Monday, February 01, 2010

So That Whole Brangelina Split Thing

Every tabloid had Brad and Angelina splitting this week or some variation of it. I noticed they have been much more silent on the whole Brangelina spotted Saturday night at the Director's Guild Awards. Tabloids want Brad and Jen stories and don't want Brad and Angelina happy stories. I saw one tabloid this week that said Jen had already told Brad she would take him back. Really? That is all the world needs.

So, what do you think? Was this all an act or was the supposed split a publicity stunt?



  2. I would think that the News of the World wouldn't run the story if they were fairly sure they couldn't be sued over it.. but yeah.. it could be a publicity stunt.

  3. I think the tabloids are reaching for any little thing they can to make a story. I feel sorry for all of them. It cannot be pleasant to have your every move or facial expression twisted into a trashy story. Poor Jennifer, I feel the most sorry for her. No matter what, she has got to HATE being made out to be pitiful and lonely all the time. IDK, she always looks like she is loving her single life.

  4. Brangelina is a publicity seeking media machine - and if Jen takes him back she's an idiot !

  5. They'll copy the madonna/guy split sequence. trust.

  6. I'm with shazzzba. There's something going on and I think this weekend's appearance together was staged to make it look like all is fine.

    I think it's hysterical that tabloids are running stories about Jen taking Brad back. It's such great entertainment.

  7. I want them both to go away forever. Do not want, do not care.

  8. I don't think they are into publicity stunts. They aren't the type.

    There are a couple of "spins" the media have left out:

    1- George Clooney orchestrated the Brad / Jen meet-up at his Haiti telethon because he "despises" Angelina and just wants to see his good friend happy again with Jennifer.


    2- They adopted again and are laying low in order to bond with the newest member(s) of their brood.

    Or is it so bad to just think that maybe they are enjoying being together since they have both been working so much lately? Maybe they're over the red carpet events and the "Brangelina" sightings at ice cream shops and art stores and they are just spending time at home being a “normal” family?.

  9. It was definitely an act. For whatever reason they are not ready to make their split public, so they go out and pay some mags to talk about how they were on a "date" for the DGAs.

    I agree with Saffron, they will follow the Madonna/Guy split playbook. Since I'm sick & tired of both of them, I'm hoping it's announced sooner than later.

  10. ^^^^ isn't that the same as the tabloids? the "i'm sure they'll break up someday I mean its inevitable right so we'll keep with the 'broken up, evil witch, Jen is in' stories and one day they'll surely come true" no?

    They've been together 5 years now, and 6 kids between them since WEEK 1, every other day or week there has been a "broke up, fighting, its over" story.... 5 years going still the same come on.... really?

    Yes they will break up someday marriages/relationships as we all know are not easy however its been 5 years who knows they could end up being like Goldie and her man.... time will tell either way....

    Tabloids on the other hand are wishing for the end of Brangelina purely for money... how sad is that? there are 6 kids involved.

  11. Really.. WHO CARES??? Be gone, I'd prefer to see information on "relevant" people.. :)

  12. you know how the other day we were talking about where there's smoke there's fire? i'm still on that train. it'll end how it started, it always does.

  13. For a second I thought this was Benicio Del Toro.

  14. They're damned if they do, and damned if they don't. They sell tabloids and they don't sue. How many clearly phoney stories have been attributed to them in the past year? How many stories that didn't pan out? How many countries has she been in "picking up children" who never arrived? No publicity stunt, Brangelina stories are the equivalent to Toothy Tile Blinds, once sales or traffic go down, they get pulled out for a quick boost.

    Will they split, sure, who in Hollywood doesn’t, but they'll do it on their schedule, and when it best benefits them, not us.

  15. i was just thinking the same thing, pookie AND harriet hellfire! lol.

  16. I thought the same thing @ballyhoo & @Harriet Hellfire.


  17. I used to think Benicio looked a lot like Brad around the edges, but this photo is proof that Brad is morphing into Benicio. :)

  18. EVERY week for 5 years, at least one of the tabloids (& the media that copy these tabloids) say they are over- why? They have no PR and don't sue- they spend their money on other things. Reality- they spend a lot more time together and act a lot kinder to each other than many other couples in the media...bad stuff sells, I guess. I agree that these attacks are even sadder bc they have six kids.

