Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Did Michael Lohan Have A Heart Attack? Do We Care?

Last time Michael Lohan checked into a hospital with chest pains he did it on a weekend and no one paid attention and no one cared. So, Michael quietly went home to his mesh collection and found a worried call from his ex-girlfriend on his answering machine so he called the cops and her arrested.

This time Michael did the whole chest pains and going to the hospital thing during the week. Better news coverage but the problem is that Kate Major who isn't a doctor is not exactly the best source. She says that Michael says that the doctors said they think it could have been a heart attack. Translation? Indigestion probably. No one cares Michael. You are just not going to get any sympathy. No one likes you.
I realize of course the picture above is Michael probably praying or at least pretending to, but to me it looks just like when Fred Sanford used to get his weekly heart attack. No one paid attention to Fred either.


  1. You have to have a heart to have a heart attack.

  2. I don't think anyone paid attention when it happened to Fred for reals.

  3. Nice try, Kate and Michael. The doctors "think" it could have been? Well was it, or wasn't it?

  4. hahaha...he's so dumb and sad

  5. Usually when doctors "think" a patient is having a heart attack, they run some lab tests that are specific to heart muscle damage and which show definitively whether the patient has had one or not. Poor Michael.

    I wonder if he's doing it for attention or drugs, though. Most places give some morphine for chest pain. Just saying.

    Here's a jaded nurse's view of life in the ER (I'm not an ER nurse, but every ER nurse I know thinks this little clip is hilarious).

  6. maybe he just needs footage for his reality show.

  7. I say he's testing the waters for a new "Sanford & Son" remake, starring himself and Lindsay.
    And if that's the case, he's got the whole "Lizabeth, honey, I'm coming!" routine downpat.
    If that's not the case, he must have gotten the memo that said his time in the spotlight was over and he decided to see if he could extend his 15 minutes again.

  8. HOLY. SH*T.

    Did Enty just compare Michael Lohan to Fred Sanford??!!

    BWAAAA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!

    He did!! I will forever be in awe of you Enty. This was your best post ever written. I will be laughing over this comparison for years to come.

