What Do You Think?
Last night I was reading Kim Kardashian's Twitter page because I have no life and I noticed that she had several Tweets she sent during a flight. OK, let's stop for a second. Maybe someone who is technologically savvy can answer this for me. Why is it ok for some airlines to have Wi-Fi on their planes which sends and receives signals but it isn't ok to even have your cell phone turned on during a flight? I think the only difference is airlines can charge for W-Fi and can't charge for texts. If they could figure out a way to charge for texts, I am sure they would be allowed.
Anyway, during the flight she said, "I'm on the airplane...love wifi. I am sitting next to an Air Marshall! Jim the air marshall makes me feel safe!" First of all, Jim should have told her how to spell the word. Second of all, do we really think Jim is an air marshal? I say no. I say it was a guy who was trying to impress Kim and get lucky. Unfortunately Jim, if you are a government employee you make in a year what Kim needs you to make in a week. I'm sorry.
When people started chastising Kim for blowing Jim's cover, Kim said, "RELAX I just told u guys the Air Marshall is sitting next to me, highly doubt anyone is twittering like me on this flight! shhh."
"Air Marshall's are supposed to keep their identity concealed. He did! I am just a private eye & assumed, so I asked him & he was honest!"
Uh huh. Really good private eye. That is why Reggie Bush gets away with cheating on her so much. Anyway, what do you think? Air Marshal or not? If he was, then he was an idiot for confirming it and she was an idiot for tweeting about it. I don't know why I would expect anything else though.