Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Wednesday's Drunk Celebrities - Mariah Carey vs. Ke$ha

I love when celebrities get drunk and then act as if nothing is wrong. I'm not shocked Mariah Carey was drunk at the Palm Springs Film Festival, but it is really painful to watch. Also drunk yesterday or at least appearing to be drunk when she filmed her Ellen appearance is Ke$ha and yes, I hate typing her name with that damn dollar sign in it. It is especially fun to watch Ke$ha at about the 3:40 mark where the audience member has to steady her. (Thanks Meghan) Yes, she could have also lost her balance on the stairs, but that isn't as much fun.


  1. kesha doesn't look drunk to me at all...she probably just lost her balance and someone helped her.

    I don't know what you are talking about.

  2. Wow. Mariah needs to see this video. I'll bet she would be horrified, if she saw it sober. I wonder if she is ever sober anymore. If she was, she would stop dressing her husband and dogs in matching outfits so they compliment her wardrobe choices.

    As for Kesha(I'm putting my foot down at the dollar sign), she sounds like a thousand other girls. She won't last the whole year. Her hair and makeup is a sad, failed attempt to look like GaGa, but ends up looking like gaga. She'd better start socking her money away. She'll have to live on it while job hunting this coming winter.

    But, what do I know? I thought Madonna was done after her coffee table book came out.

  3. Dear God, that Kesha song made my ears bleed.

  4. Mariah is one of those "I love you" drunks...who'da thunk? I LUV it.

  5. I'd like to see Kesha's birth certificate. I need to see that damn dollar sign on it before I take the time to use the shift key

  6. lol, i'm with you on mariah tea lady.

    kesha might have been a little tipsy but maybe not. i often lose my balance like that for no good reason at all. sometimes i bet my neighbors think i'm a lush.

  7. *everything TheWatcher said*

    but...just gotta say...regarding kesha, while i automatically love anyone that barfs in paris hilton's closet and writes about it, i can't condone the high-school dropout about truncating your life once your 15 min. are up. still like her way more than gaga, who gags me way more.

  8. Mariah isn't always a sweet drunk. She's been known to be a really mean drunk as well. She is technically a "Schizophrenic Drunk".

  9. i swear, i had never heard that song nor heard of the girl before. i guess i need to catch up, but it just sounded HORRIBLE

    as for mariah... i think it was pretty funny, to be perfectly honest. i think i would enjoy partying with her.

  10. More drunken Mariah videos and stories please!

    She might have salvaged the moment if she had just said, "Thank you" and staggered off. She could have blamed the weaving walk on her heels.

    @ Vanessa - Why are you always such a crankypants? Enty made it clear that he was speculating as to her intoxication.

  11. Doesn't Mimi always act this way?

  12. If I was married to Nick Cannon, I'd get drunk too. Regularly.

  13. I view the Mariah clip as Mariah just being Mariah. She comes off as being a flake, which doesn't offend me, I just expect more.

    I recall her feeling like a smacked ass after the debaucle that was "Glitter." So, here she is accepting an award in a role in which her peers think she was amazing and she's acting like a tipsy ditz. So, she has an opportunity to redeem herself and go to these award ceremonies being fierce and fabulous, and instead she's coming off as a ditzy, tipsy, not giving a fuck, megastar who is at times considered a joke, despite her talents. I'm sure these awards shows are boring as hell and the temptation to get your drink on is there, plus to calm the nerves. But, seriously I would think she would want to be coherent and fabulous and present herself as a, "fuck all y'all I'm a goddess" actress.

    Then again, I don't understand marrying Nick Cannon or wearing skin-tight clothing circa 1989 at age 40 or rocking butterflies. So, my wavelength is definitely not on the Mariah level.

  14. Sunnyside, lately it sure seems that way. I'm all for a good buzz, but I think Mimi needs to chose the right time/place.

  15. I thought the Mariah video was kind of funny. I've been that drunk, and much drunker. And so have ALL OF YOU. *L*

    I made it about 4 seconds into the Kesha song. Drunk or not, she should pick an alternate career.

  16. The Kesha song makes me want to stab my ears out. And I can't believe this broke a record in America. As a music teacher, this greatly disturbs me.

  17. Hey Congrats to Mariah (while I am not a fan of hers) on her performance in Precious. After getting dogged for so long about "Glitter" and snapping due to pressure a few years back, good for her that she is back. I know I would have indulged in the bubbly as well and celebrated like no tomorrow.

  18. Lol - theWatcher's comment about using the Shift key for Kesha made me laugh with a mouth full of water. *claps*

  19. Anonymous11:42 AM

    i didn't have a problem w mariah's speech - seems like typical mariah.

    ke$ha on the other hand, i made it about 20 seconds.

  20. ha ha ha @ Mariah

    On Ke$ha...The last 15-20 seconds of the video was where she appeared wasted. And yelled "Oww!". And stumbled onto an audience member. And did all sort of nervous unsteady odd figeting while Ellen plugged her album. The whole theme of that song is about going out and getting wasted so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. :)
    One of the lines of the song is about waking up and brushing her teeth with a bottle of Jack. That's hardcore!!!

    I can't really make fun of her too much as I stumble when sober frequently...

    Oh and b/c I know you guys are all dying to go and buy her album....when I was googling who this girl was yesterday, i read that she had the $ symbol in her name to be ironic b/c a) "she doesn't believe in placing an emphasis on money" and b) she sang in that Flo Rida song (Right Round) and didn't get credit for it.

  21. seriously though, knowing she had something to do with that flo rida song is what really makes me dislike her.

  22. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Its nice seeing Mariah not acting like a stuffed shirt. Sometimes I think she might not be so bad to hang out with.

    Provided I don't have to provide the servants to lower her on my couch.

  23. Eh, I don't think Kesha's drunk, I think she just lost her balance. She was too together for the rest of it to be drunk. MCH, really?? I remember when I first heard the Flo-Rida song she was credited in it on my car stereo at least (that little scrolling thingie) because when I got home I tried to find more music by her.

  24. @ SFG, yeah maybe. And she didn't lip sync. I dunno. I just thought it was funny. And yes, I read two different things about the Flo Rida.
    NYTimes article here
    I also saw that on Wikipedia, so...take with a GOS i guess?

  25. *the Flo Rida thing

  26. I only wish my makeup looked as good as Mimi's did in her drunken state, but my hair has looked like Kesha's and I have stumbled around like that (tho I think I do sing better songs, even drunk).


  27. Loved the Mariah video. It just made my the fact that she's an "I love you" drunk. I can get on board with you that Mimi!

  28. Props for not lip synching.

  29. I'm just a little disappointed that yodel seems to belong to her backup singer. That song is my guilty pleasure. So bad it's good.

  30. What about Ke$ha's interview before her performance on Lopez tonight... she seemed completely out of it to me.
