Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Olympic Reader Photos

I have received several e-mails from readers with lots of Vancouver Olympic photos. So, what I thought I would do is on Friday post not only photos of the Olympic athletes and moments you have been asking for, but I would also love to post any photos you have taken at the Olympics that you want to share. If you don't have any from the Vancouver Olympics but have some from other Olympics, I will be happy to post those also.


  1. I'd like to formally request pictures of Shaun White! ;) Yes, he's a goofy looking kid, but I have the biggest crush on him (he's so damn likable in every single interview he does). He's also the most talented snowboarder I've ever seen.

  2. Awesome idea! Can't wait for those!

    I request:

    Kevin Martin-Canada's sexy 'rocker'
    Jon Montgomery-The auctioneering/ skeleton medalist

    Stephen Colbert-petting the beaver!

  3. Please no pics of Apolo Ohno's 'landing strip'! Ugh, that thing is hideous!

  4. Did anyone see when Pierre Lueders got that guy out of the audience and made him put on his skin suit? That was classic and I bet you'll see that suit on ebay soon.

  5. hey! thanks Enty..those guys were very funny btw.

  6. Kevin Martin AND John Morris, please.

  7. Hey, I've seen those pictures somewhere before! ;) Love your photography, Jax.

  8. Another request: Julia Mancuso and Aksel Lund Svindal please.

    PS: Julia will be on the cover of Sports Illustrated soon along with the other three US skiers who have won medals (Miller, Weibrecht, Vonn and Mancuso): http://www.sicovers.com/Product.aspx?pid=2325

  9. I'd love to see some Evan Lysacek!

  10. I'd love to see some Evan Lysacek!
