Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bye Bye Shannen Doherty

The one person I really wanted to stick around for a few weeks is gone. I loved Shannen Doherty's story about her father. Shannen had no interest in doing Dancing With The Stars because she isn't a dancer, but thought it would be something she could share with her dad. Her partner, Mark Ballas busted his knee and probably needs surgery and a month off. Neither seems sad they are off the show, but I will miss seeing them and how happy they were to be on the show.

Meanwhile, Kate Gosselin has another week. Do you get the feeling that ABC might be keeping her around for ratings? Not so much by manipulating votes because that would be wrong, but by releasing the footage from the fight she had with Tony. They didn't have to. I think they did to stir the pot some. I bet tempers are short sometimes even in the love fest between Erin and Maksim and oh yes, they are doing way more than dancing. Well, a different kind of dancing anyway.


  1. Do tell Enty!! You have some great sources!

  2. DWTS doesn't air in my country, what was her father's story?

  3. I'm totally bummed that Shannen was cut! I also, really liked the reason that she was there and she seemed so genuinely happy when the judges said nice things. I don't know, I was really rooting for her. That Gosselin woman just makes me want to bleach my eyes every time I see her. Maybe she didn't get cut because of one of those "vote for the worst" campagins.

  4. He had a stroke and she's (was)doing DTWS for him. I assume he likes the show.

  5. @ Jess, Shannen's father had a massive stroke. She has apparently pretty bad stage fright, but decided to do the show anyway, because her father really likes DWTS and wanted to see her on it.

  6. @ Diane & ellapetal that's really sweet of her...

  7. I was surprised that Shannen revealed her softer side on DWTS. I didn't expect it but I have always respected her as an actress. I liked her in 90210 and Charmed. When she left each of those shows I missed her presence and stopped watching them.

    I'm totally ticked that Kate and Buzz got more votes than Shannen.

    This season of DWTS sucks big time!

  8. I'm sad that Shannon's gone, but it was wonderful of he to do this for her father.

    On the Kate front, I don't doubt for a minute that they showed the blowup for ratings- honestly, just about every celeb on the show has mentioned that they had huge fights with their dance partner. It's a stressful show, and they don't have much time to learn the dances.

  9. @ Jess, she also made a deal with her dad that she would conquer her fear of performing in front of a live audience & dancing on a show he loves (DWTS), in exchange for him working hard on his therapy to recover from his stroke.

    I'm with Enty, Shannon was the only one I wanted to see stick around for awhile. She truly seemed to love her dad and enjoy the experience; she seemed genuine. I thought the storyline would keep her around, & she definitely was not the worst one.

    In regards to Kate, she ruins the whole show for me. I feel horrible for Tony. When we watched the results last night & it was announced that Shannon & Mark were the ones going, Tony ran over to Mark & whispered something to him. I'd like to think Tony said to Mark "Describe to me exactly how you injured your knee so I duplicate it on myself." He in no way can be happy to be stuck with Kate another long, miserable week. She is just a horrible person & I'm hoping after this she just goes away. Anyone who thought she was "good" or had "changed" surely has to see her for her true colors now.

  10. So Bitchy McCunterpants didn't get voted off? Who the hell is voting for her???? All this attention she's getting is encouraging her ... she genuinely thinks people like her and care about the bitchy things she does. If we ignore it, maybe it will go away!

  11. i'm sorry but this whole show is completely rigged...why is Nicole on there-she is a dancer and she has an unfair advantage....
    this is only the second time i have seen DWTS and i cant even get through a whole epi.
    Kate looks pissed...if she is so upset, why be on the show?

  12. love fest between Erin and Maksim and oh yes, they are doing way more than dancing. Well, a different kind of dancing anyway.

    WHAT?? Details, Ent.

    No mention of Pam?? I don't think she should have been in the bottom two. That ain't right.

  13. @chopchop - the people voting for her are the ones who love to watch a train wreck.

  14. I voted for Kate only hoping to see her make it week after week and enjoy the torture this dancing must be putting her through. She's a bitch and right now the American public can F with her.

  15. All 8 of Kate's kids should be kept away from being able to phone in their votes.

  16. Khate probably demands that her nannies call in or they'll be fired!

  17. I don't watch the show but I did see the clip of Kate Gosselin bitching at her dancing partner because he wasn't teaching her the way she needed to be taught. And then they did the Jive and I swear she had her tongue sticking out because she wa concentrating so hard *LO I thought for sure she'd be booted, but like I said, I have nothing to compare with. Is Pamela Anderson still on it?

  18. Kate Goose needs to leave ASAP! I can't stand her. Sad to see Shannon to leave. And yea, I do Erin to if I were a guy.

  19. Can't stand Kate. Have you noticed that the camera lingers on her more than any other contestant. It's like they are trying to torture us. On another note a friend of mine was saying that Kate reminded her of someone and couldn't remember who. Then it dawned on her that it was the box her fridge came in. She thinks Kate looks like a refridgerator box. I do see the resemblance.

  20. Kneepads has a story about Erin and Maks where she says he smells like a garden of lillies.

  21. "People have quit on me before..." I wonder why? Too many camera shots catch her rolling her eyes and obviously complaining off-mike to people about whatever; I don't think she even bothers to try to clean up her act for DWTS, and she's not going to change her image (if she even cares to) by remaining a crabby bitch to everyone involved. How bad does it have to get to make your dance instructor quit and walk out on you? Good Lord, woman!

  22. I was so hoping Kate would be the first to go. I can't beleive Shannon is gone and that bitch is still there. Why would anyone vote for her?

  23. Awww. I missed the elimination show somehow....I'm sure that was my husband's doing. I was really rooting for her too. I thought Shannen was pretty good. :(

    Maksim is HOT. No surprise there.

  24. Maks and Erin are cute least she seems better than Karina Smirnoff Ice.

    And I <3 Shannen....but Kate reminded me of the old guy in Dirty Dancing when Penny is teaching the merengue LOL

  25. Are the guys from "helping" Kate stay on the show?
