Monday, February 01, 2010

Rip Torn Breaks Into Bank - Doesn't Take Anything

Apparently Rip Torn likes 24 hour banking. Unfortunately for him, his bank does not have staff on hand 24 hours a day. Saturday night, Rip was found inside a bank near his home. Police found him drunk and with a loaded gun. Torn was charged with burglary, criminal trespass and criminal mischief and weapons charges.

No one was hurt, but these arrests of Rip are getting out of hand. I'm guessing he probably drove to the bank which is scary enough. He has been arrested in the past for drinking and driving. The CEO of the bank said to TMZ that Rip thought Rip was in his own home. If that is the case I have got to see his house. I have never been in a house that has teller windows.

Rip is due in court this morning.


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