Thursday, March 11, 2010

Adam Lambert Says We Should All Take LSD - Doesn't Like Signing Autographs

Apparently Adam Lambert is a big LSD user and he thinks we would all be much better off he would also start dropping acid. He gave an interview to Metro in the UK where he was asked if he would advise people to take LSD when they need to find a purpose in life. Adam said, "Sure, it’s one method of finding yourself. My trip led me to some epiphanies about who I was as a performer, what I wanted to do and how I needed to create my own opportunities. When I got home, I started writing music with other people and went to the Idol audition. The vision was about finding opportunities. I wasn’t sitting in the desert in rave-wear thinking about Simon Cowell when I was on acid."

Well, yes imagining Simon Cowell while you were on acid would kind of ruin the moment. Just like he has backed down from the meanness aspect of his Susan Boyle comments I am guessing he will say he was misquoted here. I mean now police will always be searching him for drugs and you don't want to be the guy who says go try LSD and then someone dies and blames it on Adam.

He also made it clear that he doesn't understand the mentality that compels people to want an autograph. He says that he never wanted one of a star so no one else should either. Umm, yeah. Way to just make all your fans under the age of 16 angry. This guy better out out really good music because otherwise it seems to me he is burning every bridge he can find and will end up replacing Taylor Hicks out on the Grease tour.


  1. Well, I can't disagree with him. Just can't.

  2. Worst idea ever! The most horrible night of my life was when I took acid right before going to work one night. Also, a friend of mine who used to do acid in high school was having flashbacks years later. It messes with your brain forever.

  3. Ugh. I like Adam, but can't say I'm crazy about his promoting acid use. While I think the myth about using it "messing up your brain forever" is overblown (you'd need to use STRONG acid a LOT), it's still a pretty strong psychotropic drug and can be dangerous.

    1. None of you guys knows whT youre talking about. Lsd-25 is harmless. It doesnt mess up your brain and no ones dies as a result from using it. Doesnt have rat poison or make your brain bleed. Doesnt stay in your spine. Youre basing your beliefs purly on hearsay, not scientific research.

  4. never done acid so i can't say..but other than that i say Kudos. i don't get the autograph thing either really. a picture sure, u need proof!

  5. Umm, yeah, I though that when I was in HIGH SCHOOL. How old is this kid??

    I've also seen a lot of people FREAK out on LSD, if not given at the right age and environment.
    I'm so done with that drug. Give me Shrooms anyday but Acid?? That's so 90's....

  6. Actually, I did acid 100s of times in college. Loved it. It was a required course at the University of MN.

  7. He needs to just shut up and sing. He is generating press, but for all the wrong reasons.

  8. Repeat after me Adam...I am a bird, I can fly. I am a bird, I can fly...

  9. I am in agreement with him about the autograph signing but then again I don't believe in asking for handshakes or pictures either. These celebs. are really just humans. If they happen to be talented then you need to focus your obsession on the talent but trying to touch them or "keep" a piece of them whatever your excuse is for trying to get close to them just no. UGH!

    But in regards to LSD all I have to say is years later if he suddenly dies of "accidental prescription drug overdose" I'll remember him promoting LSD illegal drug usage and I won't be drinking the poor pitiful Adam kool aid.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. If LSD transforms someone into THAT, I'll stick to mescaline tyvm.

  12. hahaha@ lisa (not original)

  13. Sherry! I don't even know what to say. I'm glad you made it through that.

    In defense of acid, it is a drug that is hard to really abuse. I mean, you can take it a few times, but after a while you really don't want to. My worst acid experience was while living in a rural area where the only source we had was a chemist who would make batches of about 800 hits. So we bought a batch, and we split it three ways, and we gave it away to friends, and we tried to do it all in a few weeks, and, well, the long sentence you're reading is me remembering the horror of that time of my life! Aargh! But we ran out finally, and we moved on with life.

    Definitely better than the stimulant drugs that finally led me to homelessness and insanity.

  14. I had my "acid winter" and learned a lot about myself. However, acid magnifies whatever is going on in your mind, so if you're sad, depressed or angry, you will feel those emotions more. For those that can handle it - it is really a liberating drug. At 42, I won't do acid anymore, but 'shrooming is still fun and au naturel!! :)

    About autographs - I have a couple but they don't mean anything to me. At the time, it was more about getting the attention from the celebs (in my case members of the Alarm) than actually saving their signatures.

