Friday, February 12, 2010

How Much Is Julia Roberts Worth?

By the time you finish reading this little post you could have earned yourself $500,000. Actually if you are a slow reader you could have earned even more as long as your name is Julia Roberts. New York Magazine is reporting that Julia Roberts was paid $3M for her role in Valentine's Day. That doesn't seem like a lot until you realize that she is in the movie for six minutes. That is $500K a minute. Oh, and she is one of two people in the movie who will also get 3% of the gross which means that if the movie makes $200M worldwide, Julia would get $6M or $1M a minute. The other actor that gets the same deal is Jamie Foxx. I already know that Jamie Foxx is not worth that much. I don't think 3% of the people who come to see the movie are coming solely because of Jamie Foxx. I don't think he is the person that is pushing them over the edge to see the movie. I actually feel the same way about Julia Roberts except for one big BUT. Because she is in the movie all the ads can tout that it is a Pretty Woman reunion and that is worth some ticket sales. Without her in it all you can do is say that it is directed by the director of Pretty Woman.

Still though that is a lot of money. Oh, and from what I have seen, most of the reviews are bad, and only one review has had anything remotely positive to say about the acting of Taylor Swift.


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