When I think of someone having a news conference or press conference I envision someone giving a statement and then answering some questions. Apparently though things don't work that way in Tiger Woods' world. Tiger is set to give a press conference tomorrow morning where he has invited some friends, family and six reporters. Even though these six reporters were hand picked by Tiger, none of them will be allowed to ask a question. They will be there simply to observe and to somehow give this thing some legitimacy. Like someone said on a Tiger Woods message board, Tiger doesn't owe people anything. He only owes his wife and family an apology.
While I agree that he doesn't owe us anything, I do think that the sole purpose of this sham of a press conference is to come back to golf so he can start making money again and say how he has changed and to get all his old sponsors back and it really leaves me with a sick feeling. If he wants to play golf then just go play golf. There doesn't need to be some faked stage production prior to his return to the tour which is designed only to make him money. Let him go out there and answer questions each week on the tour and take his lumps. All he is doing now is being some a-hole control freak who probably can't wait to go back on tour and hit the strip clubs again.
Yep, this makes it easy for him - now anytime someone asks him a question he can just say "I already addressed this at my press conference." It sounds better than "no comment."
Like you said Enty, Tiger is a control freak who is trying to control this situation. This "news conference" is right in the middle of a golf tournament, one sponsored by Accenture, who incidentally was one of the first sponsors to drop Tiger. Coincidence? Don't think so. Timing-wise, sure looks like his way of getting back at them.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is he can say whatever he wants - unless and until he's ready to actually sit down and answer some hard questions, it's just a bunch of BS, and his way of controlling the situation.
Tiger doesn't owe me anything. He should get out there and play.
ReplyDeleteI have never in my life bought anything because of who endorsed it. If you bought something just because Tiger endorsed it then shame on you.
ReplyDeleteI feel like it's an attempt to make a comeback, only how can he come back if he never went away? He's been in the news virtually every day for months. I could not care less at this point; so sick of Tiger and his army of skanks.
ReplyDeleteMaybe his advisors have finally gotten to him and explained how he should do the one thing he is good at. Sorry, make that two
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of you, especially "0" and the comment "...so sick of Tiger and his army of skanks."
ReplyDeleteLet him continue golfing if he wants to. As far as I am concerned, his image is permanently trashed.
As soon as Tiger starts winning tournaments again, people will stop asking him about this scandal.
ReplyDeleteI just can't believe that his wife allegedly called off the divorce. How can she ever trust him again and what example is she setting for her children?
I don't think Tiger scheduled his press conference to hurt Accenture. How could a five minute press conference hurt a five day golf tournament? The Golf Channel is carrying the tournament. I'm sure they'll take time to discuss it and the ramifications. If you've ever watched a gold tournament then you know they are long, drawn out affairs, many shots are shown on tape delay, the announcers talk and talk and talk and show clips from everything imaginable. The press conference will only give them something else to talk about. And most people didn't even know that Accenture was putting on a tournament until it was decided that Tiger had scheduled his press conference to punish them. Funny way to punish someone, to give them all that free publicity.
ReplyDeleteIt's called a prenup ellen. I guess it was more iron clad then she thought it was.
ReplyDeleteI think she is only going to stay with him for the money and life style. It is a sham of a marriage, and since it started that way why changes things I guess?
He's going to speak in my town. I understand that all the employees of the golf course have to be at work at 5:30 a.m., and nobody will be allowed near the place until Tiger sweeps in with his entourage, says something banal, and leaves. Hardly worth the traffic jam it's going to cause.
ReplyDeleteIt just sort of sets wrong with me that he is the wrongdoer, but he gets to dictate the circumstances of this "press conference". I think he's an ass.
Heehee, Apple, you are so right. Reminds me of that Coen Bros movie "Intolerable Cruelty". Anyway, in six months Tiger will be back with his ho's and his wife will be screwing the pool boy. Compared to some of Enty's blinds, that's almost wholesome.
ReplyDeleteit's not a press conference,he won't be taking questions. he is issuing a statement personally.
ReplyDeletespin spin spin.
His spin team can't get one move right. Seriously, the worst PR handlers EVER.
ReplyDeleteI will only be reading about Tiger's faux mea cupla at CDaN. Enty and Community, I look forward to your editorial perspective and comments.
Let me guess how the statement will go...something about how he has sought help for his lapses and his family and he are working toward forgiveness and now he'd just like to concentrate on what he loves - golf. End scene.
ReplyDeleteDiscussed on the morning news was should Elin stand by her man during the statement a la political wife?
There have been so many comeback from salacious scandals, I do thing that people will eventually move and and start buying his stuff again. And, believe me, it is ALL about stuff. I'm sure it's his sponsors that were pushing him to make the apology. That and the millions he'll be paid by them.
ReplyDeleteHe's an excellent golfer, but husband? Not so much...
I've never liked him.
ReplyDeleteHow much you wanna bet he's gonna do it again after a while???
Let him win a tournament...
His wife deserves the apology.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't owe the public an apology.
Play Golf!
I would tell the world it was none of their business.
People can be such hypocrites.
I don't think he's the first guy/girl that has cheated on his wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend.
I don't think celebrities are role models.
Why do we expect so much from celebrites or our politicians?
