Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Nick Nolte Goes Dumpster Diving

If this was anyone else but Nick Nolte I would think it was a set up. Some guy with a video camera though spotted Nick Nolte digging through trash cans looking for a missing bag with his stash in it and then promptly sold the video to Radar Online. Nick was spotted going through trash cans on the Venice Boardwalk and was very thorough about going through each one.

Judging from what Nick mumbles to the photographer, the bag contained some Xanax and some beer which is the start of a very interesting night and could get you looking like his famous mug shot.


  1. For beer and Xanax, I can't say I blame him!

  2. So, he misplaced the bag and thought someone would have put beer and xanax in the nearest rubbish bin? Bah ha ha ha.

  3. And he used to be such a hottie.

  4. Xanax should be illegal - a truly evil drug, along with the companies that push it.

    "Severe psychosis and seizures have been reported in the medical literature from abrupt alprazolam discontinuation, and one death occurred from withdrawal-related seizures after gradual dose reduction."

    They need to ban this crap now that they can prescribe medicinal marijuana.

  5. Sexiest man alive. Seriously? He was never that good looking. And now, sadly, he's just pathetic. He needs some Celeb Rehab with Dr. Drew.

  6. aw, nick, i love you, so WHY????? why does one of the greatest actors end up like THIS? it makes me sad....

  7. i'm not gonna hate. there's obvious mental illness here. i hope he has loved ones that see to it he gets help.
