Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Trump Says His Marriage Isn't In Trouble - Uh Huh

The Palm Beach Daily News which isn't exactly known for wild speculation reported earlier this week that the marriage of Donald Trump is in trouble. The Donald says that just isn't true and he told the newspaper that also. "There was a report in the Palm Beach Daily News that Melania and I are having problems, and it is 100% false, as I told them."

The rumors started because Donald has been spending weekends alone in Palm Beach while his family stays behind in New York. His explanation for this is "Melania used to come with me to Palm Beach every weekend, but now that we have a young son, his school comes first."

He went on to say that their five year old son has school on Friday evenings so the family has to stay in New York. OK, first things first here. I'm sure there are kids who have school in the evenings. But Friday evenings? Really? He is five. That part doesn't make any sense. Second of all, if he is so enamored of his family why don't they fly to Palm Beach after school ends? It isn't like Donald is flying commercial. The plane leaves when he wants it to leave. The kid is five. How late is he staying in school at night? Finally, why is he going down every weekend? Stay at home with your family. Just because he is in school Friday evenings still leaves Saturdays and Sundays that the family could be together. I smell lots of trouble here.


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