Monday, March 15, 2010

Courtney Love Was Wrong About Edward Norton - He's The Greatest

For about a year now, Courtney Love has ranted and raved about how Edward Norton is the worst guy in the world and that he stole $300K from her and on and on. Well, now it turns out that this was just all a big misunderstanding and Edward Norton actually tripled her money. That's right, tripled it. Apparently all it took was for a little call from Ed I guess. Ed has also been the go between for Courtney and Ed. Anyway, Courtney is doing the whole press thing for her new Hole album so this should be an interesting few weeks. She also talked about what led to The Bean being taken away. Courtney's version of events is that she grabbed and bruised The Bean's arm because Frances was hitting her and punching her and scratching her.


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