Friday, February 19, 2010

National Enquirer Up For A Pulitzer

The Pulitzer Prize Board has decided that the National Enquirer is eligible to win an award for their reporting on the John Edwards scandal. As a result, they are nominated for Investigative Reporting and National News Reporting. This isn't the first time The Enquirer has broken major news stories but it is the first time that old time, mainstream journalists have conceded that The Enquirer is eligible to compete for the award. From now on, they will not have to go through the approval process but will be able to submit their nominations. To me it should be a lock they win an Investigative Reporting award. It should also shame every single other news organization in the world that even when The Enquirer placed the story in their laps, the mainstream media still didn't want to report on the story because it had originated with The Enquirer and considered beneath them or suspect or something. If not for The Enquirer it is entirely possible that John Edwards would have been Vice-President or Attorney General.

Oh, and in some of their latest reporting on Edwards, The Enquirer says that John Edwards has been hitting on women frequently lately but still wants to marry Rielle Hunter. He doesn't want to marry her for love though. Nope. He wants to marry her so she can't testify against him in a federal trial.


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