Thursday, February 04, 2010

Lindsay Lohan - Hoarder Or Messy?

It is a pretty sad day in this world when I look at a video of your house and determine that Pete Doherty lives in a cleaner place. Lindsay Lohan is on The Insider and gave them a tour of her house. They are calling her a possible hoarder. I think she just is messy. Plus, with as many drugs as she has done and with as much stuff as she has taken if she starts giving stuff away someone will probably find drugs or figure out it wasn't paid for and that would be bad.

With my limited experience watching the show Hoarders I get the feeling that none of them are really organized. Lindsay or someone most likely one of her chain of assistants has organized her clothes and shoes into something which is user friendly. The rest of the mess is just because she is probably too lazy or too drunk or high to really care.



  2. I agree with Enty. Sadly, I'm also horribly messy but I know where everything is and I'm not a hoarder. No food containers or random trash, just messy messy.

    That's because I'm super lazy and I suspect Lindsey is too.

    Thank God I have a cleaning lady.

  3. I would love to take some of shoes off her hands...Id have to soak them in sanitizer and penicillin first but hey

  4. Messy -- and just plain lazy.

    The laziness, the sheer amount of stuff, the fact that she gave an interview about it - it disgusts me.

  5. penicillin - ha ha!!

    Me too Genesis, me too.

  6. My husband refers to the people on Hoarders as "the Crazy Lazies".


  7. ITA, Enty. It's clear she or someone around her was (at least at one time) organized enough to put the shoes together and take all those pictures for the boxes.

    She's not a hoarder, she's just a slob. My question is: for all the money problems she has -- you know, because drugs are expensive and she's not exactly working -- why doesn't she sell some of this stuff??

  8. I could never live like that, I'd be ready to jump out of my skin. Not that I'm a neat freak or anything, I just can't deal with clutter/mess/dirt for long periods of time without losing my mind.

  9. messy, hoarder, whatever.  I do know she is such 
    a god-damn famewhore that she will go on 
    fucking television for any reason.  

  10. Dawn, you and I could be twins. Except I don't have a cleaning lady. :(

    I agree, she's messy. I saw one Hoarders show (I think the most recent) and it's really easy to have it get out of hand then feel overwhelmed by it all. Comes a time when you say enough is enough.

  11. She's not a hoarder. She's just a lazy, slobby crackhead. And I am sick of hearing all these NON-NEWS stories about her, who really gives a shit?

    Write about her when she actually has a paying gig, or goes to rehab, or has her long-overdue overdose. I am sick to death of her vapid and redundant ass.

  12. My first thought was:

    Iwonder how much she will get paid for this.

    If Inside Edition didn't pay her, she for sure is angling for a shiny new "I conquered my hoading!" OK or Life & Style mag cover

  13. D'you see that Hoarders episode where they found all those dead cats in the garage(I think it was)? Gross!! That was the last time I watched Hoarders.

  14. unbelievable. she is NOT a hoarder, she is just a messy, lazy, selfish, greedy person. ugh, and to try and garner sympathy by deciding you're a hoarder? really? is this what we've come to for attention, lindsay?

  15. Anyone else think she created this mess in her house to get some press?

  16. Semi-off-topic, I couldn't believe that she and Sam were out together a couple of days ago. I really thought they were done this time.

  17. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Two weekends ago, my sister and I cleaned out TWO rooms in our mom's house. We called 1-800-Got-Junk? (they advertise on their website as seen on Hoarders) to haul away things we could salvage or donate (an entire truck!), and the two guys who came have been on 2 episodes of Hoarders. They told us if we had given them enough warning, we could have been on the show. They thought my mom's house wasn't as bad as some others (the cat lady) but they thought my mom/her house "Would make good Hoarders."

    That said, Lindsay Lohan is a hoarder. It may be organized (somewhat), but she's a hoarder. Working with my mom over the last months trying to get her house organized and cleaned out, I've come to the understanding that hoarding is a disease and a compulsion.

    Lindsay is an alcoholic, drug addict, possible sex addict, so being a hoarder really wouldn't surprise me and seems on par for her pathology. The girl has serious issues, hoarding the least of them.

    (sorry for the length of the post)

  18. Hoarding is a mental illness. People who horde aren't lazy, they just have a neurological problem as real as someone who can't walk correctly because of a stroke. I'm an anti-hoarder. I'm obsessive-compulsive about giving things away or not acquiring stuff.

    I think that is one sick little girl in more ways than one. "Hoarding" is too limited a term to cover it all.

  19. just wanted to give Hoarders a shout-out. LOVE that show! even though it gives me the sads in a major way sometimes :(

  20. I am the antithesis of a hoarder. I have given away everything I own twice. Unfortunately, I once again have a house full of furniture and a closet full of shoes. I just hate having stuff. @ Sue Ellen. I agree totally.

  21. @ m - My mother is a hoarder, too, and my sister is quickly following in her footsteps. I cannot understand it, but I know it is an illness. I cannot live that way myself, and it has taken a terrible toll on our relationship. When I was a child, I was always too embarrassed to take friends home, because of the piles of shit everywhere. I tried to throw away a grocery bag full of TV Guides once, and she cried. So... you learn to live with it 'til you can get the hell out.

