Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dina Lohan Gets In On The Lindsay Lohan Lawsuit

Dina Lohan is a piece of work. And by work I don't mean whatever she has had done by a plastic surgeon. Yesterday I posted a blurb about how Lindsay Lohan filed a lawsuit against E-Trade because she was upset about a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl. Dina told the New York Post that immediately after the game, Lindsay called Dina and said, "Mommy, help me. This is wrong. How can they do this?"

First of all, I doubt Lindsay even watched the game. Second of all, even if she did watch it, I'm guessing she wouldn't have paid attention to the commercials. I do believe however she still calls Dina mommy and cries when she doesn't get her way. Dina of course is happy to do anything for her daughter that could in any way shape or form get her some money so she was all for the lawsuit idea.

"They're little babies doing this, mocking another child who's just trying to survive Hollywood, basically."

Umm, actually Dina I don't think the babies are doing the talking. It is this little thing called a voice over or lip synching. Perhaps if you need a further explanation of this you can listen to either of your daughter's records. As for the child they are mocking, the last I checked your oldest daughter was like 40 so definitely not a child. Wait. What? Early 20's? Seriously? No. Really?

"I'm just basically glad I took a stand. I'm not going to let them do this to us anymore,"

To us? Did they say Dina?


  1. It must feel wonderful to have the world revolve around you.

  2. Maybe it should be a class action suit for all the millions of Lindsay's out there.

  3. lol valerie. lindsay is 23 so she can speak for herself. how do her parents not get that they need to shut up if they really want lindsay to get any more acting work?

  4. Ok, I want someone to blow up that picture of Lindsay, put it side by side a picure of her say from 2004 and present them to Dina. On camera. Have her try to explain why Lindsay looks this way going from then to now. Have her justify why Lindsay is stable enough to work when she is clearly using meth, very well evidenced by this photo. Really, I feel sick.

  5. I'm still waiting for the inevitable Michael Lohan-issued statement regarding Corey Haim. You know he's just dying to angle it all about how Lindsay is next, and earn some cash doing so. There are mesh shirts to be purchased, people.

  6. omg! she looks horrible. I haven't even read the whole article because i had to shout out SHE LOOKS HORRIBLE! If ever a person was a candidate for Botox...La Lohan is, yikes

  7. Bahahahahahahahahaha! That's the funniest thing I've read in ages. I love these people. Why don't they have a reality show on VH1. I'd rather watch them than the Kardashians any day.

  8. guess i know never to name my kid lindsey :),

  9. Are you kidding? I'm thinking about renaming mine, so she can get in on the class action suit.

  10. Anonymous12:01 PM

    She looks horrible. Look at the lines on her forehead and between her eyebrows, if you didn't know better you'd think she's in her 40s. Can't she SEE this? And why for heaven's sake does someone with lovely natural red hair want to bleach it out blonde or dye it black?

    I have to agree with unoriginal Lisa, I would be all over a reality show about these cretins.

  11. I hope this is all a publicity stunt by E-trades. I swear, I don't think I've seen their name in the news so much. And this feeds the Lohan's dream of being in the news without actually having to do any, you know, work.

  12. Dina is looking really old in that picture.

  13. Meth is a hell of a drug to make someone so self-absorbed as to believe anyone with the same name as you is mocking your life.

    I have those lines in my forehead after a drinking weekend, too, but I'm 11 years older than Lindsay. Bitch needs some water and healing time.

  14. I would not have recognized her. How sad. What will she look like at 40? Oh wait. She won't make 40 at the rate she is going.


  16. well it figures she thinks the babies are really talking since she also believes lindsay is a 'child.'

  17. I mean OBVIOUSLY that was Lindsay Lohan in the commercial. Everyone knows it and that's why it's funny. But it was a satire and Lindsay is a public figure so E-Trade should be protected, right?

  18. They did have a reality show on E!

    May still, not sure.

    And when was that pic taken? If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was looking at Bridgette Nielsen who is like in her 50's.

  19. Is that her E Harmony photo?

  20. ..just let it be said that I have not over the last two days called Locohan a dripping infested cunt like I usually do. She does have a point though...when people say cunt, they are talking about her.

