Friday, March 12, 2010

Four For Friday

#1 - This starting to age but still gorgeous B- list movie and television actress has a very intimate relationship with her brother. So much so that she sleeps in the same bed as her brother and his wife.

#2 & #3 - This right on the cusp of A list television and movie actor on a very hit network show is supposedly happily married. Why then did he spend the night with this A list comedienne.

#4 - What A list television and movie actor broke up with his most recent girlfriend because she didn't spank him hard enough?


  1. Oh please let #4 be George Clooney!!! ;-)

  2. A-list comedienne -- Ellen Degeneres.


    Realistically: Sarah Silverman.

  3. 1) Salma Hayek
    2 & 3)Steve Carell/Sarah Silverman

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  6. Enty is on friggin fire these days.

    #3 Sarah Silverman

  7. LOL #4

    Could #1 be Patricia Arquette?

  8. #1:i like Patricia Arquette guess!
    #2/3:jason bateman and sara silverman? or Steeve Carell and tina fey?

  9. what about Sharon Stone for #1 - she has two brothers according to IMDB and has been doing TV lately...

  10. #2 makes me think of Patrick Dempsey

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    #1 Jolie

  12. @nosey parker- I was thinking # 1 was Arquette too:~)

    #3 Chelsea Handler?

  13. 2- chris o' donnell and sarah silverman?

    3- clooney

  14. These all seem a little vague to me.

  15. Anyone else think the blinds recently seem like they were written by someone else?

  16. #4 -- Dominic Monaghan (and Evangeline Lily?)

  17. A list comedienne is throwing me for a loop.

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  19. I feel like A list comedienne would be someone mostly known for stand-up as opposed to Tina Fey who has her own TV show because otherwise Enty would have mentioned that...

    So Sarah Silverman for #3?

  20. #2 Steve Carell
    #4 Leo DiCaprio

  21. A-list comedienne = Oscar-winning Mo'Nique? She does have an open marriage...

  22. Anonymous3:25 PM

    #1 Eww. Too vague for me to guess.

    #2 Steve Carrell fits, though I don't want him to. But Sarah Silverman? She's not exactly good looking-what would be the appeal??

    #4 Another vague one-does Enty mean he's A list in both tv and movies, or just tv?

  23. #2 and 3 Steve Carrell and Chelsea Handler

  24. What about Chelsea Handler for #3? She's the first one I thought of.

  25. Sarah Silverman is a bonafide homewrecker. She broke up Jimmy Kimmel's marriage.

  26. Anonymous3:49 PM

    2.) Carrell and Fey?

  27. ooh, I like the Patricia Arquette quess for #1.

  28. I love Leo for # 4, butt aren't Bar and Leo on and off.....

  29. I think Silverman is drop-dead gorgeous, but she hides it well.

    Also, once on Tough Crowd she said that Colin Quinn had sex with her when she was 18. Not sure if it was true but he looked mighty sheepish when she said it...

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  31. Legend, I agree, the BIs have seemed very different and very...bare, lacking in personality. Usually there's a clue hidden in the turn of a phrase, or something of that nature, but not lately.

    Or it could just be my imagination. Time will tell!

  32. Silverman is disgusting, and no beauty is worth that mouth.

    I think it is also Chelsea Handler who is gorgeous, but I don't know who the guy would be.

  33. Silverman is disgusting, and no beauty is worth that mouth.

    I think it is also Chelsea Handler who is gorgeous, but I don't know who the guy would be.

  34. Saz - His press tour with Tina might allow them the freedom to spend the night together, no? The plot thickens... dun duh dun duh duuuuuun...

  35. ea73, my Mother always said get a funny one, all cats are grey in the dark. SS is funny.

  36. Jolie is unquestionably A-List. Not her.

  37. 2 & 3 Simon Baker and Lisa Lampanelli.

  38. There really are only a few A list comediennes....
    Lisa Lampanelli
    Sarah Silverman
    Kathy Griffin
    Joan Rivers

  39. Anonymous8:37 PM

    legend - i've been thinking that for a while now, and not just about the blinds..

  40. #1 - No clue, but how weird!

    #2 & #3: I hope it isn't Steve Carrell! I'm thinking Patrick Dempsey. The "A List Comedienne" has me stumped, also. The only A-lister I can think of is Tina Fey, but she just doesn't seem like the type to cheat (and the blind doesn't say "married A list comedienne".

    #4: Ryan Phillippe, only because I can picture Reese spanking his heinie when he got out of line.

  41. Oooh...I like Kathy Griffin for #3

  42. Jon--
    Margaret Cho
    Tina Fey
    Plus Roseanne and Whoopi still count.

    I think Steve Carrell is already A-list. He opens movies with his name, even if some of them do end up bombing (Get Smart, Evan Almighty).

    I like #1. Which actress is seen with her family a lot? If they live in the same house, they would surely go Krogering together at some point.

    I wish #4 were Clooney, too. But he hasn't broken up recently. Who has a recent break-up, or is a serial dater?

  43. You guys are being really hard on Silverman, she's hardly disgusting, I actually think she's really pretty.

    Handler is hot, no doubt.

