Apparently Tiger Woods left rehab this morning. Sex rehab that is. Although he might want to get that whole Ambien thing looked into because he seems to love those little pills. From what I understand, and honestly, I don't know a lot of people within the golf world, Tiger is going to return to golf in two weeks at the Accenture Match Play Championship. It is a tournament Tiger has won previously, he wants to kiss the ass of the Accenture people so they will start wanting to pay him again and the format of the tournament means that if he sucks he can leave after one day and not have to stick it out through the entire weekend.
Meanwhile he has two weeks to spend time with his wife and kids. Should be a jolly Valentine's Day next week at the Woods household. I am still shocked that Elin is going to stay married to him. It isn't so much the 20 women he cheated on her with, although if you multiply the number of partners they each had that Tiger then brought home to Elin that is pretty staggering. What must kill her is that forever she will be known as the woman who stood by the guy who cheated and cheated and cheated and cheated. People will point her out and whisper. I liked her original plan better. Buy a house in Sweden and go there. If Tiger wants to see the kids make him fly in his private jet there. Would you take the guy back?
Maybe. My first thought was to say no, because it's hard to rebuild that trust. But, if someone is serious enough to go through rehab, I might be willing to give it another shot.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I've never made the smartest decisions, relationship-wise...
Not gonna fault her for going back. People do it all the time.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't have hooked up with him - married or not, rich or not. And NO to your question Enty, been through it once, didn't stay, I don't plan to stay with a cheater, ever.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can think of is, she is trying every possible thing to do, so if and when she bolts, she can do so with a clear conscience.
ReplyDeleteIn a case so over-the-top like this, all I can think is that she already knew perfectly well what was going on before she even entered into the marriage and either implicitly or explicitly agreed to the whole she-bang.
ReplyDeleteOoh, Tenley, interesting comment. I hadn't thought of that. That would make sense to me.
ReplyDeletehe went to rehab to rehabilitate his image,not to help his marriage. what a fucking sham. she is a idiot for staying....she's the one going to be judged,not him.
No way. Even if it was only just one woman....no. I wouldn't go back. I don't stand for that level of disrespect.
ReplyDeleteI always say that there is no d*ck out there worth ruining my marriage.
I don't know. If Elin knew about it all, there would have been no reason to take a golf club to him. I honestly think she was seriously in the dark.
ReplyDeleteThere's got to be something in it for her to stay. I remember feeling so humiliated for Hilary Clinton when Bill's dalliances came out and was initially surprised she stayed with him...but she stayed for a reason, too.
Tenley I agree but I also think that neither of them planned on him falling in love with Rachel. That's what sent Elin over the edge.
ReplyDeleteTiger has not recovered but will merely become more discreet in his affairs. I think he and his wife will have to divorce eventually because he'll fall in love with Rachel or someone else and HE will want the divorce.
I would say no way would I go back to that. All the lies and deceit would be too much for me to get over. I'd probably hold it against him for the rest of his life and make our collective lives miserable. That's no way to live a life.
ReplyDelete@not on my dollar-
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your last comment about him leaving her. Isn't that a kick in the teeth.
Typically, I am not a cynical person. But in this instance, I can't help but think that he's giving her a boat load of money to stay right now. I wouldn't be surprised if the marriage ended at some point down the road.
ReplyDeleteThis won't last.
ReplyDeleteThey've reached an agreement (contract) where she will stay with him long enough for him to win back his sponsors. Then they'll quietly divorce and she'll move to Sweden. Or LA. Whatever.
There is no way, NO WAY that he will ever change his sexually obsessive ways. I just hope he's smart enough now to not ever marry again.
Nope. He's a freakin sleezebag, but I wouldn't have gotten w/him in the first. Moneybags or not, he's fuckin fug.
ReplyDeleteCheating aside, Tiger might actually be a loving father. Elin might be trying to put their interests first and keep them united with their dad.
ReplyDelete@sue, yes it's a kick in the teeth. Look at the senator who told his wife that he wanted to take out the part of the vow about forsaking all others. She chose to ignore it and now he had to publicly state that his mistress was the love of his life before the wife finally divorced him.
ReplyDeletei am so burned out on tiger that i can't even think about this.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't have married him in the first place. Pro athletes are ALL sleazebags.....even the ones you think aren't. Having worked in hotels my entire adult life, I've seen it all.
ReplyDeleteAs to being cheated on, one strike and you're out in my book. That is a level of disrespect that is neither forgivable or forgettable IMO.
@Jenny...what good does it do the children to have parents that stay together but have no trust in each other? My children and I were so much happier after their father left, after the initial grief of a ruined marriage. They were sad to see him go but our home atmosphere was much better.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I mean, taking a vow forsaking all others? Didn't you already do that the first time you got married? Clearly, it didn't matter then, so why would it matter now? You can't trust someone like that with your life and feelings. Personally, I think marriage is serious business and you shouldn't take it lightly.
rant over.
ReplyDeleteI was friends with a dude whose parents "stayed together for the kids" and he was a complete wreck. Baby momma's hopping from place to place, a drug addiction. No good. On the other hand, my parents divorced when I was really little and I don't have a baby daddy, live consistantly in the same place, and have never been addicted to any drug, let alone tried many of them. I don't know what that really says, but it's interesting none the less.
I can't fault her for sticking around for a while longer for the sake of the kids. When she leaves, as she inevitably will have to do (and ought to do, if you ask me), she'll be able to tell herself and her children that she did everything she could to hold the marriage together.
