Last night I was reading Kim Kardashian's Twitter page because I have no life and I noticed that she had several Tweets she sent during a flight. OK, let's stop for a second. Maybe someone who is technologically savvy can answer this for me. Why is it ok for some airlines to have Wi-Fi on their planes which sends and receives signals but it isn't ok to even have your cell phone turned on during a flight? I think the only difference is airlines can charge for W-Fi and can't charge for texts. If they could figure out a way to charge for texts, I am sure they would be allowed.
Anyway, during the flight she said, "I'm on the airplane...love wifi. I am sitting next to an Air Marshall! Jim the air marshall makes me feel safe!" First of all, Jim should have told her how to spell the word. Second of all, do we really think Jim is an air marshal? I say no. I say it was a guy who was trying to impress Kim and get lucky. Unfortunately Jim, if you are a government employee you make in a year what Kim needs you to make in a week. I'm sorry.
When people started chastising Kim for blowing Jim's cover, Kim said, "RELAX I just told u guys the Air Marshall is sitting next to me, highly doubt anyone is twittering like me on this flight! shhh."
"Air Marshall's are supposed to keep their identity concealed. He did! I am just a private eye & assumed, so I asked him & he was honest!"
Uh huh. Really good private eye. That is why Reggie Bush gets away with cheating on her so much. Anyway, what do you think? Air Marshal or not? If he was, then he was an idiot for confirming it and she was an idiot for tweeting about it. I don't know why I would expect anything else though.
How's this for dumb Enty... Cell phones for the most part transmit with a couple of different radio specrtums... 800mz and 1900mhz.
ReplyDeleteEven if the equipment on a plane were picking up these frequencies, the cell phones are not your main concern. It's the cell towers. These are GIANT TRANSMITTERS running by design on the same frequencies as the phones.
The problem Is not the actualy radio transmissions but more that it was popular in the early nineties to use cell phones to detonate explosives remotely.
Yeah...I guess I'm not alone in thinking ENTY has started to drop the ball...
ReplyDeleteThe last week or so has really seen this blog kind of get weaker...
what a fucking idiot. like a REAL Air Marshall would tell who he is.
"When phones ping for signals at 35,000 feet, they can hit hundreds of towers at once, necessitating complicated parsing of roaming agreements. Providers don't want the hassle if they're not being properly compensated, so the government has left the plane ban in place."
ReplyDeleteI think they have continued the cell phone ban because flights would be UNBEARABLE if you had to listen to everyone's private business at high volume all around you. Can you imagine?
ReplyDeletewhat do i think? i think i'm not going to waste any brain cells thinking about this.
ReplyDeletei really hope there are some actual stories and hopefully a blind or two in the pipeline for today!
I think an Air Marshall should make himself known on EVERY flight so that they know if they try anything funny, they'll take you DOWN~!
ReplyDeleteAgreed with Shazzzba... where are you Enty? Is that Adriana girl subbing for you or something??
ReplyDeleteAnytime I read about any of the Kardashians, I can hear my brain cells committing suicide.
ReplyDeleteI know it's hard to imagine, but maybe Enty is busy? Nah, couldn't happen. We all know he just pretends to have a job. ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL, 0!
ReplyDeleteim with o here
ReplyDeleteWill someone please explain to me why Kim Kardashian and her whole family are famous? I really do not know. Is it because of Bruce Jenner? I mean, he is not that famous. I sincerely do not understand the appeal to that family. I watched half of one of the shows one time and it was obviously fake. Plus, how do they make their money? It can't be all from Bruce Jenner?!!??
ReplyDeleteHere's some insight . There is a reason an air marshal was sititng next to her and it wasn't to keep her safe. I suspect (no pun intended) she may have been on a watch list.
ReplyDeleteWhat do I think? I think KK is deluded about life. Somehow that's fitting for this blog.
ReplyDeleteI sat next to an air marshal on a flight once. he didn't tell me but it was pretty obvious since he got to board early, looked pretty military and talked to me about he flies really often - like 20 times a week.
