Ashley Cole Had Sex With One Of His Sexting Buddies
The Sun is reporting that Ashley Cole had sex before two different away soccer matches with a woman he had previously sexted. Last week I posted about how Ashley Cole had sexted with a couple of women and he said it was all a misunderstanding. Now one of those women has given an interview to The Sun and she says she had sex with Ashley two different times. The first time they had sex she went to a room that had been booked under the name of someone from Chelsea and the second time, a member of the team's front office escorted her to Ashley's room. The second time is made even more strange because Ashley turned up the television because John Terry was in the room next door and didn't want John Terry to hear them. Probably because he figured John would want to join in the fun.
The picture above is from Friday where Cheryl Cole picked up Ashley at the hospital after he had surgery. Look a little tense to you? I would have told him to hobble home on crutches. Cheryl is scheduled to perform tonight on UK television. Should be very interesting.