Tuesday, March 23, 2010

$100M Lawsuit For Being A Spoiled Brat

Do you ever watch wife swap? I don't look for the show, but if I happen to see it I don't turn it off. Two years ago, the focus of one of the shows became not so much the wife, but a daughter. Alicia Guastaferro was 16 and was basically a permanent beauty pageant contestant. The show highlighted just how bratty Alicia was, but in her suit she says the show got it all wrong and that she is a lovely person who was set up. In her suit she says that producers told her to act more spoiled and even staged scenes. In a reality show? Shocker!

My favorite line was when the audience found out that her mom was required to leave a Christmas tree up every day of the year so Alicia could get presents everyday of the year. Instead of an outright denial, the suit says Alicia "doesn't get presents everyday." Well, if she misses one day a year then that statement is true, but I would have liked something more forceful which leads me to believe she receives presents almost everyday.

She said that after the show she was forced to transfer schools, received death threats and went from a normal school environment to special education. Because of all this she is suing ABC and the producers for $100M. The most incredible five minute recap video is below.


  1. Wow, that girl has a tiny head for how huge her facial features are.

    Sorry for the totally superficial comment...now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

  2. I totally remember this episode. I remember "the sparkle" too. hahaha

    That video was hilarious...

  3. There really aren't any words for this kind of parenting, are there? This chick is going to grow up utterly unprepared for real life.

  4. sad to say, but there are many girls being raised like this in society today. but there are no boys being raised to take care of them, so they are still living with their parents, who are at a loss why they are living with bratty leachy 25 yr old unemployable kids with no job skills because they don't think they are worthy of minimum wage jobs yet demand coach purses.

  5. People get chosen to be put in reality show TO be ridiculed.

    I love when delusional people think that they will come off smelling like rose. You were picked because the family is looney toones.

    I doubt the family will get anything. The contracts these people sign to get on reality shows pretty much protects the show and network from any lawsuits and will get thrown out.

    Sounds more like she is looking for another 5 minutes of fame.

  6. I agree @Terry, I'm 20 years old and is shocking to see this,even some girls from my school think they can get by on life by marrying well and be a trophy wife, Don't they have real goals in life?

  7. I think it's rich that she was talking about people who aren't beautiful. Hate to break, but HEE HAWW

  8. @Booster Seat: You;'re right, that girl's mouth is gigantic! I had a friend substitute teaching in a wealthy NH school system who finally gave up and got out because the high school was filled with kids like this. "What do I need this shit for? My parents are going to take care of me!" seemed to be the prevalent attitude. Dropping books on the floor, turning their desks away from him, talking on cell phones--incredible. And what the hell do we do if/when these kids are the only ones left to take over?

  9. I hope she got flunked from school after showing the world that her mom does all her homework.

    Oh and she really isn't all that pretty.

  10. I'm going to have to quit my job. It's taking away from my sparkle time.

    They went on the show because they thought it would make them/ their bratwurst of a daughter famous. She probably feels that she isnt't famous enough yet, hence the lawsuit. I don't care what the producers s aid or did, she is old enough to know better, plus her parents shopuld have protected her. But "what Alicia wants, Alicia gets", right?

    What a bunch of bottom feeders.

  11. Um...I forgot how sparkly my avatar is. It kind of takes away from the joke a little.

  12. I really feel like i missed out on something great not watching wife swap!

  13. aw man, how embarrassing. I would feel bad for the guy who marries her, but she is certainly upfront with how she is.

    And I usually don't comment on "normal" people's looks, but she is not cute, and that lisp is annoying. Her mom looks like a zombie.

  14. Look at the way this kid was raised! The parents come across as equally vapid and as shallow as she is, which is where she learned it. "I feel sorry for people who aren't gorgeous." Good Lord, did I really just hear that? Her parents have done her a terrible disservice.

  15. @Robert - We are f***** with our future generation.

  16. Oh god, I remember watching this when it was on tv and feeling so angry and nauseated at how shallow and superficial and generally fucked up this girl is. And her parents completely enabled it, even doing her homework for her and they even said themselves that they give her a present each day. Such a meritless case that any hopefully sane judge is going to laugh at and toss out.

    Now if you'll excuse me while I go vomit.

  17. Princess? LMAO!! Her teeth alone could swallow a cow. I'm guessing that she never takes her makeup off. Too scary.

    Oh! Did anyone notice her mom's eye makeup?? Can you say Frankenstein's wife?

