Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Have You Ever Wanted To Be With A Gigolo?

Although not exactly a fine specimen like Deuce Bigelow, Markus is the world's first male hooker, or as the NY Post reporter likes to call him, a prosti-dude. The NY Post paid one of their writers to head out to Nevada and have an encounter with the man who has been working at a brothel for a couple of weeks. Apparently business is slow because the reporter was only his second customer. His first was a 45 year old woman who was "wild as a bug.”

Markus claims that he heals people and would love nothing more to be spanked by a woman dresses as a cop. Good to know if you are ever thinking of getting him a gift. It is a funny article and worth your time. For the record, the reporters swears she didn't have sex with Markus although she did note that he is very well endowed. He can be all yours for just $200.


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