Octomom Hits The View - Not Done Having Kids
Nadya Suleman has kind of lessened her appearances on the tabloid radar screen so to make up for all of that and to celebrate the first birthday of her octuplets she was on The View this morning. She called herself delusional for believing that she could somehow manage to go to school and pay for her children at the same time, but said that she thought she only had a limited fertility window and wanted to take advantage of it. She said that she had rationalized and figured that if she completed her Master's program she would make enough money to take care of 7 kids. She had not planned on 14. She does also say that despite what many people think, she is not insane.
She also appears to have had about 40 espressos prior to appearing on the show and sucked a tank of helium. Whoopi spends most of the four minutes with her jaw looking like it will hit the floor. Towards the end of the interview, someone asks her if she is done having kids and she says yes, but then qualifies it by saying that if somewhere down the line she meets someone she would have more kids.