ReplyDeletei think the most ridiculous part of this is that anyone in the world cares about what she tweets.
Well according to a Mythbusters episode mobile phones can interfere with plane radar and other equipment. I personally think paying for WiFi if you are that addicted to tweeting etc or waiting until you land is small price to pay for not crashing into a mountain.
ReplyDeleteOf course I only have Mythbusters word on this so I am not sure how much relationship that has to fact.
I know that cell phones disrupt EKG machines at the doctor's office and the hospital. I know this is about cell phones and planes, but it's the same principle.
ReplyDeleteIf he IS an air marshall, he should be fired. He should not have blown his cover.
ReplyDeleteAha! The truth comes out - Enty's an olympic athlete.
ReplyDeleteEnty - that last paragraph about Kim being a questionable private eye cracked me up.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm ok if you wanna take a break sometimes - we're a pretty demanding group :)
Enty is modeling at Fashion Week.
ReplyDeleteSimmer down cranks. Enty actually has a job. We've been spoiled for too long. Get over the drop in posts. I'm sure it's only temporary.
ReplyDeleteHow about this? You want more content? Write it yourself and submit it. I'm sure he'd be grateful.
ReplyDeleteThat's your opinion. You don't have to tell people what to do, and so sarcastically too.
Pardon me, I'm breaking into verse.
It is my opinion, yes. But I can't help but think it's sad to have been reading this blog for three years and see people so cranky. I really appreciate Enty and it always makes me sad to see people annoyed, angry, or whatever when he's not being as prolific as usual.
ReplyDeleteWe're all here because we're gossip hounds and I'm sure lots of us send him links to stories. It's totally just my opinion but maybe he would appreciate a guest post or two :)
I bet the air marshall is real...and he is sitting in his boss' office today being reprimanded.
ReplyDeletebite me, miranda.
ReplyDelete@Lucinda - men's figure skating?
ReplyDeleteMy DH is not an air marshal but looks like he should be one. He's a frequent flyer and was back in the air immediately after 911. People sitting near/around him always ask if he's an AM. DH never says yes or no - just leaves them wondering.
@ballyhoo. I'm a lover, not a biter :)
ReplyDeleteUh-oh, watch out Miranda or people will start thinking your in on our "fake enty" conspiracy too. :)
ReplyDelete@ ballyhoo and Sue Ellen Mishkey - Totally agree.
ReplyDeleteMikey- Your DH probably makes people feel safer on flights. If he doesn't answer some people will think he is and feel comforted.
ReplyDeleteI would probably be a little paranoid and think why THIS flight.
Kim's an idiot for outing him and he is an idiot for outing himself if he really is a marshal. I can't help but like the Kardashians but then they do dumb shit like this. Where it shows they know nothing about anything. Who doesn't know that air marshals fly anonymous? Especially someone that travels so often.
Now, you kids play nicely! Do you want Enty to turn the car around and go home?
ReplyDeleteShe is foul.
ReplyDelete...I say no. I say it was a guy who was trying to impress Kim and get lucky.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of Kim Kardashian, I'm not sure "lucky" means what you think it means.
ReplyDeleteJoel McHale says she's famous for her booty & the sex tape. That's why. :) Kim gets paid on things like modeling and personal appearances. And I agree, I think the show is very scripted.
I did not know that the air marshals had to keep their identity hidden. I learn something everyday on CDAN.
Sue Ellen, I used to work at an urgent care, and we had an ekg machine, and cell phones did not affect it, even though we had signs saying it :) I don't know if they would in hospitals, where they have fancier machines, but since most, if not all docs carry phones and/or pagers, I would say they probably don't affect the machines, it's probably the hospitals nice way of saying "don't talk on the phones, it's rude!!".
ReplyDeleteyeah, we have the same signs at the radio station where i work! We tell people they need to shut them off , not just put them on silent - but in reality, we use them all the time, in and outside the studio, and it doesnt matter at all...