Southwest Airlines Thinks Kevin Smith Is Very Fat
I feel your pain Kevin Smith. Southwest airlines decided that Kevin Smith weighs so much that he was a safety risk. The pilot of the plane came out to the cabin, saw Kevin jammed in his seat and kicked him off the plane. Kevin then spent the next 24 hours on Twitter talking to his 1.6M followers. Shortly thereafter Southwest realized who they kicked off and started kissing a lot of ass. Southwest airlines style. In typical Southwest style they offered Kevin a $100 voucher. He laughed at them and turned them down. They then put him on another flight. I don't understand how he could be safe for one flight and not for another. It isn't like he lost 20 pounds between flights. Do you think maybe the pilot had seen an advance print of Cop Out?
He had passed the both arm rests down test so thought he would get to stay. Instead, he got escorted off the plane with all the passengers looking. That is humiliating. To read the entire episode as it happened, click here.