Mooshki - Movie Review - Hot Tub Time Machine
‘Hot Tub Time Machine’
Plot summary: Four guys go to a ski resort, get wasted in a hot tub and wake up as themselves in 1986. (Well, 3 of them as their younger selves - the fourth hadn’t been born yet in ‘86, so he goes back as his 2010 self.)
I love John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Lizzy Caplan, Craig Robinson and Crispin Glover, and I love ‘80s nostalgia (as long as they don’t bring back the fashion - for the love of god, people!) but this movie didn’t blow me away. I think it suffered by comparison to ‘The Hangover.’ I did laugh quite a bit, but it wasn’t ‘hard-to-breathe-clutch-your-gut’ laughter. Also, most of the ‘80s gags we’ve seen before. “Oh look! It’s a giant cell phone!”
Rob Corddry is the Zach Galifianakis equivalent, and he was funny, just not quite as funny. Part of the problem was that half of his jokes were gay jokes. “Oh my god, he’s getting naked in front of other guys!!! He must be gay! Hahahaha!” (Or not.) Not to get all pc on you, but most of it was ‘straight white guy’ humor, not ‘funny for anyone’ humor. Chevy Chase’s character was pretty much a waste. There were, of course, some ‘Back to the Future’ references, but I wish they had utilized Crispin more for that, although his character is one of the best parts of the movie. Clark Duke was also great. I hadn’t heard of him before this, but I think he’s going to have a solid career ahead of him. The rest of the cast - good, but I’ve seen them better.
My favorite things: “Two dollars,” “I write Stargate fanfiction,” and including “I Will Dare” by the Replacements in the soundtrack.
So, basic review: good but not great. I think it’s worth seeing at a matinee, or definitely as a rental, but I wouldn’t pay full price for it. (Release date: March 26th)