I know Gwyneth Paltrow made some chicken a few months back. I know she hates chocolate. I know she used to be on some strange micro-biotic diet that I still don't understand. I know her favorite nickname is fish sticks. I know she will wear fur if you pay her enough money. I know she said she was vegan. What I didn't know was that she wasn't a vegetarian. She is now a meat lover. Oh. Only on Thanksgiving though. Did she eat meat when she went traveling with Mario Batali? Didn't she used to hate meat? Do I care too much about what Gwyneth says each week? Oh, GOOP is now in Spanish! So, now she can make people cringe in two languages!
Here is what she said this week in her newsletter. I can go ahead and reprint the whole thing because she spent about 10 seconds writing it.
"I am not a vegetarian, but when I heard about “Meat Free Monday,” I was intrigued. I had never thought about the environmental impact of raising livestock. Below are the facts presented by Paul McCartney, our favorite vegetarian cookbooks, and a meat free dinner recipe from Mr. Chow to get us off to a good start...."

I like the recipes she posts so I guess I'll be a GOOPsster. I bet GOOP is probably loathing the fact that I'm making non-gluten free peppermint chocolate cupcakes. I'll be relishing all that gluten goodness tonight.
ReplyDeleteShe ate a lot of meat and seafood on her "On The Road" show in Spain. I don't care what she is or isn't eating, she is one of the most annoying people on earth.
ReplyDeleteDITTO REESE......BORING...
ReplyDeleteI love how she says "OUR favorite.." and "get US off to a good start..."
ReplyDeleteMarijuana. Teaching Americans the metric system one joint at a time.
ReplyDelete"I had never thought about the environmental impact of raising livestock."
ReplyDeleteHow AMERICAN of you Gwyneth.
lmao@ sunnyside
ReplyDeleteShe was on the Oprah Show last year and said if it has legs she DIDN'T eat it (or something similar to that) which would include meat.
ReplyDeleteOh Goopie, you're a liar, liar, pants on fire.
LOL @Alice D Millionaire
ReplyDeleteI didn't think she ate meat, either.
strange timing! i posted a vegetarian version of her recipe today (only a few changes really)
ReplyDeletePS there are vegetarian versions of "fish sauce"...just go to any Vietnamese grocery store...she could have done that knowing as "much" as she does.
I think she had mentioned in the Batali/Spain travelogue that she doesn't eat "four-legged animals," so I guess no beef, pork, lamb, etc. Coming from her, the 4-legged comment sounded stupid and lame. Particularly knowing she was preaching the whole macrobiotic not too long ago and judging others for feeding their kids junk food.
ReplyDeleteI used one of the recipes she posted on her site for a while (and for the life of me, I cannot think of what it was) and it was pretty good.
ReplyDeleteLol. The only thing we all know about Goop is that she's a hypocrite. She used to be macrobiotic, then she isn't. She tells you to enjoy your food, then encourages you to detox to lose a few pounds. She says she's a proud American, but she puts the U.S. down. She puts out a newsletter about love and making a rel'ship work, but she's married (probably) to a cheat.
ReplyDeleteNuff said? Take it all with a fat grain of kosher salt, I guess.
I'm in London, England and use imperial as often as possible. Can't bear metric and am dreading the day the jobsworths bring it in permanently.
ReplyDeleteOh and I'm a Goopster too, but only because I used to love her before she disappeared up her arse.
Enty, if you must post pictures of Goop, please go for the unappealing candid shot kind. Her often hypocritical, usually uninformed and always arrogant tips should never be shared in a way that makes Goop look good.
ReplyDeleteI had to skip doppelganger week on FB because she'd the one I'd have to post. Although she is starving and I am normal (ok, maybe normal +5).
ReplyDeletehey! i'm an American and the main reason i dont eat meat is due to the enviromentenal cause and effect of mass produced meat. I love how she just realized this when for decades the word has been out that if its not locally grown its damaging on the enviroment. duhhhh squared gwennie pie
ReplyDeletep.s. west end girl- your funny
ReplyDeleteOh my god, a celebrity hypocritically not practising what they preach!?! What the-? I don't underst-? How? Why? She must have forgotten she's famous, that's the only reasonable excuse.
ReplyDeleteJasmine I was just having a little fun. I am American (and happy to be) and have been a veg for 17 years and worked at a natural grocery store so I am aware of all this jazz. Gwyneth just acts like Americans are so unaware of the environment, great cuisine, style, spirituality, beauty secrets, and fabulous things in general. Calling her American would be the ultimate insult! ;)
ReplyDeletei know girl, i was just joshing also.
we cool 'with it' americans have to stick together so that collectively we can scorn and hiss at those ignorant other americans who have just now discovered the wonders of what being a vegatarian can do for the enviroment (im lookin' at you gwennie doll)
; D