Gary Busey vs Miley Cyrus vs Elinor Burkett
Last night Gary Busey gave an interview for the ages. Just a minute long it still will go down as one of the craziest interviews ever. A reporter from ITN asked Gary about upcoming projects. Gary answered well, only like Gary can. Even the last few seconds are great so don't stop it too soon. At the other end of the spectrum was Miley Cyrus. While I liked her dress it was a case of wow when she opens her mouth it is so so annoying. First she tells everyone they need to relax about her being told to take her clothes off by Bret Michaels. Then she, well, honestly I got distracted because I started counting that Yah's. She opens her mouth really wide and just kind of grates out her words. Grating just seems to fit. The good news is that for much of it she is reduced to a tiny box and you get to look at Gerard Butler. And for the Kanye moment of the telecast you need look no further than Elinor Burkett who interrupted Roger Ross Williams. The two were both producers on a movie but can't stand each other. Burkett says she was late to the stage because Williams' mom used her cane to keep Burkett from getting to the stage.