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  20. I think the tabs should go for something really out-there. Like, Angie and Brad are Reptilian shape-shifting extraterrestrials a la the whole insane Icke theory. Forget the break-up/make-up stuff. Maybe they can throw Xenu in there and have this whole Scientology versus Brangelina thing erupt.

  21. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Why is it that when their is a story about their break-up than they come out showing to the world that they are very happy with each other?

    I am sure that sooner or later they will break-up.

  22. I have always thought Brad and Benicio looked alike.

    Personally, something is going on. I imagine that the tabloid thing caused some people to start spinning like mad, but I agree with Marion. These people are publicity machines. I just hope like hell J.A. doesn't allow herself to be spotted in the same country much less the same event as a "single" Brad.

  23. After awards season? Might not want to mess things up for others.

  24. I'm with Anne. I can't imagine why Brangelina would come up with this PR stunt. I think it's infinitely more likely that Jennifer-media-whore-Aniston and her PR people came up with it. Or, it could be that the News of the World, Okay, Us, and People idiots also have slow news days and just want to create news that's not there.

    Do I think Brad and Angie will stay together? Probably not. But I think the press should get the hell over it. And does anyone honestly think Jennifer would take Brad back with all those kids and baggage? I think not. She just likes seeing her name out there and enjoys throwing Brad and Angelina under the bus. Them's my two cents.

  25. Ha! Ha! He does look like Benicio but Benicio doesn't look so good these days. So that's not much of a compliment.

  26. I think there's probably a little stress going on, but they worked it out. And by owrked it out I mean either it was a normal couple fight OR they are talking it out and making arrangements..

  27. Whether they're breaking up or not, they don't do PDAs unless they're looking for good press, so I think the whole thing was planned. (They reportedly were all over each other at the event.)

  28. This may be out there, but here's one possibility for the sudden DGA appearance. If they really wanted to put on a united front and put the rumors to rest, they would have done one of the big shows together, walked the red carpet and put on a big deal - like the Emmy's. Instead, they end up together at the DGAs, which no one really pays attention to. AND, AJ didn't walk the carpet with Brad. Maybe what happened is that Brad planned to attend the DGA's alone, to support QT, but AJ showed up after he walked the carpet and surprised him. Since they are keeping the break-up on the downlow, and this was a public event, Brad had no choice but to go alone with her presence -- as she knew he would do. So, AJ once again manipulates this situation for her own benefit.


  29. Along, not "alone"

  30. i totally agree with people thinking Brad look alike Benecio Tel Toro or Barney the zoo monkey!!!

    about Brangelina,it's the best tabloid story since Bennifer and Pitt/Aniston !!!

  31. Honestly, some of you people put way too much time and energy into Brangelina. I don't like her, I never have. With that, I can only hope that some day she gets the mental help in which she desperately needs.

  32. @ lauren - i totally agree with you. angelina jolie is the epitome of a borderline personality. she needs professional help, but she's got too many people kissing her ass and on the payroll to actually get it.

    my mother is a borderline - and trust me they are very sad, broken, unstable, and very very emotionally manipulative people. they will really suck the life out of you if you allow it and i think looking at pictures of brad pitt over the past few years/heck especially the past few months is proof of it.

    hell the woman's father publicly said she needed help. her mother had her sent to a mental ward!

    i dont think it's any surprise that she won an oscar for girl, interrupted...she was basically portrayed herself.

  33. Hell Melody, you are right. I would buya mag with that cover any day.

    The thing is, are you guys so sure she hasnt? I actually admire some of the work she does in humanitarian cirkles, and I think she is a pretty damn intelligent woman. I would be surprised if she hasnt been seeing someone to make her focus all the earlier crazy into something good.

