Friday, February 19, 2010

National Enquirer Up For A Pulitzer

The Pulitzer Prize Board has decided that the National Enquirer is eligible to win an award for their reporting on the John Edwards scandal. As a result, they are nominated for Investigative Reporting and National News Reporting. This isn't the first time The Enquirer has broken major news stories but it is the first time that old time, mainstream journalists have conceded that The Enquirer is eligible to compete for the award. From now on, they will not have to go through the approval process but will be able to submit their nominations. To me it should be a lock they win an Investigative Reporting award. It should also shame every single other news organization in the world that even when The Enquirer placed the story in their laps, the mainstream media still didn't want to report on the story because it had originated with The Enquirer and considered beneath them or suspect or something. If not for The Enquirer it is entirely possible that John Edwards would have been Vice-President or Attorney General.

Oh, and in some of their latest reporting on Edwards, The Enquirer says that John Edwards has been hitting on women frequently lately but still wants to marry Rielle Hunter. He doesn't want to marry her for love though. Nope. He wants to marry her so she can't testify against him in a federal trial.


  1. I always thought taht no news outlet was reporting it due to him running for VP and his brief presidential run. Either way the turd was finally labeled a turd.

  2. He who laughs last, laughs best!! GO ENQUIRER!!

  3. the enquirer is up for a pulitzer.

    well, this clenches it---journalism is dead.

  4. Well, they got the story rght. I'm not convinced Rielle did't sell them story herself though.

  5. Weird. On the one hand, I agree - they got the story right and first.
    On the other hand, they have a history of SHIT "reporting" and story fabrication, do they not?
    I repeat: weird.

  6. Ya gotta laugh... years ago the Enquirer had a horrible reputation and did fabricate stories. However, over the past few years they have actually gone more mainstream in their reporting and many of their stories have been pretty spot on!

  7. I'm no lawyer but I thought marital privledges was only for crimes comitted during marriage. She would still have to testify for any activity that took place while they weren't married. If they even get married that is. Which i doubt they will. She is too tainted for even John Edwards now.

    I support the pulitzer nomination. Yes, NE is a gossip magazine but their reporting on a lot of stories is dead on. Enty is right, Obama wanted Edwards as his VP before the scandal broke. It would of been a political mess had Edward been named VP and then the scandal broke.

    Many have sued for false reporting and then gotten thier asses handed to them. i.e. Eddie Murphy and the tranny story.

  8. The Enquirer is up for a Pulitzer and TMZ is breaking stories like Michael Jackson's death. It's a strange world indeed, but I think part of the situation speaks to how far the "mainstream" press has fallen. The 5 o'clock news has become totally sensationalist, and shows like Extra and Access Hollywood are nothing more than mouthpieces for publicists and designers. The mainstream press panders so much now that they dare not break a real story for fear of offending someone who is rich and powerful. So we are left with outlets like The Enquirer exposing a politician's fraudulant life and being considered for a Pulitzer. It's it 4:20 yet? I need to smoke a bowl.

  9. Given how MSM (main stream media) is in the pockets of huge corporations and policitions, I say GO Enquirer!! They are the only ones that are not afraid of the truth.

  10. Ha! This story is awesome. I knew john edwards was no good the first time I saw him talk about running for president on Letterman ( or leno..or some late night show :/ ) ..

    He just looked like a creeper and I actually wrote in my journal ( that I reread from time to time ) that if this guy won the race I really was moving to costa rica. He reeks of shmooze

  11. Haha. I loved the last sentence!

  12. You are exactly right @Little Miss.

    I am soooo glad this guy's career has crashed and burned. HA! Karma bites the ass of the deserving once again.

    And good for the NE! That is just high-larious.

  13. Hubris, thy name is John Edwards. F' him. And with that...schadenfreude to me. That's all.

  14. Miss(pdx), you are right. He has always given off a cheating preacher/too slick lawyer/snake oil salesman vibe. I never got the appeal of the man himself. And, he also looks dumb, like he believes his own lies.

  15. Had it been any other news organization, this story clearly has everything that wins the Pulitzer. (By the way, so did the 1988 story about candidate Gary Hart on the Monkey Business with Donna Rice.)

    Back in the day, "real" journalists and outlets dismissed the Enquirer because it paid sources, which somehow made whatever the Enquirer paid for suspect. I never really understood that reasoning fully -- wouldn't someone assured he/she would remain anonymous be more likely to be spreading untruths than someone who put their name behind what they said but took money for it? In any case. Somewhere along the line mainstream news outlets junked all that and now we routinely see how many millions a Time Warner publication will pay to put Brangelina's first baby photos on the cover. So what's the difference anymore (other than the fact that the Enquirer as opposed to Time Inc is doing Pulitzer-caliber work)?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. @Little Miss - you make an excellent point. Although I'm not a fan of how "in your face" TMZ can be - I actually feel sorry for some of those celebrities - they at least get to the truth despite how the publicity machines choose to spin it afterwards. Harvey Levin should run for Congress and get the scoop on what our elected officials are really up to. I'd vote for him.

  18. Haha@ little miss smoke and mirrors! Good points too.

    I thought this post was a joke just reading the title! It is totally odd that a tab I associate papers like the Sun and Star is up for such a prestigious award.

    Didn't realize Elizabeth left him either?

  19. And you wanna know how dumb I am? I worked to get the clown nominated and am very, very, very glad it failed.

    Now I hope Edwards ends up in cheese whiz hell.

  20. What's next, Lindsay Lohan nominated for an academy award?


  22. Sadly, The National Enquirer actually does what much of the main stream media neglects to do - investigative journalism. They are oftentimes the equivalent or better than many of today's news outlets (Faux Nyoos, anyone?). I never thought I'd see the day, but here it is.

  23. When I was in college as a journalism major, I took this class where we had to subscribe to the Enquirer, A local paper, and the NY Times. We had to trace stories. Nine times out of ten, any story that showed up in the local paper that was a big national story, showed up in the Enquirer first, then the NYT, then the local paper.

    This has been going on for years. The reason it's coming out now is that the internet has broken that timeline with the way everything can be reported immediately.

    Another fun fact: most of the reporters at the Enquirer are former reporters for the big papers like the NYT, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Post. The Enquirer pays the most out of any print newspaper.

  24. In a world where Barrak Obama wins a Nobel I find nothing odd about the Enquirer winning a Pulitzer prize, at least the Enquirer actually did something to win theirs instead of being awarded for what they "might" do in the future.

  25. OMG!! That is just frightening!! I think if they stoop tht low,Weekly World News should be nominated for their outstanding Bat Boy coverage!!! ROFL!!

  26. @Sara Bellum -- very interesting! Sounds like a fun class. Definitely makes me view the NE a little differently.