  21. She is such an embarassment to women everywhere. A waste of talent and beauty, lost to drugs and crazy parents. She makes me sick.

  22. @looserdude - you really think so? I'm not so sure.

  23. Serious. I hope the judge makes them pay for all the court fees.

  24. @looserdude I have not talked to one single person who even had Lindsay Lohan cross their mind when they saw the commercial.

  25. This whole thing is obviously a publicity stunt. E-Trade probably slipped Lindsay (or Dina) some money in return for her saying she would file a lawsuit. The faux lawsuit will be dropped in a week or two and both parties will have received tons of free press. The Lohans are just too delusional to see that stunts like this only further lowers the "Lindsay Lohan Brand". This brand once represented a sexy young woman with talent and now just represents a pathetic, burned-out, has-been skank with a substance abuse problem who looks 15 years older than she actually is.

  26. Is it just me, or does anyone else get creeped out by adults calling their parents "Mommy/Daddy"?

  27. Looserdude-

    I think you and Lindsay were the only ones who thought it was about her. Never crossed my mind.
    She's not Madonna!

  28. Now if they would have said Blohan in the ad, she would have a valid case, as that is the only name that I relate to just her. I honestly thought this was a joke and she was poking fun at herself. I thought maybe Lindsay finally got a sense of humor. I guess not. Too bad.

  29. When was that photo taken? During one of those DUI/coke found in pants-that-weren't-mine/car-jacking ordeals during the last few years, or recently?

    Actually, whether it's a then or now photo, either way this little piece looks like my WORST hungover day EVER that occurred after I passed age 40. Age 40. 40, 40, 40.

    PLEASE go get healthy, one-word-named Lindsay.

    You look ROUGH.

  30. Haaa, Syko!


    Love it!

  31. This family is NUTS. That being said, LL used to be such a pretty girl. I'm twice her age but she looks a lot older than me, and that's not a joke. I've never seen wrinkles like that on someone under 50. Sad.

  32. Good grief, I don't even want to estimate an age where a woman can look the way Lindsay does because that doesn't bode well for any woman of any age. What I'd like to know is what tabloid keeps paying paps for photos of this she-wreck and why do we keep getting bombarded with her and her parents' desperate attempts at relevance? Who pays for this crap??

  33. Lol @ 0 and the mesh shirts comment :-)

    Enty, please for the love of all that's holy, can you stop posting those horrendous pictures of Lindsay. I can't bear to watch this girls very obvious downward spiral. She has no clue how bad it is or how terrible she looks because every time the press and the world tries to show her, Dina jumps in and enables her and tells her it's okay. Everyone laughed and sneered at Anna Nicole Smith (another woman/child) until she died and then she was a tragedy. I hope this isn't indicative of Lindsay's fate.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Does Crazy know that the "babies" mocking another child are babies that cannot talk at that age and that is not their real voice?
    And the doing this to "us"? All I can see is Dee Snyder coming into a room singing "We're not gonna take it". The hell?

  36. LOL (caps intended) at lutefisk!!!

    @ rocketqueen: hell, i'm 50 every single day and even _I_ don't have wrinkles like that!

    @ mygeorgie: oddly enough, i still call my father "daddy". although in my case i know it's a southern thing. my mother lost her father when she was 11 and i never heard her refer to him as anything other than "daddy", and when i refer to him, i use "granddaddy", just to differentiate between he and my grandpa who died when i was four.
    it just never occurred to me to stop calling my father "daddy".

  37. bunny, you may be 50, but she looks like your grandmother.
    I don't know ANYONE who has wrinkles like that.

  38. That hunny is rode hard and put away wet! I am 55 and have better skin than that.
    I am going to do some research on eTrade... might invest in them they have given me one of my favorite commercials and entertainment for the next few weeks to spare :)

  39. I resent that "looks 15 years older" comment! I'm 15 years older than Lindsay, and I could pass for her younger cousin at this point!
    really, I have LESS wrinkles than her!!! I also have the privilege of not being called a has-been...

  40. actually, lutefisk, my grandmother will be 102 this august, and she DOES have better skin, and a LOT more brain cells!
