Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dina Lohan Gets In On The Lindsay Lohan Lawsuit

Dina Lohan is a piece of work. And by work I don't mean whatever she has had done by a plastic surgeon. Yesterday I posted a blurb about how Lindsay Lohan filed a lawsuit against E-Trade because she was upset about a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl. Dina told the New York Post that immediately after the game, Lindsay called Dina and said, "Mommy, help me. This is wrong. How can they do this?"

First of all, I doubt Lindsay even watched the game. Second of all, even if she did watch it, I'm guessing she wouldn't have paid attention to the commercials. I do believe however she still calls Dina mommy and cries when she doesn't get her way. Dina of course is happy to do anything for her daughter that could in any way shape or form get her some money so she was all for the lawsuit idea.

"They're little babies doing this, mocking another child who's just trying to survive Hollywood, basically."

Umm, actually Dina I don't think the babies are doing the talking. It is this little thing called a voice over or lip synching. Perhaps if you need a further explanation of this you can listen to either of your daughter's records. As for the child they are mocking, the last I checked your oldest daughter was like 40 so definitely not a child. Wait. What? Early 20's? Seriously? No. Really?

"I'm just basically glad I took a stand. I'm not going to let them do this to us anymore,"

To us? Did they say Dina?


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