Having a massive hangover on the weekends generally results in me sitting through hours of Real Housewives. I find that laughing at their lives minimizes the throbbing in my own head. Plus, you don't have to concentrate because all the cities kind of merge into one big show. Anyway, one of the people I would have never suspected of cheating would be Vicki Gunvalson. She has been married forever and just this past weekend I watched her renew her vows with her husband. Well, they might want to have a redo on that one because according to Star Magazine, Vicki was making out with a 22 year old down in Puerto Vallarta.
All night Mike Pullin and Vicki had been dancing at the club and flirting. When Mike (above) bought a round of drinks for the group around him, Vicki kissed him and then the kiss turned into a full make out session. There could have been more involved but Star wants to me to actually go out and buy the issue to see what happened next. Like I would ever buy an issue of Star. Please. Let people go ahead of me in the checkout line while I read it sure, but buying it? Never.
She was just giving him a good-nite kissing hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteUgh! Who'd want to make out with THAT face????? I love the NY and Atlanta shows, but never got into the OC shows. There's something seriously wrong with her face that makes me not want to watch her.
ReplyDeleteShe already "cheated" on him a season or so ago. They were in Vegas and she was all over some dudes, I think she kissed one... Anyway, I digress.
ReplyDeleteHe looks thrilllllled, lol.
ReplyDeleteWasn't she the one who got a younger housewife drunk so she could be the clown at a formal dinner party? She also call her a whore and/or a slut...I watch that crap LOL
ReplyDeleteteam rhatlanta! i have no idea who this vicky person is. bring on some nene.
ReplyDeleteThis made me happy, Enty. Thank you. I am obsessed with the RH of OC and NYC. ATL and NJ not so much. And I hate Vicki with a passion. Love it love it love it.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'd actually believe it if it were the National Enquirer.
If it IS true, that kid got paid a lot to do it, and he was verrrry drunky drunk.
There are other pics circulating from last summer. I think she was cheating while on a cruise. Anyone else think she has a drinking problem?
ReplyDeleteDroopy Dog is a Bitch. I cannot stand this woman. She is my least favorite housewife..(well that religious one is really getting on my nerves, but I don't watch that much this season)...
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad this came out. She is a total whore to her (very nice) husband...Ugg. Grow up Vicki.
@Jess - No Tamra was the one who got Gretchen drunk, but that is a whole different story. I can't stand her plastic face either...God this season of RHOC sucks.
The only one I really liked was Jeana and now she is gone...
Those are some hella-vapid, waste-of-humanity bimbos on that show.
RHWOOC is the one i watch the least but I swear in the episodes I have seen her all over someone else before??? A younger dude while they were on vacation. Isn't she the one that doesn't have the best relationship w/ her husband either and talks about them not seeing each other or sex or something? Am I crazy?
ReplyDeleteI don't watch the show, but see the adverts on Bravo all the time, and I'm weirdly fascinated with her face...she reminds me of a Cabbage Patch Doll on Adderall.
ReplyDeleteInteresting - the guy she's "letting" kiss her is obviously the one taking the picture of it. I smell something fishy.
ReplyDeleteOrange County Cougar in the house. RUN FOR THE HILLS!
ReplyDeleteOh, Sporky...too funny!!!
ReplyDeleteI love me some RH, even at my husband's pleading to never watch that crap, I just can't help myself.
I think Vicki has a drinking problem. And some serious self-esteem issues-that goes for all the women, really. Oh, and Donn is just too cool for school. He really should ditch her after this. I thought they were cute at the renewing of vows and even at Lynne's party, but now not so much.
Next season, Gretchen and Donn should have a one night stand.
ReplyDeleteVicki's head would then explode, and Lynne would mutter "What did I miss?" after returning from the bathroom.
LOL @ Christine! I would pay to see that episode.
ReplyDeleteVicki is a real bitch the way she likes to dish it out to the other girls but can't ever take it herself. I do think she has a drinking problem and she always loves to party with her son and his friends. So I'm sure what this turns out to be too.
And I guess I'm lucky because my husband actually watches it with me. = )
"Wasn't she the one who got a younger housewife drunk..."
ReplyDeleteGod, I hate that I knew the answer to that question.
Vicki better watch out, Jeana's been waiting in the wings for Donn for years now.
ReplyDeleteNot that I watch the show or anything...
vicki always makes an ass of herself when she's had a few. i don't know how sweet donn stands her. she's a very unattractive woman---from the inside out.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for her to much but does anyone else get the impression that Don is the one who has been shady in the past.They always hint at it and this is what drives Vicki's bitchiness
ReplyDeleteVicki is FUG and repulsive. If she's on screen I turn it off. I love how she's so freakin' high and mighty on the show (and a self proclaimed MILF if you can believe that). I guess the rules apply to everyone but her. Cannot WAIT for the RHO New York!
ReplyDeleteChristine - let's be "I Hate Vicki" buddies...
ReplyDeletemngddess and Christine, let's meet for coffee so we can chat about what a TWAT Vicki is. I hate that miserable, self-centered b!tch. She looks like a pig with that upturned snout and one of my favorite lines she has ever oinked was when she was asked what she loved most about her husband, Don. She paused and thought a moment and then said, "I love how much he loves me. Niiiice.