Vicki From Real Housewives Cheats On Her Husband
Having a massive hangover on the weekends generally results in me sitting through hours of Real Housewives. I find that laughing at their lives minimizes the throbbing in my own head. Plus, you don't have to concentrate because all the cities kind of merge into one big show. Anyway, one of the people I would have never suspected of cheating would be Vicki Gunvalson. She has been married forever and just this past weekend I watched her renew her vows with her husband. Well, they might want to have a redo on that one because according to Star Magazine, Vicki was making out with a 22 year old down in Puerto Vallarta.
All night Mike Pullin and Vicki had been dancing at the club and flirting. When Mike (above) bought a round of drinks for the group around him, Vicki kissed him and then the kiss turned into a full make out session. There could have been more involved but Star wants to me to actually go out and buy the issue to see what happened next. Like I would ever buy an issue of Star. Please. Let people go ahead of me in the checkout line while I read it sure, but buying it? Never.