Katie Price Says She Has Been Keeping A Low Profile - Wants Kids
If you have only ever read stories about Katie Price but never actually listened to her, then I suggest you take two minutes and watch her appearance from this morning on GMTV in the UK. It gives you a really good sense of who she is. In her two minutes she slams reports that she and her new husband Alex Reid are already on the rocks. In fact she says she is going to take legal action against the newspaper that reported that. Uh huh. She also says that she has been keeping a low profile. Really? Compared to what? She has been in the top three stories in the UK for several months so I would hate to see when she was really trying for publicity. Speaking of which, her new show starts this week in the UK. How convenient is it that she has a new marriage just in time for the new season? Oh, and she says she and Alex are already trying for kids. The last thing this world needs is for Katie Price to bring more children into the world. The only time I thinks she even spends with them alone is when there are television cameras focused on her.
Think about how many pictures you see of Victoria Beckham with her kids. Now think about how often you see Katie Price with her kids. They are both in front of cameras an equivalent time, but rarely do you see Katie with hers while Victoria always seems to be with hers.