Monday, March 08, 2010

Gary Busey vs Miley Cyrus vs Elinor Burkett

Last night Gary Busey gave an interview for the ages. Just a minute long it still will go down as one of the craziest interviews ever. A reporter from ITN asked Gary about upcoming projects. Gary answered well, only like Gary can. Even the last few seconds are great so don't stop it too soon. At the other end of the spectrum was Miley Cyrus. While I liked her dress it was a case of wow when she opens her mouth it is so so annoying. First she tells everyone they need to relax about her being told to take her clothes off by Bret Michaels. Then she, well, honestly I got distracted because I started counting that Yah's. She opens her mouth really wide and just kind of grates out her words. Grating just seems to fit. The good news is that for much of it she is reduced to a tiny box and you get to look at Gerard Butler. And for the Kanye moment of the telecast you need look no further than Elinor Burkett who interrupted Roger Ross Williams. The two were both producers on a movie but can't stand each other. Burkett says she was late to the stage because Williams' mom used her cane to keep Burkett from getting to the stage.


  1. That Elinor Burkett woman was unbeLIEVable!! Could not believe my eyes. What a sad, pathetic bitch.

  2. Memo from South Park school counselor to Gary Busey: Drugs are baaaad. Mmmm-kay?

  3. comes my daily Miley defense...what that woman asked that 17 year old girl on the red carpet was completely innappropriate. Of all the questions she should ask, she asks that??? The Red Carpet is not the place for a hard hitting interview. Ask the girl who she is wearing, what her latest films are, ask her about the show...but to fire off right from the start about the Bret thing was crazy. I thought Miley actually answered quite accordingly...WHAT???...take a chill pill...she is 17 after all.

  4. wow, Elinor, that was so classless! Why didn't she get an Oscar, too? Was she not supposed to go up at all? Even if more than one person won, they usually had Oscars for all of the winners. Rude.

    Gary was disgusting and so was Miley. YUK to both

  5. OK...I just finally watched the "Kanye" clip and I totally disagree. The woman's name was announced as one of the producers, she received a statue. Why didn't he wait for her until he started his speech. Isn't that what normal professional people do in that situation? Wait for their colleagues? He was the one being rude and he deserved her to come up and interrupt him, IMO>

  6. Re: the "Kanye" incident...I wondered WTF last night when she just interrupted him during his speech. Today I learn there was some type of lawsuit between the two regarding who is responsible for the movie. Don't know all the details, but still...WTF?

  7. My husband and I were like WTF?!?!?!

    I thought maybe she had also won and finally was able to make it to the stage?

    I guess this wasn't the case?

    Enty WE MUST KNOW DETAILS..please fill us in okay.

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Salon interviewed both people involved in the Kanye moment

    via ONTD

  9. Ah! Thanks for explaining this. Everyone at my house was wondering what the hell happened with the interrupting lady, too.

    I don't have sound at work, can someone pleaseplease give me the gist of Gary's crazy?

  10. Maybe Miley will remember to stand straight if someone clues her in that she looks like a linebacker when she slouches forward like that.

  11. I thought the Kanye deal was this year's streaker moment.

    I kept hoping that guy would cut her ass off or at least re-claim the mic. She was kinda scary though.

  12. I just want to shove a scarf in Miley's mouth or something. I know she's just 17 but that's not excuse to act like that all the time. You should always be prepared to answer questions about the product you put out, I think. 17 is old enough.

  13. Miley's big problem is she isn't refined and reined in like everyone else in Hollywood is. She's a country girl, with an accent, and if she talked any other way every one would be calling her a fake.
    She can't win for trying around here.

    Gary Busey is living proof that drugs and head injuries don't mix.

  14. excuse me, but speaking with a country accent does not excuse talking like a moron. I have an accent and certainly don't speak like her! And people rag on her because she makes it so easy.

  15. People rag on Miley because she seems to be willfully, happily ignorant, and no one likes to see a young woman with the world at her feet acting like a fool and failing to take advantage of the opportunities the world is handing her.

  16. Ugh Miley looked so skanky and sounded so dumb. Why do we allow her to be famous?!!??

    I felt really bad for the guy that got Kanyed. It had to kind of ruin the moment.

  17. Rocket Queen, it was a bit obscene, it was a bit too much, but Gary was basically saying that everyone who is naaaahminated goes home a winner. He was then asked what he was up to and he replied, 195 pounds. Ha! Gary, you cad. He was very secretive about his upcoming lovely projects and the clever interviewer said, CIA? Gary said no. MI5? Gary has no idea what that is. FBI? No, no. Then Gary went off the deep end as only Gary can do. He started twitching around and going "nyee" and made a farting sound and then asked him not to report this to a doctor.

  18. Lady Kanye was trying to beat the other producer to the stage because the rules state that only one of them would be allowed to speak. He got there first and she rudely interrupted him.

    I want to know if both of them got to take home an Oscar?

    Miley annoys me because she's unrefined, and every time she opens her mouth her sense of entitlement starts rushing out like a flood.

  19. Lady Kanye has had nothing to do with the project for well over a year. She left the project because she did not agree with the direction it was going. They wanted to focus on one person, she wanted them to focus more on the group as a whole. This was no longer her project for more than a year, she had no right even attempting to be on that stage. It was NOT following her vision for the project that earned the Oscar.


  20. Ack that woman - SO AWFUL! Hope he wins the lawsuit on that basis alone.

    Miley...sigh...she is obnoxious but I like the girl somehow. She does her thing, and, oddly, I respect her. She needs to not open her mouth so wide, though.

    And I am probably the only one who finds Gary Busey's special brand of crazy just harmless and occasionally borderline sweet, LOL.

  21. lol @ Coke Mom Jr! And thank you :)

  22. No, Miley's problem is that she lacks any class whatsoever. Being 17 years old and 'country' doesn't have shit to do with it.
