Monday, March 22, 2010

Four For Friday

#1 - This former Playmate and still publicity hungry model regularly exchanges sex for "candid" pap photos of herself to keep herself in the eye.

#2 - This former A list action star thought he was giving his nephew a vitamin. It turns out he accidentally gave him GHB from his stash. The nephew had a horrible reaction but the star wouldn't let anyone call a doctor.

#3 & 4- This B list mostly television actress on a hit network show has been in this space before for her personal visits from her liquor store delivery boy. Well, now she and another A list television actress from a hit show on the same network share our delivery boy. Well, actually he isn't a delivery boy anymore. He just spends his time shuttling between the houses of the two women.


  1. #1 The Empress of Lucite.

  2. I got nuthin' but wanted to say, thanks Enty! Better late than never!

  3. 1. The Empress of Lucite. No Doubt.

    2. Van Dam??

    Still Thinking about 3..

  4. Holly Madison for #1. No clue for the others.

  5. 4 - Teri Hatcher & Courtney Cox

  6. #2 - OMG! Even Coke Mom called a doctor!

  7. Cancan - I like your guess.
    Whoever the kid is - I'm sure he feels he has it made!

  8. Who is the Empress of Lucite????

    I was thinking Bridget Marquardt for 1.

    Whoever 2 is, I hope they keep the nephew away from him!!!!

    As for 3, liquor stores make deliveries?!?!? Man, I live in the wrong place!!!!

  9. nunaurbitz - me too!

  10. The Empress of Lucite is Shauna Sand.

  11. #2 Van Damme or Stallone?
    I agree #3&#4 Totally Teri Hatcher & Courtney Cox

  12. #1 - Like the Shauna Sand guess

    #2 - Jean Claude or Steven Segal

    #3/#4 - Like the Courtney Cox and Terry Hatcher guess

  13. Weird, the people I know who do GHB drink's a clear liquid? Does it also come in pill form?

  14. Same with me, Rocket. I've only seen it in liquid form...

  15. sorry, i read "television" instead of "action." Donny Osmond it ain't!

  16. Sorry, but I gotta ask...what's GHB?

  17. Whoever #2 is should be glad the kid didn't die. I can't believe no one else called for an ambulance. Deaths can occur quickly in severe reactions.

  18. GHB:

    I'm also surprised the kid didn't die. Very irresponsible..

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @Califblondy

    Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid or GHB, is a compound that was initially used by body builders to stimulate muscle growth. In recent years it has become popular as a recreational drug among club kids and partygoers. It has also been used in some cases of date rape.

  21. Apparently it's more commonly used in liquid form but exists in powder form as well.

  22. Also, thanks for posting these today - I knew you hadn't forgotten about us! :)

  23. Is #2 a suggestion that the GHB is for a far more seedy motive than just his own use?? ick. Date rape is all I know GHB to be used for. ick.

    PS - Thanks Enty!!

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    GHB is commonly know as X or Xtasy.

  25. Anonymous1:59 PM

    MDA/MDMA is commonly known as X. GHB is completely different, dude.

  26. It would be if Steven Segal was #2, given he is a cop and all.

    For #1, I think it's either Holly Madison or Bridgette Marquardt.

    No idea on #3 and #4.

  27. @mark, no, it is not X or Etasy. It's an entirely different drug and an entirely different high. I've only know it to be in clear liquid form, hence why it is so easy to slip in someones drink (as someone who has been dosed involuntarily I know 1st hand)you can experience total blackouts with absolutely no recollection.

  28. @heatherhug the giggles thinking about Donny Osmond as an A list Action Star. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA still giggling {wipes eyes}.

  29. It is Stallone. He was busted in Australia a couple of years ago with a ton of it in his suitcase.

  30. Are people getting GHB confused with HGH? GHB is a drug and HGH is a hormone.

  31. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I really think #1 is Shauna Sand. why on earth would the paps still be interested enough to follow her around?

  32. ahhhh, good one Ms Cool.

  33. 1. Shawna Sand
    2. Jean Claude Van Damme
    3. Whomever it is good on them!

  34. Isn't GHB aka rohypnol (sp??) or something like that?? IDK - guess I need to go google it.

  35. 1. Shaunna (sp?) Sand
    She and a GF were practically shooting a porn on the street in front of a club while getting TMZ coverage.

    2. JCVD
    He's trying for a comeback and would not want the attention. As someone who claims to be into natural healing, he probably thought he could cure the reaction.

    3. Teri Hatcher was the strongest drinker guess before but I don't see her sharing anything knowingly with Courtney Cox so I'll go with Patricia Heaton.

  36. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I was dosed with this drug.

    There is no use for this drug besides date rape, or similar..
    I was lucky enough to make it back to my crew and bus before the effects set in.

    I lost 10 hours, and genuinely had trouble believing that the photos that were taken of me during my "Trip" were real.

    IT is a total blackout experience, and it was developed by our government as a truth serum type of tool.

    This drug has no place in the hands of everyday people.

    I did things very out of character for me, and it is only by grace that I was among friends and safe.

    I firmly believe a lot of street type pornography is filmed after dosing young women with this drug.

  37. @ blind#2- Holy crap this blind is heinous!

    I don't know what's worse that this a-hole had GHB at all( and out among his vitamins) or that he was so reprehensible as to NOT call or let anyone else call 9-1-1!

  38. @ blind#2- Holy crap this blind is heinous!

    I don't know what's worse that this a-hole had GHB at all( and out among his vitamins) or that he was so reprehensible as to NOT call or let anyone else call 9-1-1!

  39. Adobe88 said " was developed by our government as a truth serum type of tool." Interesting, where did you read that?

    I will never understand. It takes a special kind of sick lowlife to force sex on anyone.

  40. 1. Pamela Anderson
    2. I like the Van Damme or Vin Diesel
    3 Jenna Elfman, Patricia RIchardson

  41. I read the paper tabloids and never understood why there are still shots of Shawna Sand leaving restaurants, clubs, etc;
    Now I know!

  42. I know people who have died from GHB. Grown men who probably weigh a lot more than that kid. Not cool. Not calling a doctor? Straight up child abuse.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. lots of people take this drug to get a cheap buzz. its simple to make, and its also not illegal in its purest form (GLB). One cap, and you have a buzz for a couple of hours, and when you wake up you feel great, no hang over, no smell so that your parents can tell that you have been doing it.

    I am a reporter, and a town that I cover have a HUGE problem with this, its like an epidemic. AND its incredible hard to get the proper dosage, so people die.