Why is it that a politician can lie about going to war, but it's not ok when they cheat on their spouse.
I don't throw stones at others because i'm not perfect.
This is not newsworthy
This man's PR team (are they even really a crisis management team at all?) are amateurish at best. This isn't a press conference, as no press are asking questions, and that is going to be the story coming out of his little set piece. Not smart.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Tiger owes the public an apology for his behaviour, per se.
He owes an apology for his behaviour because he wants continue to use his image (as a family man) to generate money. I've never bought a product endorsed by any celebrity, but that isn't really the issue. The issue is Nike, and Accenture and Tag Heurer THINK that his image will sell their products to me and everyone else. Consequently they pollute every airport, magazine page, etc with their imagery and force themselves onto all of us. This gives me the right to form an opinion about it.
Ultimately, he needs to look himself in the mirror and see if the way he behaves is in anyway decent or honorable.
Please. Tiger has been cheating on Elin since day one and she's known about it and condoned it. The only thing is she didn't realize that he was schtupping every waitress from Biloxi, MS to Silver Springs, MD. Tiger only has ONE mistress (a woman that he's put through law school in addition to other perks) while the rest of these women are just hump & dumps. Tiger doesn't owe us an apology; he owes his wife and family one.
ReplyDeleteI'm so over the whole story, and I was really ticked off when I turned on the Olympics last night and the first topic was Tiger Woods.
ReplyDeleteWhat a slimy way to get attention for his statement and detract from the Olympics.
This sets a really bad precedent. If Tiger's handlers get away with this and the scandal goes away after the "press conference", every celeb & politican moving forward will hand-pick a couple of trusted press and will handle their scandals in this pathetic way.
ReplyDeleteI'll be watching closely tomorrow to see if the mainstream media refers to this as a press conference or - more rightfully - a statement. Sadly, I predict we'll hear all about the press conference, even though there's no conferencing, just a lot of issuing.
On the Accenture front...I don't think Tiger is trying to get back at Accenture by scheduling it at this time. I think he's trying to get in good with them again, by drawing attention to the Accenture tournament. This is bringing Accenture tons of name exposure, and proves the value of Tiger's name being associated with them.
ReplyDeleteoh for christsake, if he HADN'T made some public statement before returning to the tour, you'd be yelling 'who does he think he is???? he needs to EXPLAIN himself!!' he can't win. i see nothing wrong with what he's doing and as a fan, i think he had to do something. he can't just show up and walk out on the first tee---everyone would be up in arms about it. this is ok by me.
ReplyDeleteI dunno, the whole thing just cracks me up. I love hearing about it.
ReplyDeletepersonally, I don't see why he should apologize...so he cheated...what's the big deal.
ReplyDeletepeople act like he killed or raped somebody.
w/n a year people wouldn't care b/c he will once again dominate the sports and this time he will choose his women w/ more care.
ellen wasn't ever going to leave him...she was a low-rate model/nanny who made it big by marrying a billionaire...he probably had an iron-clad prenup.
or maybe she loves him and he apologized to her in private and promised that he would try his best to be a better husband.
don't know...but in the end its not our problem and it is not our place to judge.
I think the only person he owes an apology or explanation to is his wife. While I don't like him and I think he is a cheating lying pig he doesn't owe me anything. I wasn't the one he cheated on so it's really none of my business. He has spawned a ton of good jokes by his horndog actions though and for that I am thankful that he has given the world plenty to laugh at.
ReplyDeleteITA with looserdude. I have never bought anything because some celebtard endorses it, in fact I have NOT bought things because of some celebtard endorsing it. I don't like Tiger, I find his actions reprehensible, so I will not do anything to give his sponsors the impression that I am ok with him. It won't be any hardship for me though, I think golf is the most boring thing in the world and quite frankly I would actually like Tiger to fall off the face of the earth tomorrow so I don't have to look at his nasty, diseased, cheating ugly ass. He doesn't owe me shit, and I don't owe him anything either...he will not get one penny from me.
ReplyDeleteI HAVE bought a tank top and a shirt from the Miley Cyrus Wal-Mart collection though....LOL! I'm so ashamed (but they are so cute and were so cheap)!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I were heavily debating this last night. He is doing the press conference/statement SOLEY b/c he is plotting his comeback and wants to do the Masters. That is what all this prep work is for. Trying to get back in everyone's good graces, his public image and with his sponsors past/present. Hubby was telling me that the Masters is the best place to make a comeback.
ReplyDeleteTiger knows he is safe at the Masters. Its extraordinarily hard to get tickets to it and those that are in attendance will not be heckling Tiger in any sort of fashion or they will be thrown out on their asses and never be allowed to come back. If it were any other tournament he may have that to worry about but not at the Masters.
He doesn't owe me or anyone else besides his family and his sponsors an apology and I think the press conference is a joke. I used to like him but his image for me is permanently tarnished, simply because he chose to have a sham marriage instead of just bach-ing that like Clooney or John Douchebag Mayer. My husband thinks that all of this will be forgotten once he is back and winning....I think he is probably right. We are a fickle nation.
I think his comments today proved you're right, MCH. He's "not ruling out returning this year". Yep.