Zachary Levi & Caitlin Crosby Are Over
You know me. I rarely write about breakups because they are too frequent and usually boring. But, I have been known to make exceptions and this is one of them. Why do you ask? Well, first of all thanks for asking. The reason is that despite the fact that Zachary Levi was the one supposedly doing the break up, I am pretty sure the "statement" came from Caitlin herself. Or a relative. Probably Caitlin.
Here is what the "statement" had to say. "He broke up with her on Saturday before his big NBC premiere aired. The couple recently returned from a great vacation in Turks and Caicos and Puerto Rico." OK, lets stop right there. Who knows if the vacation was great or not. If I told you I went on vacation you wouldn't know if it was great or if my dad made me push the minivan for 30 miles each day. So one point in the column that this is Caitlin as the source for this.
"He told her it was bad timing and if God brings them together in the future it's meant to be. This isn't the first time the actor has tried to end things."
So, it is someone who knows that Zachary has tried to break up before but Caitlin for whatever reason has dissuaded him. How would someone know he had tried to break up before? Another point for Caitlin being the source.
"She is heartbroken, but she is already writing great songs about it. The singer will keep herself busy with an upcoming tour to promote her album Flawz."
Wow, how often do you see the plug in the breakup statement? Already writing great songs about it? This is so Caitlin. If it isn't her then she was in the background on the phone yelling, "remind them about them album and the tour."
(Thanks Abra)