  15. Oh, c'mon now! Anyone who has ever paid any attention to Adam Lambert, would know this IS a misquote... which is why the author claims Adam would probably say it is a misquote. He has told the story of burning man numerous times in numerous interviews, and this is obviously twisting his words AND meaning. Jeez!

  16. Tracie - You got me there, never paid any attention to Adam Lambert. The only reason I did today was because the article mentions acid.

  17. I don't believe for a second that Adam Lambert endorsed LSD as this reviewer has presented.

    What I do believe is that interviewers love to distort to present "sensationalism", which sells, unfortunately, much more easily than the truth to what an interviewee says.

    Shame on this garbage about Adam Lambert.

  18. He is NOT a big LSD user...he just said he used it...and that was at Burning Man several years ago, where almost everyone was probably high on something. And, he DID say that he never wanted a celebrity's autograph, but he NEVER said no one else should either.

    Get your facts straight!

  19. So y'all believe everything you read in a blog? or a tabloid? Celebs comments are always being misquoted. Adam may have admitted to some drug use, but never would promote its use to others.
    His tweet today says it all.

    adamlambert Ooh some members of the press are so sneaky!! -turning my words around and mixin and matchin quotes to change meaning! clever f***ers:) 6 minutes ago via Echofon

  20. it`s kind of pathetic how magazines can completely misquote and twist someones words. What happened to good journalism..... everythings gone to the toilet.

  21. Please don't make me stop reading your blog! You seem to have developed a little hate thing for Adam. He is consistently polite, engaging and honest in his interviews and to his fans. He signs autographs all...the...time. He was simply explaining that HE never asks for autographs. He is not promoting he has said in many interviews, he did try it and in his case led him to some important changes in his life.

    As an entertainment lawyer, you know very well how individuals can and are misquoted, or quoted out of context, or how sound bites are patched together to make a story. I am absolutely giving Adam the benefit of the doubt here.

    Don't get too snarky on us Enty! You are a straightforward guy (normally) and that's what we like about you.

  22. I agree! I don't even know who this person is!

  23. Come on people, just read Adam's twitter account, he is very upset because he was mis quoted again. This is NOT how Adam talks. He would not recommend that people try acid to try it. He loves his fans and appreciates them. He himself was never a "fanboy" so some of this is new to him. Adam is on his way to super stardom, and is very open and honest with the media, but it looks like some of the media are mixing and matching quotes for a better headline and more hits! Shame on them.

  24. Gah. So now we have a blogger misquoting what has already been misquoted! In the article that this blogger ripped this piece from, Adam never said he didn't like giving autographs. He said HE HIMSELF never saw the need to get an autograph. The drug thing, the first time he talked about this subject I thought he said shrooms not LSD, so I don't know what's going on with that quote or mis-quote.

  25. Well if he was misquoted on the LSD comment then I take back any nasty comments I made about him.

    Thanks for clearing that up guys.

  26. I have never done acid and I never, ever would. I think that episode of Degrassi, where Shane takes a nose dive off a building on acid, scared me straight as a kid.

    Also, I'd rather do almost anything else in the world than go to Burningman. It sounds like a nightmare.

  27. I think this article greatly exaggerates whatever Lambert might have said and done and I seriously doubt if he has used any hallucinogens in recent years. Reports from his 'camp' is that he actually only used once, but the media is sensationalising it, IMO. Lambert is completely focused on his career and appears sharp and alert on every performance. Just watch the videos! Don't you think if he had a problem it would have surfaced under the close constraints of the 52-city American Idol tour/road trip last summer?

  28. Blogger Maria said...

    Please don't make me stop reading your blog! You seem to have developed a little hate thing for Adam. He is consistently polite, engaging and honest in his interviews and to his fans. He signs autographs all...the...time. He was simply explaining that HE never asks for autographs. He is not promoting he has said in many interviews, he did try it and in his case led him to some important changes in his life.

    As an entertainment lawyer

    What entertainment lawyer? ;D
