Wednesday, March 10, 2010

7 Year Old Boy Saves Family

I thought we could use some good news today so thought I would pass this along from the Los Angeles Times. Yesterday morning in Norwalk which is a little south of Los Angeles, three men with guns invaded a house and told everyone inside they were going to take what they wanted. As the mom and dad were herded into the living room, their 7 year old son grabbed his six year old daughter and headed for a bathroom with a cell phone and locked the door behind them. The boy then called 911.

"There's some guy who's going to kill my mom and dad. Can you come, please? Bring cops ... a lot of them! ... And soldiers too."

The boy thought at the time that his parents had been shot. Shortly after the boy made the call, the attackers broke down the bathroom door. On the 911 tape you can hear the attackers asking who the boy had called. He told them 911 and then the attackers fled without taking anything or injuring anyone.

This kid was brave and smart and quick on his feet. Amazing.


  1. What a brave little boy!
    Thanks for this, Enty :)

  2. Great story. Glad the parents made it out alive.

  3. Great story. Glad the parents made it out alive.

  4. Whew! This could have also went very wrong for the family. Glad everyone is OK.

  5. i hope this doesn't end up being one of those things where the parents were dealers or something. that seems to happen a lot, like with that little boy that was taken because his dad owed some bad people money.

    i love this kid. the call was amazing. what a quick thinker.

  6. Great story. I do think you meant to say the boy took his 6 year old SISTER into the bathroom with him, not his 6 year old daughter, because then that would really be a story, right?

  7. Great story! What a brave little boy!

  8. That boy is braver than i am, what a star.

  9. Bless his little soul! He had the foresight to grab his lil' Sister, too.

    "bring cops - a lot of them! And soldiers, too!"

    I love this kid.

  10. Great story, but this depressing shit is too much for me today. Sensitivo.

  11. Now this is one sharp kid! He doesn't stand around staring, he ACTS! Bravo to such a brave Smart little fellow. I hope his family praises him like crazy.

  12. His scream absolutely tore me up. I thought for sure everyone was dead. The dispatcher did a good job. Thank goodness it wasn't another one who thought the little kid was playing around.

    I heard this morning that they weren't going to reveal the family's identity for fear of retaliation.

    I lived in Norwalk many, many moons ago.

  13. "And soldiers too."

    For some reason that especially just breaks my heart.

    Hope they catch the baddies soon.

  14. So... how does a 7 year old boy have a 6 year old daughter? Someone starting watching Disney a little too early... LOL

    Seriously though, that is one amazing kid. WOWIE!!!

  15. The 7 year old grabbed his 6 year old daughter? LOL.
    Nice story.

  16. Ugh. I broke my rule of never listening to another 911 call again after too many years of cops reporting. Damn that broke my heart into a thousand pieces. Bless that boy's quick thinking and his parents for teaching him about 911. I hope that family is okay after all this.