    Lindsay may be a hoarder, but I think more likely she is just a lazy slob, like most commenters suggest. And I think the mess is the LEAST of her problems...

  22. i'm not saying hoarders are lazy..i'm saying lilo isn't a hoarder.

  23. She isn't a hoarder, she's a drug addict

    I don't know many addicts that have time to clean house, thats usually further down on the list of priorities. Some rarely wash their behinds, let alone do chores.

    In addition to that, she's spoiled & lazy. I think she is just a nasty person all around.

    She assumes any neurosis; drugs, cutting, alcohol, sex, but I really don't think she's a hoarder.

    Just a con, by way of addiction.

  24. @m - I really know what you are going through. When we cleaned out my nan's condo we found hundreds of plastic cups (just to mention something), very nicely organized behind a sofa. My mum has the same tendencies too. She doesn't want to throw anything away. I think there are different kind of hoarders too. My nan saved stuff, just in case we needed something - even though we said we didn't need it. My mom is afraid to throw away memories.

  25. I find this hoarding topic fascinating.

    LL totally looks like a hoarder to me. I don't know if laziness equals hoarding. But, I bet going through all her shit is overwhelming for her and therefore it just builds and builds.

    I am so NOT a hoarder. I clear out majorly at least three times a year, closets, bathrooms, kitchen cabinets, etc. In fact, over my snow-filled weekend, I will be tackling the bane of my existence - the basement. I think basements are just an excuse for materialistic Americans to collect more shit. Argh.

    My philosophy in 2010 is: If I don't use this shit, it's going to Goodwill or charity so that someone can.

    Hoarding is totally a mental illness. I know enough peeps to know that something is going on upstairs to be holding on to all of these needless things.

  26. Never watched Hoarders but I saw a trailer the other day where one of the people on the show said "I don't think of myself as a Hoarder as much as a 'rescuer of things'".
    It made me giggle.

    That being said, if anyone has any cash in need of rescuing, e-mail me and I will help you.

  27. Hoarding is definitely a mental illness. My Aunt lost her apt because of it. She had a water leak and was too embarassed to have maintainence come in because of the mess and mold grew everywhere! it was a nightmare. but still not enought to make her keep her new place clean.

    Lindsay will say anything to try and stay relevant and earn some drug money

  28. I'm just wondering if Lindsay did this interview without her manager's / assistants knowledge. Is she trying to garner sympathy with this interview?

    I can't imagine that anyone would want to work with her after seeing this mess.

  29. Sue Ellen - the dead cats were just the beginning. I stopped watching after they showed the people keeping bags and bags of soiled adult diapers. Whew!

  30. I think she's greedy and will take any freebies that are offered or anything she can steal. She has an addictive personality. Sad that there are women who have no clothing due to losing their homes from fire, spousal abuse, unemployment and LiLo has rooms packed full of stuff (although I doubt that fuck-me pumps or torn panty hose would do these women much good).

    I have hoarding tendencies but I am working on it. I just *hate* to toss out anything that might be useful someday. I don't know why but just throwing something away made me feel guilty (and I'm an ardent recycler and hate the thought of stuff just rotting slowly-- if ever -- in a landfill.) Luckily I found and it makes me feel better to offer up something that someone else could use.


  31. she and michael jackson would've had a ball shopping together.

    i hate her. she's spoiled, selfish and lazy. fuck her and her shoes.

  32. Trouble with piled-up mess like this is, when were the floors underneath last cleaned? There are lots of bugs in California (no cold winter to kill them off) and it's amazing how fast they show up if you don't clean regularly. In between 'slobs' and 'hoarders' you got 'slobs with filth', and it ain't pretty. Or healthy. Twice I've helped friends clean out a house when a non-cleaning relative had left it. My god. We used rubber gloves, but even so, you want to boil yourself afterwards.

  33. Genesis -- I agree completely!

    (Looks like she's a size 9, according to one blog. Too big for me. Oh well!)

  34. She's a hoarder.

    You don't have to have random trash or bad food to be a hoarder. A hoarder is someone who can't throw/give-away things away that are no longer used or are useless.

    Lazy is just not organizing. But if you got in the mood and threw/give-away that messy stuff without being close to a mental breakdown, then you are just lazy.

    And surprising many hoarders are perfectionist and OCD.

  35. I wonder how much of that crap was made by the small hands of Indian sweatshop kids?

    Hmmmmm St. Lindsay?

  36. My dad was a hoarder-light. He just considered himself a conservationist. Really. He would let things go, but only to approved people/places and only once he had decided he would NEVER have use for them again.

    He died 6 and a half years ago and my mom is still overwhelmed by all his stuff. She has her own problems letting stuff go too. My sister, as a reaction to all this, is obsessive about getting rid of stuff. She won't even save an email or a show on TiVo. I'm somewhere in between, just lazy until I get annoyed by all the clutter, and then a big cleaning frenzy takes place.

  37. I like watching shows like "Hoarders" but have a real problem with this show presenting obvious depressives as all being hoarders. I think hoarders become attached to things and often organize them, whilst some of the families on the tv show are just dirty and overwhelmed and depressed. I think the difference is when people save things b/c they might have value (recycling) whereas if garbage is on the floors it's not as if it's being saved, just neglected and ignored.
