The Duggars Are Plotting To Take Over The World
Apparently now that the National Enquirer has their Pulitzer nomination they can go ahead and kick back and run some crazy, crazy stuff. I miss the days when Elvis and Jim Morrison were spotted together in some grainy photo while enjoying a peanut butter and banana sandwich in a Paris cafe. Anyway, this week, The Enquirer says that The Duggar family is intent on taking over the world. In certain interviews, The Duggars have said in the past they are members of QuiverFull which sounds like some kind of Renaissance Faire game but is actually a religious movement that is attempting to take over the world by having as many kids as possible.
"The idea is that if Christian couples breed and indoctrinate enough children, they can take over both houses of Congress, 'reclaim' sinful cities like San Francisco and launch massive boycotts against companies that do not support conservative Christian beliefs."
One of the things I don't understand is that supposedly this group is against television and says you should never watch it. Why then do they sell Duggar DVD's on their site? I wasn't even going to write about this, but this past weekend I watched some TLC show about brides picking dresses. For a second I thought it was going to be some type of Bridezilla show which are always fun. It turns out this episode did kind of have a Bridezilla but it also had Michelle Duggar picking out a wedding dress for her renewal ceremony. I thought they seemed really nice and sincere and I also get the feeling that when their show ends they will disappear. You are not going to see Jim Bob on Dancing With The Stars or The Surreal Life or something.