Box Office Numbers - And A Rant
I don't usually talk about the box office results because I don't really care. However, since I didn't want to write full on movie reviews, I thought this would be a good way to say what I had to say about some of them.
1 Alice in Wonderland (2010) $62M $209M
I saw Alice in Wonderland last week. I actually thought I wouldn't like it or at least not love it especially after Tim Burton ruined Willy Wonka. It turned out I was wrong. I did love it although the 3D glasses gave me a headache. That and the fact that I went to a different theatre than I normally do and they wouldn't give me free refills on my popcorn. So, I actually had to pay for my four popcorns.
2 Green Zone (2010) $14.5M $14.5M
Almost saw it this weekend. But, this is like a DVD kind of Bourne movie so it can wait.
3 She's Out of My League (2010) $9.6M $9.6M
This was on like three screens at The Grove. I was shocked because I had barely seen any advertising for it.
4 Remember Me (2010) $8.28M $8.28M
Well the good news is this movie without Robert Pattinson would have pulled in like $5.00 or not got made. With him it made money but is still a huge bomb.
5 Shutter Island (2010) $8.14M $108M
This is the reason I am writing this little piece today. I saw this movie over the weekend. I was going to write a how was your weekend post about it but I didn't see any celebrities and the only thing exciting that happened was that my dad didn't snore during the movie. I went to the 1030 movie which was probably a bad thing to do. It was late and I was cranky and I was already calculating that the time had changed in my mind. Plus, we got there so early that my cheesecake was gone before the commercials ended.
I can't believe this was a Martin Scorsese movie. It was awful. OK, let me take that back. It makes no sense and it was awful. Oh, and it was confusing and it was awful. Apparently right before you are about to get scared, Martin decided he needs to increase the volume of the music. You know it is coming so you don't jump. The one time he didn't do that trick, everyone jumped. The good news is my arteries started moving again. If you have seen this movie, think back to the very first scene and you realize none of it makes sense. None of it. Even before his attempt at a surprise I was already looking at my watch. I don't think it gives anything away so when Leo says he is going to the Lighthouse, I said, "Great at least another 30 minutes of suffering." It had been like 2 hours at that point. If there had been a payoff or something that made sense or a better rewrite then this could have been good. Oh, and no one ever explained the band aid on his head.
6 Our Family Wedding (2010) $7.6M $7.6M
Didn't see it and probably won't watch it on DVD.
7 Avatar (2009) $6.6M $730M
I'm one of four people on earth who has yet to see it.
8 Brooklyn's Finest (2009) $4.29M $21.4M
I haven't seen it, but I heard it is really good. Plus it has Don Cheadle.
9 Cop Out (2010) $4.23M $39.4M
10 The Crazies (2010) $3.65M $33.4M
This is what I should have seen. Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell and a plot that probably makes sense.