though.

  5. Technically we're all dying.

    I didn't think Marie had anything to do with her 1st husband - they had one child, were not married very long and she refused to talk about him. 2nd hubby sounds more feasible - married 20 years.

  6. I miss the really trashy tabloid covers and stories. Back in the 80s I worked after school as a checkout girl at Piggly Wiggly. In the summers, I opened on Tuesdays, which is the day the new tabloids come out. Back then they were all trashy, and I couldn't wait to peruse them on my Tuesday lunch break. The manager didn't care if I looked at them as long as I didn't leave the store. My co-workers and I had lots of fun in the break area with the alien babies, batboy, and poor old Elvis. Back when the Enquirer was the classiest of the bunch, tabloids were fun. Now they're so vanilla and dull. Sort of makes me nostalgic for the Pig.

  7. how have those sweet nashvillians not booted goopy the hell out of town?

    hmmm. camilla. it'll end how it began.

  8. Hey RJ! I was reading your comment and wondering if maybe we had worked together until I came to this part: "The manager didn't care if I looked at them as long as I didn't leave the store." Yeah...not the same store. We had to wait til he left to goof off with the tabloids. Loved World News too---they had 'Crocodile Child" and "Chicken-Faced Baby". Sometimes, you could actually see the tape where they had stuck the pictures together.....good times!

  9. I'm with Momster. What's Fess's sad secret?

  10. I'll never forget "Hilary's secret alien love child..."

    And "Many congressmen are aliens!"

    I remember some congressman actually commented to the press, "Well I've finally been found out.." or something to that effect.

  11. Hahahaha...just had my belly laugh for the day...too funny...
