Someone Is Lying - Haiti And Scientology
Do you remember when John Travolta flew his plane into Haiti to deliver supplies? At the time he flew in, he said they were bringing in four tons of supplies. That is a lot if you are going shopping for a weekend, but compared to what other planes could bring in, it wasn't that much. So, the next reports said 5 tons were brought in and last night on David Letterman John said that it was actually 7 tons. Oh, and that it was all brought in on two planes. Would one of these planes be the plane Gawker wrote about that actually had zero supplies but was full of Scientologists? Are the Scientologists counting the weight of personal luggage or their own bodies as supplies? I mean if you are a 200 pound person who can heal by touch are you also considered a medical supply?
Another thing mentioned by John last night was that he guarded the plane all night so the next morning doctors and other relief workers could come to the plane and get what they needed. It was like a store. The doctors thought it was manna. My word not his but that was the impression he wanted to give. Didn't the previous reports say the plane was immediately unloaded and John flew back? Why do these stories keep changing? How did the little kid from Haiti who just happened to wander up to the plane get a f**king yellow t-shirt? John said he wanted to take him home but of course didn't. So, where is the child now? John thinks he is back in the orphanage. So, basically it was give him a free t-shirt and pose for some pictures so I can look like I was helping and call it a day. I hate how John refers to the COS as his church. Now people will wonder what church he belongs to and it is all just a bunch of garbage.
Last night when he was on Letterman to ostensibly promote his new movie he allowed questions about his relief mission and talked about something other than his movie. In my opinion that means that any question anyone wants to ask him about Scientology during a promotional tour is a fair question. No walking off the set. No getting upset. You can't cherry pick the parts that make you look best. If you want to use a national television audience to discuss your "church" on your terms then you can't get pissed off when a reporter wants to ask questions about it. I am so disgusted right now. It starts about the 4:30 mark. If watching Travolta wasn't enough then watch the video beneath it. That is The Today Show talking about how amazing Scientologists are and how they are doing the work no one else wants to do. I'm going to be sick now. Seriously.
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