Friday, February 05, 2010

Banker Looking At Naked Photos Of Miranda Kerr Keeps His Job

Earlier this week I posted the photos above. They were of a guy who was looking at naked pictures of Miranda Kerr while at work. Probably not a big deal, but his computer was being seen all across Australia on television. As soon as his bosses found out they had security escort him from the building and he has been at home since.

Well, today he found out he will be allowed to keep his job. One of his biggest supporters was Miranda Kerr who came out in support of the banker and said he should get to keep his job. Apparently most people around Australia agreed also and finally the bank relented and let him keep his job. I mean I think it is pretty obvious the guy will probably never surf the internet at work again. In case you have never seen the video of the entire incident, it is below.


  1. It looks like he was going back and forth from the photo to his email. I wonder if the photo was an email attachment and he wasn't surfing the net.

    Letting him keep his job is the right call. He's learned his lesson.

  2. i'm glad he got to keep his job! this has been cracking me up all day.

  3. i want to know if he's married! can you imagine how mad you would be if your husband got caught doing that on tv? i mean in privacy, who cares, but

  4. If this was my husband I think I would just shake my head and roll my eyes and maybe throw in a "dumb a**" but I wouldn't really be mad. It is not like it is hard core porn. And it looks like everyone can see everyone else's computers so they probably do this stuff all the time there.

  5. My husband is in computers & works for a large company. There is an entire unit that monitors the employees computer activities. Quite a few were immediately escorted out for using the company computers for child porn/hardcore porn. Of all things--a work computer??

  6. lutefisk: well, that was money well spent. Hope they dragged them straight to the police station?

  7. thats funny as hell

  8. Delta Sierra--I think they all got what was coming to them.

  9. Lutefisk, my hubby was part of one of those units. (He didn't like it, but it's what you do to make a living some times). Hubby found out a co-worker had downloaded hundreds of photos of young girls in skimpy clothes (kinda like the photos earlier this week of Noah Cyrus). The man was fired. He threatened to sue but never did. The whole situation made my husband physically ill.

  10. I really don't think an employer should complain about "internet abuse" when they actually offer the internet to staff. It is one thing if the staff member goes out of their way to do a porn search at work (which is stupid) but another for checking your email with perhaps a cute picture of a model that someone sent you.

    I work at a place where we are actually expected to use the internet as part of our job. Yet, we are not supposed to use it for personal emails, or even personal searching. I still use my work computer to check my celebrity gossip daily though. Thanks Enty!

  11. Come on, doesn't anyone else think that was done completely intentionally? He is browsing away, there is someone standing there talking to him while he has this nudie pic up, and at the end of the interview, him and his buddy he is talking to totally look at the camera knowing FULL WELL what they just did!

  12. careful...employers are becoming a lot more ninja like in their internet monitoring. and if they calculate all the time wasted,you could find yourself terminated from Theft Of Time.

    heinous and Big Brother? yes.
    completely realistic to lose your job over TMZ? you better believe it.

  13. Momster, my husband says the same thing. It is sickening that people are out there doing this, especially on company owned computers. How much of a deviant is someone that not only do they download child porn, but need to have it on their work computer?

  14. Why shouldn't he keep his job? There don't seem to be any other complaints about him and he was only unfortunate enough to get caught doing something people do at work every day.

  15. He wasn't looking at anything unsavory. Just some racy posed photos of a Victoria Secret model.

    Like Alice D Millionaire, If I were his wife I would just laugh it off. So not a big deal.

    Pity this guy has to suffer the public embarassment of something that is soooo not a big deal.

  16. Anonymous1:24 PM

    My place of employment caught a child porn freak and he went to jail. I know they monitor everything we do, but so far they aren't being dicks about regulating us, thank god. It's inevitable that it'll happen at some point though as they're forced to reduce staff. I just hope I get a warning before I get fired.

  17. I really don't think an employer should complain about "internet abuse" when they actually offer the internet to staff.

    @ Basil - Employers shouldn't complain about abuse? Really?? Can I work for you, please?

    I've always made it a point to severely limit my personal internet use at work. I only gave my email address to immediate family and my two closest friends with instructions to use it only if they were having trouble reaching me any other way. I made it absolutely clear that I didn't want jokes, forwards or funny pics. Meanwhile, colleagues around me were spending time shopping, on Facebook and god only knows what else. Only very infrequently would I log on to check my bank balance or pay a utility bill but that was it. I'm not holier than thou - I just know that I have a short attention span and didn't want the distraction.

    On the other hand, it was open season on office supplies. :P

  18. Big's the trading floor...very tame

  19. @Mango...I agree that people should be cautious about what they use their computers for at work. If it is something you don't want you boss to see, save it for when you get home.

    But what about using your computer at work on your lunchbreak to check Facebook or hotmail or something like that> I know of places that do not like their staff even using hotmail or yahoo or whatever they deem. Well, if that is the case, then don't let them have access to it. If they want to use the technology to communicate with other employees, create an in house system, or put up filters for outside sites.

    And please, you can't tell me those bosses who got snippy with this guy haven't used the interntet for their own personal purposes whether it be online banking or checking their own email accounts or even going on to Amazon to see what to shop for.

  20. I thought this was funny! And those are her GQ pictures so there wouldn't even be a nip in them, ha ha

  21. ROFL!!! What a dink head!!!

  22. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I really don't think an employer should complain about "internet abuse" when they actually offer the internet to staff.

    that's ALMOST the equivalant as saying, "Well, they provide telephones, I don't know how they can expect us not to talk all day long on them"

  23. Didn't I read that his wife let him know what was happening by text? Seriously, I lived in Australian for 4 years and the stuff on tv is much racier than anything we have in the US.
