Tuesday, March 23, 2010

$100M Lawsuit For Being A Spoiled Brat

Do you ever watch wife swap? I don't look for the show, but if I happen to see it I don't turn it off. Two years ago, the focus of one of the shows became not so much the wife, but a daughter. Alicia Guastaferro was 16 and was basically a permanent beauty pageant contestant. The show highlighted just how bratty Alicia was, but in her suit she says the show got it all wrong and that she is a lovely person who was set up. In her suit she says that producers told her to act more spoiled and even staged scenes. In a reality show? Shocker!

My favorite line was when the audience found out that her mom was required to leave a Christmas tree up every day of the year so Alicia could get presents everyday of the year. Instead of an outright denial, the suit says Alicia "doesn't get presents everyday." Well, if she misses one day a year then that statement is true, but I would have liked something more forceful which leads me to believe she receives presents almost everyday.

She said that after the show she was forced to transfer schools, received death threats and went from a normal school environment to special education. Because of all this she is suing ABC and the producers for $100M. The most incredible five minute recap video is below.


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