Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Katie Price Says She Has Been Keeping A Low Profile - Wants Kids

If you have only ever read stories about Katie Price but never actually listened to her, then I suggest you take two minutes and watch her appearance from this morning on GMTV in the UK. It gives you a really good sense of who she is. In her two minutes she slams reports that she and her new husband Alex Reid are already on the rocks. In fact she says she is going to take legal action against the newspaper that reported that. Uh huh. She also says that she has been keeping a low profile. Really? Compared to what? She has been in the top three stories in the UK for several months so I would hate to see when she was really trying for publicity. Speaking of which, her new show starts this week in the UK. How convenient is it that she has a new marriage just in time for the new season? Oh, and she says she and Alex are already trying for kids. The last thing this world needs is for Katie Price to bring more children into the world. The only time I thinks she even spends with them alone is when there are television cameras focused on her.

Think about how many pictures you see of Victoria Beckham with her kids. Now think about how often you see Katie Price with her kids. They are both in front of cameras an equivalent time, but rarely do you see Katie with hers while Victoria always seems to be with hers.


  1. Is this the one they also call Jordan who was married to the pretty looking guy with the baby named Princess Tiamarisomething?

  2. This woman is everything that is wrong with fake celebrity and I find her absolutely vile. She seems like a completely self-absorbed narcissist, and I can't figure out why people give a crap about her.

  3. Lying is the new black. Stars, politicians, nobody even cares if they get caught because there aren't really any bad consequences.

  4. Say what you like about Posh, but I always did feel like she actually likes her kids and wants to be with them.

    However, Katie Price will always be remembered for her involvement in one of the great love stories - Romeo and Juliet; Heloise and Abelard; Katie Price and Katie Price.

  5. This is one woman who totally grosses me right out.

  6. Cheryl - Yes you're right, one and the same

    Katie Price is one of those people who actually makes me sick to my stomach. She's a manipulative, famewh**ing excuse for a human being and I really don't understand why the media and the public give her the attention she craves.

  7. She looks like the singer(Pete Burns)from the 80's group Dead or Alive, before all his surgeries.

  8. famewhore! the best thing that ever happened to her was Peter Andre. i hope he gets full custody of all THREE of the kids one day. she is a disgrace.

    and for the record i bet $$$ she is pregnant.

  9. Yawwwn!
    Is this the UK? Um, no!

  10. I loathe, detest and despise her

  11. Er, so let me see if I get this right... She goes on to a tv show to complain about unwanted media scrutiny, whilst having herself filmed 24/7 for her new reality show. Bitch, please.
    Enty, may we please ban her from the site?

  12. I feel really bad for her 3 children one of whom is so severly handicapped, his own father didnt bother with him. Katie was lucky enough to find a good man in Peter Andre (her recent ex). Peter even adopted her handicapped son even though they are divorced he takes the handicapped child w) his own biological children. Thats one hell of a man. katie you are fool

  13. austinrob,get used to it, Enty posts from different places outside of America,,imagine that huh?? lol.

  14. Interesting, I never thought of Posh as likely to be a good mother, but Enty's right, she does seem to be with them a whole lot. That's nice.

  15. I'm still pissed that "the Doctors" had her on their show. Really? REALLY? I need medical/parenting advice from this ho-bag? No, thank you.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Peter André never adopted Harvey. Katie Price is a unpleasant person who needs to spend time with her kids.

  18. Whether Peter Andre adopted Harvey or not he still spends a lot of time with him, which is more than that Ho of a mother does - if 'mother' even describes that pitiful waste of space ! I wish the press would ignore her, I can't stand seeing her face !

  19. Meant to add - neat comment about Posh - never thought of it that way, but yes she does spend time with her kids and appears to enjoy them ! Good on ya, Victoria !

  20. i don't know much about this lady and don't really care to, but every time i see a story on her i think about how gross she looks but how beautiful she probably was before she started the plastic surgery and tanning.

  21. god I am so glad Chelsea Handler called out this fame whore
    that was so awesome, you can tell how much it must have thrown her, here in this interview she is cool as a cucumber, ultimatly in control and in that interview you could totally see her stumble up a few times.

  22. i can picture her and tila being the best of friends...same ilk and all.

  23. then again chelsea handler hates EVERYTHING so

  24. Bella, I agree with you up to the point where you say Katie Price needs to spend more time with her kids. Actually, I'd say they'd be much better off if she never bothered to see them again -- she's a hag. (When she appeared with Peter Andre on Graham Norton, she was not only stupid but also jaw-droppingly abusive of her husband.) Peter seems like a devoted dad and a good guy -- I wish he'd get full custody of all three of those children.

  25. Katie Price really needs to STFU. Enough, drag hag! Before in the 'Pete' days, I was happy to live n let live. Now though, she's troubling. I feel for those kids! Their mama looks like a Nancy Dell'Olio rip off, which I can only put down to delusions of the seriously snorted kind...


  26. Katie Price is the most skaniest, and least deserving of anything, person in this entire world. She looks like a porn star, talks like she never finished school, and has the ugliest boob-job EVER. I wish people like her weren't allowed to breed. The fact she wants more, with that revolting new guy, is just plain unbearable to consider. Those poor kids having a trashy whore like her for a mother...

