Friday, February 12, 2010

Tiger Woods Cheated In Rehab

The National Enquirer loves the Tiger Woods sex scandal. It is kind of like how TMZ can't get enough Michael Jackson stories. Although I think The Enquirer stories are true you also have to remember that who is going to sue them? The sources who went to sex rehab? Tiger? Both of those are unlikely.

While in rehab, Tiger hated group therapy. He hated it so much that he treated everyone in the group like crap and even made one woman break down in tears.

Tiger also said he didn't have a sex addiction problem and "ridiculed fellow patients and refused to cooperate with therapists." My question is this. Why did he go then? Did he go because his managers and PR people told him to go? Did he go because Elin wanted him to go? If he doesn't think he has a problem then I see his behavior repeating itself. Actually I think it will keep repeating itself anyway. There are just going to be too many times he is out on the road and he will pick up the phone and call someone and that will be the end of it. I still can't figure out why he wants to stay married so much. If he gets divorced then no one will care who he sleeps with or when or where. Does anyone think he can actually stay faithful? If he really cheated in rehab, then I just don't see it. Hell, I don't see it anyway. He will cheat and cheat.


  1. Kick in the teeth. Just like me and someone else (don't remember who) said.

  2. As Jax said before, I don't think he's necessarily a sex addict, I think he's a narcissist who thinks he can do anything he wants. And sadly, he's pretty much right about that. It sucks a lot for his kids, though. Any woman who goes near that now deserves the cooties she's going to get.

  3. he may not be addicted, but has a very demanding libido.

    that you don´t theraphy away. thats it. to play golf, you need to be calm and mentally clear so you don´t take meds.

    they "work" it out now for the money and contracts, then they split, after building up the image of beeing so cool and comitted to "work on it"

  4. name is Tiger...and I am NOT a sex addict....I am, however, a complete asshole....

  5. shit, i don't even need to comment

    this was ALL SPIN.

  6. Money is very attractive, which is the only explanation for why he was able "have" all those women. It certainly wasn't his looks and by the sounds of it, not is oh so charming personality.

  7. Hate to be the one to say it, but Elin, you are a fool.

  8. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he took that attitude...having been forced into rehab for appearances. What a joke. He might want to at least TRY appearing contrite, though.

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    arrogant asshole

  10. holy receding hairline batman!!

  11. I agree with Jax and Mooshki. He is a narcissist, and does it because he can.

    Of course he will continue screwing around.

  12. I used to think really highly of him, no more. And for the record, I don't think he is a sex addict either - Mooshki spoke for me!

  13. Elin, grab your kids, the money and get away from this douche bag as fast as you can. Why stay with someone that the whole world now knows will cheat on you continuously!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Agreed - not a sex addict, he bangs whatever he wants because he can, and because he's Tiger f'n Woods. prick.

  15. Am I the only one that finds it odd that group therapy in a sex rehab is co-ed? I didn't think group therapy in drug/alcohol rehabs was co-ed, let alone a sex addiction clinic. Or did I read it wrong?

  16. Jeez, you people believe this shiat?

  17. If he thought going to sex rehab was going to hurt his image, I bet he is pissed that the fellow patients ratted him out. To bad Tiger.

  18. Blossom, sex addicts often don't care about gender for their "fixes," even apart from whether they are homo- or bisexual. I don't think you could have any group session where there wasn't sexual tension of some kind between the members.

  19. @ Mooshki, I hadn't thought about it before, but what is up with putting a bunch of sex addicts in a locked facility all together. The chance that there isn't going to be a whole lot of "activity" in the bath room, closets, staff lounge after hours is slim to none. I was in the cracker factory after a bout with post-partum depression and let me tell you, where there is a will there is a way.

  20. this is going to be a movie, for sure

  21. That makes me very angry, that someone who was unwilling to be in therapy was allowed to be there and mock and make other participants feel worse than they already do, just for the sake of his image. I do not find men with receding hairlines UNattractive. That being said, I am glad to see Tiger Woods has a receding hairline.

  22. His handlers need to invest in salt peter and have him ingest it every chance. Maybe he could sponsor a new flavour for people with control issues.

  23. Tiger's going about this the wrong way. Golf fans are married men who would love to have 20 girlfriends around the world, and a beautiful wife. His handlers should be branding him as a playboy and getting him a reality show.