  34. Agree with the last 2 posters about Angelina.

    Those of you that think that Brangelina are not the "type" to do things for publicity, Seriously??!! They are the biggest publicity whores ever, they pretty much have People magazine on their payroll. Doesn't anyone remember the photo shoot they did as a "family" before it was even confirmed they were a couple and before he was divorced? If you think the hype about them isn't almost completely created by themselves, you are sadly mistaken. And who said they don't have PR? Are you joking? They have one of the biggest PR machines in the business.

    I'm not sure if they are going to split this time or not, it seemed more legitimate than the other split rumours but time will tell.

  35. Oops, Linea snuck in there. I meant I agree with Nikki and Lauren about Angelina.

  36. Haha, I think we all realized you were not agreeing with me and Nikki... :)

  37. According to IUC Angie is having an affair with Gaga.
    Maybe they broke up maybe they didnt. Its their business not mine.

  38. What in the Sam Hill has happened to Brad? He used to be so pretty, now he looks like a biker dude who sells chicken wings to truckers.

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  41. If you read Lainey's Blog and believe her stories she says that they are not breaking up. She says the story came about because the Daily Mail needed a substitute for another story that fell through at the last minute. Now the story took on legs and wings and is soaring globally.

  42. Char, I totally forgot about that photoshoot!!!! (in W or Vogue...I can't remember)

    That was major creepers with their faux little kids running around everywhere, and he was still married to Jen.

  43. Why has everyone jumped on the break-up story from The News of The World of all places? It's ridiculous. These 2 have apparently been spitting up for the last 5 years. There has been "where there's smoke there's fire" for 5 years now. Come on, people.

    Everyone is also jumping on the "OMG, they are skipping the awards shows". Please. They've never gone unless they were individually nominated or presenting.

    People are jumping on the "OMG, they haven't been seen together" stuff. But, yet they were seen and photographed a few weeks ago at dinner.

    One of the tabloids said Brad bought a house so it must be due to this split. Most fail to mention he bought the house last summer and this is directly next door to their compound. And he's buying surrounding property for the last few years. Real Estate records prove this.

    Will they last? Ultimately, no one knows. But, I do know the tabs are playing people for suckers. And they getting away with it. Hell, even the mainstream media is being played by even talking about it.

  44. It is official, Angelina has officially sucked the hot out of Brad.

  45. I don't care. I love them. I hope they are happy and stay happy.

  46. It's weird that a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador didn't do the Haiti relief show but her husand did. I don't really care about the awards shows but Brad but NOT Angie doing that benefit show? It's weird (and it's strange that almost no one seems to have noticed THAT event being one they not only didn't do together but that Angie especially didn't do, whether with Brad or not).

  47. Tenley,

    Brad did the Hati show and Angie publicly came out in support of the SOS work in Hati. And they donated a mil before the show was organized. So I think Angie did her part in doing something for the relief effort.

    Please note that I'm not a Brangelina stan. I'm just calling it the way I see it. I love a good tabloid story, but I'm so damn tired of the tabloids driving the same damn story. Move onto something else, you know?

  48. They can break up, they can stay together. Truth is the tabloids have been running these stories for years.

    Quoting Ian Halperin is a joke. He's trying to push a book and is a complete whackadoodle. I hold him in the same regard I hold Tila Tequila's tweets. I wouldn't be suprised if he was a paid source for the News of The World story.

  49. My guess would be they're pretty sick of each other but I could see Angelina putting in a few more years so that she was with him long enough to warrant breaking up the marriage with Jen.

    I seriously doubt Brad would go back to Jen because that wouldn't be sticking it to Angelina enough. He will probably have his people scour the planet for the most beautiful woman alive to spite Angie. She probably will not give a shit.

    Or, they are just madly in love and we get teased by the tabloids. That's okay. I work hard so I don't mind speculating on the occasional celeb disaster. People always comment on mine. Haha...

  50. Ewwwwwwwwwww.
    Pinkie ring.

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  52. According to the Guardian, another UK paper, there was a court filing preventing a story of the captain of the UK teams having an affair. So if the News of the World had this huge story ready to go last week and then they couldn't print it, maybe they went to the Brad and Angelina split instead.