    I don't know who any of them are, but I only really want to know about #1.

  44. You guys are being really hard on Silverman, she's hardly disgusting, I actually think she's really pretty.

    Handler is hot, no doubt.

    I don't know who any of them are, but I only really want to know about #1.

  45. You guys are being really hard on Silverman, she's hardly disgusting, I actually think she's really pretty.

    Handler is hot, no doubt.

    I don't know who any of them are, but I only really want to know about #1.

  46. Lisa Lampanelli is HYSTERICAL, and
    Sarah Silverman is hilarious, and quite pretty, so lay off her.

  47. I don't have any good guesses myself, but a Comedienne isn't necessarily a stand up comic, but an actress who mostly plays comedic roles.

  48. Steve Carell is definitely A list. He stars in a network sitcom that's just been renewed for a seventh season and he gets lots of voice work in big animated movies.

    "On the cusp of A list" means, if I remember well, that it's a quite new show, just in its second or third season or that he's a member of an ensemble cast for a little longer.

  49. Hi, been reading a while and however tantalizing, I doubt #4 is George Clooney. I think the A list tv actor is a bit outdated. Correct me if I'm wrong?

  50. Totally a fan of Silverman, myself. If she were a guy, people wouldn't call her crass at all, I bet. Also think she's way cuter than Handler, who seems hard and bitter to me.

  51. I think Sarah is gorgeous, but I don't really care for her either.

    Patricia Arquette and Thomas Jane seem too obviously physically into each other for it to be her.

  52. I will say Ashton Kutcher and Julia Louise Dreyfus for 2&3, They did that healthy choice commercial together and at 49 she is in his target age group.

  53. Goodgrief, I love that guess but I don't think he's on the cusp of A list.

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  55. Lol @ Goodgrief!

    Okay, for BI #2 - what male actor stars in a HIT TV show right now, has done a couple of films, and is married?

    I'm stumped for #4. I haven't heard of any recent breakups. And also, I doubt they were really girlfriend/boyfriend if he broke up with her over something so trivial. More like hooking up. Is Jeremy Priven considered A list? He seems like the type to do something like that.

  56. 1. I have no idea, but I will guess that the actress isn't on any tv show right now or it would be mentioned. Also guessing we're talking about someone in her 40s.

    2 & 3. Again, not sure, but I'm guessing that the comedienne isn't married or that would have been mentioned. My first thought was Chelsea Handler, but Sarah Silverman fits, too. I find SS very off-putting, but I think that's a gender thing. Women don't like her, most men do. I have a nagging feeling there's another very obvious woman that I'm not thinking of.

    4. I'd spank Clooney just as hard as he wanted! Just give me the chance.

  57. Just how old do you have to be, to be considered "starting to age"? If it is 40's then I will throw in Jen Aniston. If this guess is correct, then Brad must have a "type". Do we still have those over the hill birthday parties at 40?

  58. Whoa, Rebecca! I'll paddle Goldblum's fanny, whether the blind is about him or not!

  59. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Completely OT, but did anyone see that Demi Lovato is dating a Jonas brother? Does this fit for the blind from last week?

  60. The AGC site lists Lucy Liu for #1. She apparently told Regis & Kelly that she lives with her brother and his wife in NYC.

  61. "Could be Mo'Nique, too, but I'm not really sure because, well, she doesn't shave her legs. She's not the kind of girl guys have 1-night stands with."

    Ok I don't shave period and TRUST me it does not affect my sex life. Admittedly these guys are not the Jonas Brothers type or the Ryan Reynolds type (which I wouldn't be into anyway) they are a little more socially liberal. They have been anything from lawyers, to engineers, to artists. But one thing they have in common is that they are not generic.

    Not all guys want their ladies in full hair and makeup with a landing strip. Which brings me to Silverman. The woman is beautiful. She has a dirty mouth and is unconventional but she is beautiful.

    I don't know if either one is the answer to the blind but some of you guys need to expand your minds a little when it comes to what people find attractive.

  62. No way Alice. Hate to burst your bubble but being socially liberal has nothing to do with liking a girl with hair legs.

    That's called kinda sorta deep down liking dudes.

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  64. Haha ok. Guess all my guys really like dudes then :)

  65. what about alec baldwin for #4?

  66. I just read on wiki that chelsea handler just ended her relationship with a comcast executive and is saying she's singe.
    Carrell certainly fits the happily married, tv and movie a-lister/hit show person.
    and he's away on tour.

  67. #2 Joel McHale? Since he's done a few movies and he seems like he's on the verge of hitting A-list status, he's also married. I hope it's not him though.

  68. 'Hello it's me... said...

    No way Alice. Hate to burst your bubble but being socially liberal has nothing to do with liking a girl with hair legs.

    That's called kinda sorta deep down liking dudes.'

    Thats not true! Its been my experience that if you don't shave your legs then they are softer and more comfortable then stubble anyway...

    all I can say is different strokes for different folks. be nicer.

  69. Steven Colbert and Betty White for #2 and #3?

  70. Alexis Arquette for #1, definitely.

  71. B- actress 100% has to be Lucy Liu. I remember her saying she lives with her brother and his wife in NY.