ReplyDeleteAfter the worldwide embarrassment and humiliation he inflicted on his family, I would never take him back -- take half his fortune and most of his stuff, yes.
ReplyDeletecall me crazy but i think she loves him. she's willing to accept that he's sick (and i believe he is---the scale of the fucking around isn't the usual AT ALL) and needs help.
ReplyDeletewhy chastise her for trying to keep their family together? they have little children to consider. she's from a broken family and doesn't want that for her kids.
i say cut them some slack. it's THEIR marriage. nobody outside of a marriage knows a fucking thing about it. i wish them the best, whatever she (they) ultimately do.
I don't think I could ever trust someone again after they cheated on me. I realise that people make mistake and if it was just one mistake, MAYBE. I'd at least consider making it work. But 20? 20 skanks? No. There is no way I would take him back after that. Then again, being a multi-millionaire ain't so bad, is it?
ReplyDeleteToo many STDs. I'd take the money and run.
ReplyDeleteNope - couldn't do it. I do understand about addiction (i.e., alcohol, drugs, food, etc.). But I just can't deal with the cheating thing.
ReplyDeleteHell to the double no I wouldn't take him back.
ReplyDeleteHell to the double no I wouldn't take him back.
ReplyDeleteRun. Fast. And with whatever dignity you have left. Why torment yourself? A divorce settlement will be more than enough, you don't have to compromise yourself for more money. The kids aren't going to lose their daddy any more than they already have and not having you around might actually make him better at it.
ReplyDeleteNow, why does it always seem to fall back on the women when it comes to the kids? Elin, Brooke (when it seemed she was normal).."Well, she has two small children to think about"... Keeping his family intact, respected and protected obviously wasn't the first thing on Tiger's mind so why does this fall on Elin?
I'm just glad I don't give a shining shite about golf. If I were part of that world, I'd be completely unable to make up my mind if Tiger playing again was a Good Thing or a Bad Thing.
ReplyDeleteShe's sticking around for the 'status'. There should be no reason to keep her family together at this point. What for? To pretend? There's a thing called joint visitation. How much humiliation can one take? She's a fool.
ReplyDeleteHe will choose women who WILL be much discreeter this time around.
@Sue Ellen, whether a kid is being raised by both parents or a single parent, they just need a decent, stable and constant human being in their lives.
Sounds like a money deal to me. I can't believe she would ever let him touch her again.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a money deal to me. I can't believe she would ever let him touch her again.
ReplyDeleteHugh Hefner did it. Stayed married and STILL had a TV show about his girlfriends. Must be a celebrity 'thang'?!?
ReplyDeleteI'd consider it if it were one woman. But c'mon now...we're talking about way more than one woman. AND, there's women that he did sleep with that didn't come forward because his lawyers paid them off. My friend is friends with one such girl. His lawyers called her up, flew her out to Florida and said they would pay her $60,000 dollars to never speak of it. Of COURSE she took the money. So at this point we are well over 20 women. Not to mention, that he didn't use a top hat either! Are you kidding me? Not only do you cheat on me...with several woman...but you don't even care that you might be giving me a disease, maybe even one that could kill me? FUCK! Plus she was pregnant too, so he's willing to possibly give me a disease, and then if I get pregnant I could unknowingly be passing that on to our children??? FUCK that. Go to hell and give me your money before you go there.
ReplyDeleteI think Elin might have something called a pre-nup to consider. Whether she loves him or not at this point is not an issue, but she does have children to consider. A messy divorce would wreak havoc on the finances, so why not just play house and everyone is happy and financially secure.
ReplyDeleteWe all want true love to win in the end, but when it comes to money many many many people make scrifices to save that money so it doesn't go into the pockets of lawyers.
They won't be the first couple to stay together for the sake of the kids and the money.
The kids were born and raised in the US, so she can't move them to Sweden without his permission. Doesn't matter what kind of scumbag he is, he's still their father and he has the legal right to keep them in Florida. I hope she's made some sort of agreement where she'll stay with him for the next year or two to help him fix his image in exchange for his permission to move later on. Right now, she can't go.
ReplyDeletepaisley, I had no idea thats how it worked. I guess I need to consider that before I have mine. :)
ReplyDeleteWIth that said, I agree with what Angelina said. Its not even the cheating ( alright, fine, it is) but it is also the fact that he blatantly exposed her and the kids to all sorts of STDs. It is beyond inconsiderate and I would think she could use that against him?
She can't leave? Really? How about they save face and buy her a house down from his, so that the kids can visit without hassle.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't have to go to Sweden, but come on she is not an average woman with limited resources.
I don't think so. I don't think I could ever trust someone who cheated on me.
ReplyDeleteTiger took douchery to new levels. He didn't cheat with one woman but a sports team and he did it bareback. That goes way beyond infidelity. That's sick because even if you don't care about yourself enough to keep it wrapped, at least care about someone you pledged to love.
I took a cheater back once and he went on to leave me. So, my answer is NEVER!
ReplyDeleteOnly fools believe the lies put out about Tiger. Only one phone message a month before the bust? Of course Elin is staying with him.
ReplyDeleteMelody, what I meant was that she can't leave and go to Sweden. She could always divorce him and stay and Florida, but does she really want to be stuck here for the next 18 years? Except for Tiger, most of her life is back in Sweden.
ReplyDeleteNever. i could not have him touch me without thinking of those skanky women he banged. Ugh.