    I hope the whole damn neighborhood shuns them. DNA like that needs to be eradicated.

  18. Man, I don't think I could have stopped watching that video for anything. It was horrible! And I felt hideously superficial for murmuring out loud when the guy was saying he only hired good-looking people: "Dude, look at you."

  19. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I haven't been able to watch the video yet (at work) but we have one of these in our office. The girl is pretty only in the way that youth is pretty with the firm skin and shiny hair, otherwise she almost neighs. She is our part-time file clerk. Part-time because she is in her fourth year of an 18 month technical school (and nowhere near finished). At least one day a week she calls in, saying she doesn't feel well. Nearly every day she goes home early because she's bored - and she doesn't come in until 2:00. Spends a lot of time texting friends while supposedly working. Comes in, puts her personal things down, and heads down to the restaurant in the building to get something to eat at her desk. Several smoke breaks a day. Daddy pays the bills, paid for her car, and she constantly complains that she hasn't enough money to party as much as she would like, but doesn't seem to see a correlation between actually working and having money.

    I fear for the future.

  20. This fugly chick looks like Kermit the Frog in a blond wig

  21. Special Ed seems light the right spot for her.

  22. Do you ever wonder where dignity went?

  23. And for me, since I can't even spell like.

  24. Michael K needs to have fun with her mom's eyebrows

  25. Lauren, I wonder that very thing every day.

    Our society is going to hell (or maybe we're already there). My parenting generation and the one previous to mine is, by far, the worst in history. My sister-in-law had and interesting comment when we were in Mexico last week. We were sitting by the pool watching a couple fuss over their 1 year old. This child was surrounded by every pool toy, snack, and distraction imaginable. The sister pointed out how laughable it is that we as a society are raising 'little kings and queens' who can do nothing for themselves and have been given no survival skill with which to leave the nest. I am frightened for all these kids. God help them if mom and dad run out of money, because the real world is a cold and brutal place if you have no talents and ambition.

  26. MommaBear,

    I have to whole-heartedly agree with you. Our society is in the shitter. I am just happy that my husband and I both agree on parenting, and that when we finally decide that we are ready to be parents, that our children will not be worthless twats.

  27. I took the computer and television out of my son's room, because he rolled his eyes at me. He's still trying to earn them back. Mama don't play that.

  28. The parents have both plead guilty to federal money-laundering charges (him in a Canadian telemarketing scheme, her for not declaring wages for half their employees) and are facing years in prison.

    Someone is going to have to pay for Missy's pageant career, and it's apparently no longer going to be her parents.

    Of course she's going to go after ABC/Disney to pony up. After all, she is a "princess".

  29. Is this for real? It can't be true. Plus, not to be rude, but that girl is not pretty.

  30. i LOVE these shows. i don't remember this one. there are two similar ones, at the end of one, there's $50k that the visiting mother had to spend. i think, though, that "wife swap" is the one that had "balloon boy's" parents on. twice. matter of fact, saw the second episode today.
    pretty sure their contracts are airtight, because i remember reading that the second episode was on hold for awhile because of the lawsuit (that is one fucked up family). otherwise, father in that family would be locked up a lot longer and they would have lost custody of the kids.

    they do seem to find the most opposite trades, and most bizarre families that apply. the idea is one week, the wives follow the family rules, the second week, the wives instill new rules to the family. always, always, ALWAYS, the husband says "no way". then there's a happy ending, blah, blah.
    dunno if it's on youtube or not, but look for the ballon boy's episodes. i'm not so sure mommy and daddy put him up to it. those kids are monsters, and the parents are downright insane.

  31. It's crap like this that makes me want to move to France.

  32. As a natural blonde, she offends me and makes me sick, given her colour comes out of a bottle.

    The fact she's an empty-headed, spoilt brat with shit for brains parents doesn't help either.

    I don't have kids yet but when I do, there's no way they're going to be this poorly raised.

  33. Wait, wait, wait...you say this chick is a permanent "beauty pageant" contestant? Did I read that correctly?

    Dang. Scraping the bottom for contestants these says, aren't they?

  34. No way Selena. Getting this family on wife swap was a total coup.
    Scraping the bottom would be having two families that are actually normal and would not embarrass themselves beyond belief on national television. These guys, while sickening, are good TV because they make us feel good about ourselves.
